Welcome back (I hope)! I have missed you all.

I hope you will join us again on this next part of Helena and Myka's journey.

I own nothing especially the song mentioned and the artist. Totally made that up to fit my world.


"Good morning New York City. We're coming at you from 103.5 on your dial. This is Blaise blazing at you with the songs you love to hear. It is cold out there my fellow New Yorkers, but we are heating things up in our studio this morning with one of our favorites artists of all time – Katy Perry.

"Thanks Blaise," the young artist said.

"Now you have a new single out –, tell us about that," the radio DJ said.

"It's called Unconditionally and we had such fun recording it," the guest said.

"And you wrote the song?" the DJ asked.

"Yeah and the I got the idea after I had the pleasure of meeting two incredible people at a charity benefit that I did in New York a little while ago," the artist explained. "Just watching them together really inspired me."

"Katy will tell us more about who that couple is right after these commercials," Blaise announced.

Myka and Helena had only one disagreement over her move into Helena's prime residence at 1866 Central Park West over the weekend. Helena wanted Myka to share the closet that adjoined their bedroom. Myka resisted for a couple of reasons – including the fact that the clothes room was bigger than her the apartment she had just given up in SoHo and she was afraid she'd get lost in it. Secondly, Myka felt like she might throw the kilter of the high end many one of a kind couture off by adding in her 'off the rack' clothes. The only down side was that the students from the Fashion Institute of Technology who were now practically taking courses in Helena's closet were in the process of tagging everything so it could be found on their newly created software system – the brainchild of a Senior at the school. It was her Independent course work and she was stressed out that everything should go well.

"Darling, I thought you'd like the Carolina Herrera," shouted Helena from the bathroom. Myka opened the bathroom door dressed in her short robe.

"I have my gray suit if I can find it," Myka said because suddenly her clothes were disappearing from the closet in the guest bedroom. She suspected Helena had her minion of fashion students do something with them. "Did you see it?"

"Your gray one? Hmm, no I don't believe I have," Helena said with the least amount of convincing possible. The shower door opened and Helena grabbed her robe and came out into the room.

"I like my suits!" Myka said faking annoyance.

"Oh yes, we all love your suits Myka, make no doubt of that. But sometimes ….," Helena said running her finger up Myka's bare arm – a sure indication that she knew the next thing out of her mouth would get her in trouble.

"We're back with our special guest in the studio this morning – Katy Perry. So tell us about this new song. It was motivated by someone wasn't it?" the host asked.

"Yeah, when I was working at a benefit for the NYPD families, I had the pleasure of working alongside Helena Wells and Myka Bering. They were just the sweetest couple. I could see how- like different they were -you know in personality? But they just complimented each other. You could just see how much in love they were," the artist explained.

"Now your song has some angst in it," Blaise read from his notes.

"Yeah it's how I wish every couple could have the connection I saw in Ms. Wells and Ms. Bering," Katy explained.

"How's that New York? A new song about Manhattan's favorite couple! Let's listen," the DJ said. "We'll hear it here next."

"Yes?" Myka said waiting for the honest opinion she didn't ask for.

"Well since you asked, your wardrobe is the colors of weather," Helena said pushing her lips out.

"The colors of weather?" Myka asked not sure she wanted to know.

"Yes, blue skies, white clouds, pink sunsets, and….. gray overcast," Helena said.

"That's how you sum up my entire wardrobe?" Myka laughed.

"Well, no….oh listen – they're playing your song," Helena said turning up the volume.

"Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally."

"That's not my song. Apparently, that's our song," Myka said cozying up to Helena.

"We should get royalties then," Helena said completely distracted.

"Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through this storm I would
I'd do it all because I love you, I love you

Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally."

"Do you really think we were the inspiration for that song? " Myka asked thinking how surreal it was.

"Myka darling, of course I do. Mark my words love - the romantics will fight with the historians to write our love story one day," Helena said.

"God you know how to turn a phrase," Myka said loving the expressions that dripped off those lips.

