I want to take this time to apologize profusely to all my readers who eagerly awaited news of an update or chapter release. I am thankful you still hold me in high regards. I regret that I did not update much sooner. I meant to so much but as you see I was caught off guard by a multitude of events that kept me distracted off my intended course. I tend to find myself procrastinating without meaning to or that I am called away by some other event that I am needed to attend to. In the meantime, I hope to get back on to writing before World events come to fruition or something like that. I feel like a hypocrite sometimes for always egging on fellow authors for not updating but not doing so myself.

On another note, this chapter was hard to write for a variety of reasons. For one, I had to piece together the events, the characters and how the "magic element" fit into the story. I also had to look back on the original story for references without coming off as cliché or a Mary-Sue. Also, you note that the characters speak in all ranges of eloquence, speech, and mannerisms that are not like their anime counterparts. I know that Naruko is not all bombastic, wild, or loud like she is depicted in the anime. But bear with me. This is for the sake of the story. As the old wise man once said; our experiences can morph us for either the better or the worst. In other words, people change whether we want them to or not. On to the story. Read and review.

Disclaimer: Misashi Kishimoto owns Naruto and all of its contents.

Bold Italics-1st person flashback

San, chan-honorifics



SasuNaru Fanfiction

The Fox Princess

Chapter 12: Trapping the Vixen

Sasuke back peddled several feet. His eyes were wide with disbelief. Could it really be; standing before him as beautiful and vibrant as the night he saw her…as a human? The woman giggled lightly. Sasuke composed himself. Translucent yet tangible, yes it was her. She was in the same orange dress she wore and her hair was the same shade of blonde. Wasting not a second, he rushed up and spun her around in the air several times before embracing her tightly. He kissed her deeply.

"After all this time, I finally have you once again...he trailed off when he saw her saddened face. "What is wrong, Naruko?" he asked. Naruko glanced at him with dismayed eyes. "Alas Sasuke we are together and yet so far apart. For you see, it is only in this dreamscape that I am able to meet you. My physical form however is still in that horrible place I have been forced to call home these last few months" she spat disdainfully. Sasuke rested both his hands on her shoulders.

"What's important is that we are together once again if only for a brief moment". He reached into his shirt and pulled out the swan's feather. "This feather you left behind has been my only clue to finding you". Naruko ghosted her fingers over the soft plume and smiled softly.

"I prayed that somehow you come find me. Even though it is only in spirit and I am fated to be bound to the monster that cursed me". Naruko hung her head to hide her eyes that now shed tears. Sasuke gently removed some of them before raising her to meet his eyes.

"Tell me everything" he commanded her gently. Naruko smiled at him before walking up to a wooden bench that seemed to appear out of nowhere. She sat down and patted the spot next to her. Sasuke obliged. The princess exhaled before beginning her tale.

"It was four years ago…"


The Kingdom of Uzu

My kingdom was the most beautiful kingdom in the world. In fact, one could say it was a step away from Heaven. The white marble castle loomed large and looming like a great protector over the village down below. Forest surrounded the place for miles that dotted the edge of various mountain passes and protected the residents from the harsh elements. What truly made the kingdom stick out was the way the sun would shine upon the castle causing it to light up. The kingdom was ruled by my gracious parents, King Minato and Queen Kushina. The man was a handsome individual with mid-length blonde hair with two strands that hung by his ears that spiked up slightly and vivid blue eyes. His queen was a beautiful and vibrant woman with red hair that nearly reached the floor and green eyes. The people of Uzu loved their monarchs. They were wise, honest, kind, stern but fair and never once abused their royal disposition over their subjects. Needless to say, life was good. It would have been also dull had it not been for a certain snag.

See, Sasuke-kun. I was not like most princesses who spent their days primping themselves in front of the mirror or waiting for their prince to come. I was a bit of a tomboy! Instead of stylish up-dos and fancy dresses, I preferred pigtails and short flowy dresses that I could move around in easily. I was well known by the village for being a mischief maker. I would run on rooftops, perform non-destructive vandalism, and scare the villagers with carefully constructed pranks. Occasionally I would get caught and forced to apologize but other than that it was all good fun. Regardless, it was always left with a smile and personally, they seemed to enjoy my good natured fun as it kept things from becoming too boring.

