Hey so here's the first chapter, I apologise for how bad it may be. I not really a writer. It hasn't been beta-ed all errors are my own. I of course don't own any part of the hunger games that's all Suzanne Collins. If I had it would have been a hell of a lot different.

Warning: eventual kinky smut, drinking, possible drug use, swearing, OOC-ness and all those bad things.

This chapter isn't really long I just wanted to introduce most characters and set it up before I went anywhere plot wise.

He Took My Heart

Chapter one.

This wasn't supposed to happen again, I was going to be stronger, I was going to be smarter and not give in. But here I am pulling on my tee, my mind hazy from moments ago. My heart conflicted. Suddenly I'm pulled from my thoughts as a light kiss is planted on my forehead.

"I'll text you later tonight." He said while pulling on his white tee which hugged his muscled frame perfectly. Then he headed to the door, leaving me in the dark with my thoughts. I sat there for what seemed like hours going over how I let myself get into this situation. How I, Peeta Mellark, not only was sleeping with but had fallen for him. HIM of all people, the egotistical brute with the glamazon hanging off his side.

He just got under my skin, knew what to say to make me cave every time. I loved him, I knew I did but the guilt of our situation was festering in me like poison. It was growing more and more and I needed to release it. The only problem with that was it meant I would have to be rid of him. I hated it, the way he made me feel, having to constantly lie, wait around to hear from him. But at the same time I loved it, the way he would look at me, make me feel safe, his breath against my neck, his body pressed against mine, his arm heavy on my side. His arms tightening around me, making sure I go no-where.

Then my phone starts to ring. I look at the screen, crap Delly must be here. I quickly stand and answer it.

"Hey, I'm upstairs I'll be down in a sec." I quickly hang up and head for the door. The music blurs throughout the house, who's house was this again? As I head down the stairs I see Delly across the room, I nod at her and she smiles.

"Been here long?" She asks as I hug her.

"Nope." I respond while I admire her dress. "... new dress?"

"Yes actually, you like it?" She smiles.

"Yer, I like the colour." It was a deep blue lace number, complementing her golden hair and made her deep blue eyes pop. As we head towards the back of the house we pass the lounge walking into the kitchen.

"So, am I drinking alone tonight?" I tease. She lightly pushes me in response. I can't remember not knowing Delly. She's been my best friend for I guess my whole life. We grew up living next to each other and being the same age our parents had set up play dates. She's one of the, no scratch that the only person I am completely honest with. I remember telling her I liked guys two years ago, I had been so nervous but she just hugged me responding 'finally'.

I chuckle at that memory, of her apparently, as she put it waiting her whole life for me to finally tell her. Delly noticed my chuckle and looks at me quizzically.

"Nothing, I love you Del." I smile at her.

She smirks and hands me a drink, "Of course you do. So... I though you were going to stop it this time?" She gave me a knowing look as she sipped her cup. I had never understood how transparent I was to her.

I let out an awkward laugh "I'm gonna be I swear."

"Peet," She looks at me with concern.

"I know." I whine and take a large swig of my cup. We head outside and spot Madge and Katniss. As we walk towards them we pass Cato and some of his friends. Delly takes my hand and squeezes it lightly as I try not to look at the boy I love. Luckily he was a full head and a bit taller, so making eye contact wasn't going to be a problem if I kept my head down. As we reach our friends I smile letting go of Dellys hand.

"Hey Katniss, Madge." I smile at them. Katniss and Madge were so different physically. Katniss had dark hair forever in a single braid and grey like eyes with an almost athletic build. Where as Madge was slim with long almost platinum waves. They both smile at us in return.

"Where's Gale?" Delly asks. Katniss blushes slightly at the mention of her boyfriends name. They had just started going out after being friends for a long time.

"He's babysitting, his mum has to work but he said he'd pick us up when we are ready to go."

"Okay, cool." Delly responds. As the girls talk about school and things I slowly started zoning out and looking around the party going on around me. I see Clove, a short girl with jet black hair sitting across the pool talking to Marvel. The boy was tall, not like Cato or Gale but still towered over me. His brown hair styled messily. It was obvious he was trying to get somewhere with her. The two have had a thing for ages but neither had really done anything to act on it yet. She notices me looking at her and smiles at me as I mouth the words 'go for it'.

I had over the course of the year grown close to Clove. At first she seemed off putting but as I got to know her I learned she was fiercely loyal, trustworthy and so much fun. She knew about me and Cato. Her being his best friend had a key to his house and walked in on us asleep one morning. She had come to talk to Cato about Marvel but had instead grilled us about what was going on. To say it was the most embarrassing moment of my life was an understatement. After I found out she had walked in on that a few times but according to her I am different because it wasn't a one time thing and he keeps me around. Which I guess is something that keeps me from stopping it, hoping so desperately that he feels the same.

I suddenly jump at the level that Delly shouts my name. "Huh?" I question.

"Peet, you have been starring off into space for like the last forty-five minutes. Stop being anti-social and talk to your friends." Delly whines.

"Sorry." I give a half hearted smile. I look at Katniss, she looked as though she was contemplating whether or not to say something. When she notices me starring.

She smiles "So who is he then?"

I go as red as a tomato "... What?" I finally got out.

"Peet it's okay, we could tell, have for awhile really. I know you get bullied for it, but we are your friends. We love you, you don't need to hide it from us. We kind of hoped you trusted us enough to eventually tell us, but you haven't yet and we want to be there for you." Katniss then smiles.

I look at her and then to Madge who is also smiling at me but my mind is blank. "Oh." They just laugh at me.

"Really, we've known you for how long? The sleepovers, movies, the way you look at guys, stair at their asses." giggles Madge.

"... the magazines in your bottom draw next to your bed." Katniss adds with slight embarrassment. If I wasn't glowing red before I was now.

"Oh, okay, well, um okay. Thanks for accepting it I guess." I finally feel my face cooling down.

"Like it's a choice mister." Delly laughs. "Finally we can actually have proper girly sleepovers and talk about boys!"

"Dell, I am a boy." I get out faking annoyance.

"Yes well we both know it's a different story when it comes to the bedroom."

Fuck, apparently tonight everyone wants to kill Peeta from embarrassment. Katniss blushes at that and Madge laughs her head off. "Haha funny bitch." I tries thinking of a catty response when my phone beeps. I unlock it and see its a text from him, from Cato. And against me better judgement I open it.

'bored. Can I come back to yours tonight?'