I would have rather things had been had I known how fast my life was about to change.

Naruko P.O.V.


The voice of an angered servant echoed the halls of a castle. He had a dark skin with dark hair that was kept in a ponytail with a parted bangs. He had a small scar across the bridge of his nose. He was adorned in the servants garb typical of the Namikaze/Uzumaki clan; a black long sleeved shirt with matching black pants and boots with an orange vest with a sun spiral on the back. The said man was currently seeking out the bane of his existence. Then he groaned in frustration. He exited his way through the castle and toward the entrance of the garden. He scoped the open expanse of flora until he spotted her. The girl in question was standing before a large fountain and also very dirty.

"Naruko-hime! I've been looking everywhere for you. Look at yourself you're a mess!"

The girl blushed pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiled sheepishly. "A-a-ano Iruka-san, I was just…" she didn't get the chance to finish before her disgruntled bodyguard a.k.a. attendant grasped her wrist and pulled her inside. "Nevermind that now. We gotta get you cleaned up before we bring you to see your parents. Luckily for you, they are in a meeting right now so you have plenty of time to go wash". After being tended to by her handmaids, the princess was dressed in a fine silk orange dress with a purple camisole (her current dress), her hair was left down and a gold tiara placed atop her head.

The blonde princess examined herself in the mirror. She furrowed her brows. The Ideal Uzumaki princess she thought disdainfully. That was how her parents and everyone else wished her to be. Just another cookie-cutter princess whose only purpose was to stand still, look pretty, act calm, demure and poised, and most of all marry a prince.

A knock interrupted her thoughts. It was Mebuki, one of her handmaids and the mother of her friend, Sakura (1).

"Naruko-hime, your parents have requested your presence immediately" she said gently. Naruko sighed and nodded. "Thank you Mebuki. I will come". She was led to the throne room where her parents were just finishing up their important meeting. When she entered, the monarchs greeted their daughter with a smile. As she stepped in further, she had yet to notice another presence.

"Hey runt how is it going?"

Her head whipped in the direction of the voice making her hair fall over her face slightly. She beamed a wide smile. A broad man with short white shaggy hair almost similar to her fathers that he kept in a ponytail. His dark eyes had red lines underneath. He was adorned in a green short kimono and matching pants with a red vest over it and sandals.


She lunged at the man and gave him a long hug to which he returned. He ruffled the top of her head. "Hey kid, miss me?" Naruko pouted and rearranged her hair to how she like it. She jabbed his chest. "Maybe? What about you Ero-senin? (2) The old man guffawed before regaining his composure.

"Don't call me that brat" he scolded playfully. The monarchs watched the banter quietly before the king cleared his throat to garner their attention. "Not that this isn't a joyful reunion. But right now, we have something to discuss with you, Naruko-chan" he stated with a stern yet gentle voice. Naruko turned to her look alike curiously.

"It has come to my attention by a certain few that you have been making several unannounced visits to the nearby forest without an escort". The princess placed her hands behind her back and shuffled her feet. Minato sighed and shook his head. "Naruko you know you can't keep running off like that. It's dangerous! Especially since you know what lurks around in those woods!"

Naruko stamped her foot and crossed her arms. "That is crap Father and you know it. I have been in and out of the forest many times and have never dealt with anything I couldn't handle!"

"Watch how you speak to your father!" her mother scolded angrily. "We are telling you this for your own good. You turned 14 years old months ago yet you insist on behaving as if you were less than that!

Naruko shrugged her shoulders spurned. The Queen's features softened.

"Listen sweetheart. Things are…dangerous right now. There have been unsettling reports; rumors if you will of people disappearing for no particular reason. Most have even surmised they have been killed off though I highly doubt it" the queen noted curling a finger on her chin. Jiraya chose this time to pipe in.

"Some have speculated that many of the disappearances have something to do with the borders beyond the forest" he stated cryptically. Naruko kept her arms crossed neither convinced nor happy. However, the more logical part of her wondered if Jiraya was hiding something else from her. The blonde princess closed her eyes in an infuriated glower. Then her parents said something else to her that really set her off.

"Uh Kitsune-chan?" Sasuke smiled crookedly. "It is not that I dislike listening to the complicated relationship you had with your parents and your home but…what I really want to know more about is how you got that spell put on you".

Naruko giggled and rubbed her left arm embarrassed. "Sorry I was rambling wasn't I?" Sasuke nodded noncommittally. The woman's smile disappeared as she continued her tragic tale.

"My parents and grandfather were right of course. Things were dangerous. But I was stubborn and impatient as was expected of someone my age. Still, I wanted to experience life outside the palace and the village. Anyways, what happened next set me off the edge something fierce".


Naruko gaped at her parents open mouthed.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! Arranged marriage at my age?!" she screamed furious.

Kushina and Minato sighed at their daughter's irrational behavior. "I realize it's sudden but given the circumstances we believe it would benefit our kingdom greatly. Besides, it won't be immediate. You have four more years before making the engagement offi-

"Four more years?! Official?! You want me to get hitched off to some random guy without even knowing who he is? Have you gone off your rocker mom and dad?!" The monarch and Jiraya careened back nervously. The princess was covered in a red angry aura, her hair hair flung about her head and her eyes were red like a nine tailed fox on the rampage (lol no pun intended). Eventually, she calmed down letting her hair hang over face and her tiara lying askew atop her head. She straightened herself once again and stood up never once relenting her glare.

"Mother, Father, Ero-Senin; I will tell you this once. I am not some damsel that you can hand off like some lofty waif. Whoever he is that you were all planning to entrap me to will understand if I choose NOT to meet up with him or let him sachet me around like some pretty little trophy wife" she bent a knee and curtsied sarcastically to them. It looked as though the King and Queen were about to say something to her but she stopped them.

"It hurts me that you do not think I can hold my own even though we are descendants of those hailing from the Lost Realms! I understand that I am not what you were hoping for in a perfect princess much less a daughter. But to go so far as to punish me by forcing me into some stupid arranged marriage in the hopes it will make me behave is just…" she clenched her fist and her body shook with repressed rage. "Don't wait up for me at dinner tonight. I will take my dinner in my room tonight!"

With an aggressive huff, she ran out of the throne room and up the stairs leading to her bedroom. Once she reached the door she ripped it open and slammed it shut behind her. Then she slid slowly down to the floor and sobbed her eyes out.


I realize now that it was stupid and childish the way I had acted. In fact, if I could redo it all over again, I would have told myself to calm down and listen to what it is that my parents and Jiraya had to say more closely. Sadly, I would never get that chance as I would learn the hard way.

The next day, Naruko woke up on her large bed in less than jovial straights. Her hair was strewn about her, her eyes had bags beneath them, and her face was set about in a large frown. She also noticed she had never taken off her dress last night. She peered out toward the balcony connected to her bedroom adorned with an intricately designed orange flower. She threw off her covers and walked over and quietly opened them. The morning sky was just in the beginning stages of fading rainbow to a vivid bright blue, the sun just barely rising up over the expanse of the surrounding forest. The only sounds were that of chirping birds and the steadily growing noise of the awakening villagers.

Naruko leaned despondently. (3) In her stubbornness, she almost didn't let Iruka in to deliver her dinner to her. After a few threats to never take her out for ramen ever again did she reluctantly open her door to him (A/N: not like that perverts). She laughed silently to herself. She knew eventually she would have to face her parents and her godfather sooner or later and apologize profusely to them. A groan left her lips. There was no way she could just walk right up to her upbringing and not expect a lengthy lecture about proper conduct and assessing herself as a proper princess/lady. Her crystalline eyes trailed after a robin fluttering swiftly toward her favorite place away from home. An idea struck her.

Curious and bewildered eyes glanced as a grey cloaked figure ventured away from the village and toward the peaceful yet ominous looking forest. Once far enough in, the mysterious figure pulled back the hood to reveal tresses of golden hair. The princess had successfully managed to sneak past the guard/attendants and make her way out of the village without detection. She walked further into the forest for a good distance unaware that she had caught the eyes of a red eyed raven watch her with hungry eyes.

Finally, she made it to a clearing resembling a large meadow. Willows, alders, and maple oak dotted the expanse around a lake connected to a bubbling spring. Fauna and flora of every kind scattered the meadow peaks. The princess smiled happily at the surrounding picturesque beauty around her. This was nature as it should have been: pure and untouched. She set her picnic basket down and set out a square blanket to sit on. As she sat, her body let off a mysterious orange glow. As it dissipated, her eyes glowed briefly before returning to their vibrant blue. Yes indeed, she was a child of nature. This was the power granted to her through her bloodline from both parents and the Lost Realm.

"Good morning trees of the forest" she greeted to the foliage around her.

"Good morning princess Naruko" they greeted her back.

"Good morning, animals small and big and those who fly amongst the sky" she said waving her hand in a half salute.

"Good morning, Naruko the Wise and Clever" they all squeaked, chirped, and replied in their own unique language.

Naruko clasped her hands together and smiled. This was what she loved about the forest. It was the one place where she could be free to be immersed in her beloved nature: wild and free. She spun in a wide circle laughing happily. She began to feel dizzy and fell backwards on the soft grass. She inhaled deeply and sat up.

"It's so beautiful here! The sun is so warm. The air is crisp and clean. The woods so full of life. It would take only an act of the devil to ruin this fine day" she said out loud to herself. A chipmunk leapt off a branch and rushed up to her waving his arms wildly.

"Oi, Princess. You shouldn't tempt fate like that. You never know who or what may be watching!" Naruko began to sit up and offer a rebuttal to that statement when she heard a garbled laugh. Black, purplish winds began to blow around her. A crow with deep red eyes landed atop a branch in front of her and laughed.

"Alas Princess Naruko of the Kingdom of Uzu. Your beauty has attracted the eyes of Orochimaru the Immortal!"

Before Naruko could speak, she found herself leaving the ground and away by the maelstrom. The woodland animals watched helplessly as their beloved princess was taken away. Naruko did not know when or how long she had been swept away. Once she landed and the winds stopped, she began to realize that nothing looked familiar. Around her was a dark, mountainous landscape devoid of life of any kind. Empty ravines that once held streams were now empty and barren. She looked to her left and gasped as she looked up on a large translucent gold-glass palace that towered upwards to the sky. It was hard to see the bottom as it was incredibly dark. Her ears strained to hear the sound of approaching footsteps. A stranger stepped out from the shadows. As he came closer, a sense of dread and fear enveloped her.

Naruko gasped as she gazed at the 'creature' before her. He could not even be described as human. His appearance was more akin to a snake than a man; ashen-complexion, yellow slit-like eyes, purple marked eyes, pronounced cheekbones, straight black hair that hung slightly over his eyes. He was adorned in a yellow robe-type kimono and dark pants with flats. He carried with him a golden scepter with a snake atop. He smiled creepily at her licking his lips occasionally. He stopped just a breath before her and took a bow.

"Greetings Princess Naruko. It is an honor and glory to have you here before me in my blessed kingdom" he replied to her. The princess glowered at him nastily. "Are you certain it is such an honor and not a curse?" she snarled. The snake man grimaced but retained his stoic demeanor. "Ah but then how else would I be able to show you the wonders of the Celestial Realm?" he said condescendingly. Naruko flew a hand to her mouth gasping.

"The Celestial Realms?!"

Orochimaru donned a feral grin. He patted a hand against his chest. "Yes princess. The lands of legends past do indeed exist. And they are ruled by yours truly making me its king". Naruko did not waiver her glare. "A king is someone who governs with honor. You are just a disgraced wizard who gave into greed for power". Orochimaru gazed non-committal. Then he grinned and licked his lips.

"Ah but princess, if you allow me I can show you I am so much more than that. Perhaps a nice walk through the glen?" he stated offering his hand to her. Naruko leaned away from the man's offered hand. Her first recourse was to flat out refuse and run out of this horrid place. On the other hand, she knew she had little to no choice of fighting off the dark wizard, even with her gifted powers. In the end, she choired on entertaining the filths company until she could figure out a way to evade him.

"Shall we then?"

She jolted when he felt his presence behind her. Her merely smiled. She nodded reluctantly and followed him. He formed an orb in his hand and tossed it onto a line of torches that lit up when touched to reveal a most fascinating sight. Naruko gasped as the darkness gave way to reveal a forest glade; was the term she was looking for. It was just like the forest of her homeland save for major differences. Everything in it was made of gold and crystal. The animals she saw were still and unmoving. Orochimaru leered joyfully as his guest drank in the "wonders" of his garden.

"I am glad you decided to accompany me as we stroll through these wondrous lands as my guest" he coerced gently. Naruko shook her head. "Guest come and go of their own free will, Orochimaru-san. I am but your prisoner". Orochimaru frowned at the retort but only replied by placing his hands gingerly on her shoulders.

"But Hime-chan, if that were the case I would have subjected you to the same fate as all the others who crossed my path and challenged me. No, instead I bring you to my little sanctuary away from my castle to 'he lifted her chin with his finger and gestured with other hand 'show you all the beauty that surrounds you. I am talking about the most pure and strongest substance in the world; that is Gold. Strong and immortal".

Naruko shook head sadly. "Gold is cold and cruel; just like you. You might see beauty, but I see only nature that has been perverted and abused for evil and selfish reasons. Nature must be wild and free to be truly beautiful". Her face became wistful and calm as she spoke. Then her eyes caught sight of something growing near a lake that was amazingly enough, pure water. The maiden ambled up to a set of stones piled upon one another where a leaf branch broke through letting drops of dew fall to the ground.

Naruko gasped happily and fondly cupped a leaf in her hand. "Look Wizard-san, you take me away from my forest yet it followed me here all the same. Just like the way nature should be, wild and free and untouched. True beauty survives, waiting to emerge and strive for the sun's warmth". Orochimaru gave a low growl.

"Beauty?! I will show you real beauty Naruko the wise. Look" with a wave of his hand, the leaves turned a vibrant gold and the dew drops turned to diamonds". Naruko gasped in pain as she watched the birth of a new plant succumb to death. She turned away to mourn the life that could have been. Orochimaru tapped the end of the plant where a drop of water formed into a diamond in his hand.

"Don't be sad beautiful one. See, a common drop of water transformed into a diamond. A diamond that yourself shall wear upon your dainty hand on our wedding day. Then, your ancestors bloodline and mine will combine and we shall achieve ultimate immortality".

The orange clad princess burst into hysterical laughter.

"Marry YOU?! That is priceless. 'gasp' I mean come on". She chortled and took out a gold-rimmed hand mirror from her pocket and put it up to her captor's face. "Just look at yourself! You're disgusting! Why…you can't even be called a man, much less a human! The word that best describes you would be CREATURE!

She burst into laughter again, failing to realize the dangerous look swelling within the yellow eyes. "So, he began in a low voice 'you think I am a creature as you call me, do you?! That I am too ugly?!" He swatted the mirror to the ground and stomped it under his feet. The sound of breaking class made the princess recoil. She stood her ground. "Your face only reflects the ugliness underneath. Orochimaru paced around her back and forth. "Like only you can be beautiful?! Well…let us see how the shadows see you? Minions bring me forth my mirror of darkness!"

In the distance, a large mirror carried by several large winged bats lowered itself before the two nobles. One of the bats swooped down and transformed into a man with tied up gray hair, black robes and a pair of spectacles upon his face. He smirked widely and stepped to the side. Orochimaru pointed to the mirror and addressed the princess. "Now your majesty, look upon the mirror and see yourself as you really are. Unless you're afraid" he mocked.

Naruko straightened out her crown and stepped forward bravely. "I'm not afraid. For my outer visage will reflect my insides". She looked deep into the mirror and gasped as she felt herself transforming.

"Now princess, for once you were a beauteous maiden; you are now a…WHAT?!

Before him, on the ground stood a medium sized fox with orange-red fur and deep blue eyes with a small stone pendant around her neck. Orochimaru was livid. "Impossible! The mirror was supposed to turn you into a slimy, green frog. Not a…a…fox!"

Naruko was beside herself however. She examined herself from head to toe, or should I say paw. Her eyes shed tears upon realizing her fate. A bark escaped her lips. Minions clapped and cheered at the vixen's expense. Kabuto stepped out nervously but with a straight gait. "My lord if I may. The mirror was designed to show an individual's inner soul. Also I have heard tales of the princess being a mischievous trickster. So it is only natural that she should become akin to such. Orochimaru mulled over this concept for a while before a sadistic smile crossed his lips. He turned his attention back to the newly transformed distraught vixen. She jolted backwards and let out an angry bark as a boot stamped next to her. The wizard's dark minions laughed at the poor girls expense.

"Now princess, you are but the latest victims of my dark powers and know the fate of all who cross Orochimaru the Immortal! From this moment on, you are to remain in this form from sun-up to sun down. Four years and three days. Only at night may you resume your human form. If by that time, you have not found one to love you as you are may you return to accept my proposal. Now off to the swamps with you". With a wave of his hand, like déjà vu; gusts of black-purplish winds carried her up in the torrent and to vast unknown landscape that could only be defined as a swamp. She stood up on shaky paws and walked to the shore and stared into the waters. Once more, the kitsune cried.

Sasuke wiped a stray tear from his eye as his beloved finished her woeful tale. She sobbed hard into her hands. The prince reached out a hand to pull her into a hug forgetting that she was transparent. He pulled back sadly. She looked up from her hands, her eyes still full of tears. She sniffed and wiped some tears from her eyes.

"sniff, sniff"

"Well you understand now. Why I was in that swamp, why I could only become human at night, why you should have never destroyed my fox skin" she said the last part quietly. Sasuke bit his lips to stifle his tears. The realization of what he had cost his princess weighed heavy on his heart.

"Is there anything I can do to release you from this fate?" he exclaimed. Naruko exhaled loudly. "I am just as lost as you are on that subject Sasuke-kun. I can only hold off Orochimaru's plan to make me his bride for so long. See, if my magic and his were to be joined, he would have great dominion over the magical and mortal plane. Nothing would be able to stop him, not even the other two remaining Sanin could stop him. And no one has heard word or seen sight of them for years".

Sasuke groaned combing his fingers through his hair. Naruko meditated silently to herself before standing upright. She placed both of her transparent hands on her beloved's face. "I do not know how this tale will end, but I do know for certain that the answers to your questions are found in this forest. She gasped and held herself in pain.


She smiled sadly. "I am sorry beloved. But my powers in this place are limited. I can say no more to you except to say 'I love you'. Goodbye my love". As he reached for her, she disappeared completely.


Sasuke bolted upright from his slumber. He panted heavily and whipped his head back and forth. He called his beloved's name again. No answer came. Only the sound of the wind rustling gently against the soft grass and the trees. It was still night out. His horse was nestled asleep on the soft grass. His mouth quirked up in a half smile. It would soon be morning and the swan's feather had made no sign of life or movement. He sighed in disappointment. Then he remembered what his princess had told him before waking. The other two Sanins were somewhere in these patch of woods. He would just have to start looking tomorrow.

Sasuke has found his beloved once more; sort of. She is in astral form now but her physical body is held ransom. Now Sasuke must find the castle of Orochimaru the Immortal. It is so exciting that I am on the edge of my seat thinking about it. I got the idea about Naruko being a magical being from watching the Russian dub of 'The Frog Princess' or Vasilissa the Beautiful. I would recommend the Russian dub rather than that god awful English version. Don't get me wrong it has its merit. It's ironic that a country we hold in disdain for being communist can also admiration for its beautiful, rich, and iconic artistry and legacy for storytelling?

Moving on; I will try to hold true to the essence of Russian folklore. I will need to do plenty of research until then but hold on tight. More will come. I hope I was able to provide and I will see you later. Oh and perhaps update my other stories as well.

Chapter Footnotes:

1) Now that we got to see Sakura's parents, we can all stop guessing what they are like now.

2) Naruto's nickname for the old geezer.

3) Leave it to Iruka to use Ramen as an ultimatum/threat to make Naruto behave.