"The inspired's pen moves smoothly," Helena said kissing Myka and causing her to sigh.

"You make it hard for me to get ready in the morning," Myka said truthfully forcing herself to move. "What's you day look like?"

"We have a morning staff meeting and then a meeting this afternoon with Merck about our new line of bio-inks for 3D printing," Helena said with great pride.

Her biotechnology team, headed up by the Frederic brothers, had been working diligently on a formula that Helena had come up with. Unlike most of her discoveries which were typically made in her at home laboratory, this one was dreamed up over dinner. One night Myka was in the mood for a childhood dessert and purchased the small cups of gelatin in bright colors. Helena complained of the ingredients, but stopped when she saw how Myka laughed eating the wiggly substance.

"Dis is really good," Myka gushed of the first taste. When she went to give Helena a spoonful, the substance plopped on the counter and Helena watched it moved. From that the genius came up with the idea of developing a new ink substance for 3D printers based on a well-known biological material: gelatin. Gelatin is derived from collagen, the main constituent of native tissue.

"Well I have to be dressed in order to go to work," Myka reminded Helena.

"Carolina Herrera," Helena prompted her of her choice.

"Which one is that again sweetie?" Myka asked not knowing how she would find it.

"In the third aisle," Helena said with almost a squeal when Myka relented.

"You do enjoy dressing me don't you," Myka said. She usually argued that the clothes were too expensive, but Helena didn't understand that concept. Myka finally got her to agree that she could do that once in a while – which in Helena's world started today.

"It is perhaps my second favorite thing," Helena smiled coyly.

"Do you choose these outfits based on how quickly you can get me out of them," Myka asked feigning shock.

"I actually put a great deal of thought into these selections," Helena said. "For instance, this dress has just the right amount of green in it to compliment your skin and your eyes."

"OK, I will take a look," Myka said walking into the closet. Within seconds, Helena heard two women screaming and cringed. She meant to tell Myka about the intern.

"Helena, there is a young student in your closet," Myka said holding her chest out of breath.

"Sorry love, I forgot to tell you. Something about independent course work," Helena said shrugging her shoulders.

"Well there should be a light on this thing that warns you when it is occupied," Myka said and gave the inventor another idea.

Myka went back in to retrieve the dress as Helena donned her L'Wren Scott white leather jacket with standing collar that was pin tucked at the front and had a tail back extended hem. Under it she wore a black silk top and matching pants. Then she put on her Rolex watch and 18K thin gold bracelet.

Myka returned with the dress and put it on. It was a stylish dress for work with the smooth satiny material that had a fitted bodice and solid banded waist above fitted pleats that then opened into the A-line skirt to the knee. The floral pattern was sparse on the top until it blossomed in a full beautiful green color at the bottom.

"Helena, isn't it a bit cold for sleeveless?" Myka asked and had a very good point.

Helena snapped her fingers at the intern – not out of rudeness, but because the view of Myka was making her speechless. It was as Helena hoped – stunning. The intern returned within seconds with a crocheted sweater jacket.

"Are you positive this dress is appropriate for work?" Myka asked and looked down at the plunging neckline.

"Oh yes, very positive," Helena said thinking how much she would enjoy the staff meeting later that morning.

"You are incorrigible," Myka smiled and gently smacked her arm.

Helena ran her finger along the neckline. "I can't wait for that staff meeting."

"I can report you to HR for that," Myka said.

"You can, but you won't," the Brit said confidently.

The women arrived for work together and people on the street waved now and often gave them the universal sign of approval – the thumps up.

"I don't think they know they're using a very phallic symbol," Helena said that morning.

"Just smile back," Myka said waiving back to the passers-by.

"Be careful, Myka. As soon as they praise you, they will chastise you," Helena warned ominously.

"I'm sure we'll be pushed out of the spotlight soon enough sweetie. From what little I know about this attention, it is short lived," Myka said.

The general population of Manhattan wasn't the only ones taking note of the newest A-list couple. Helena's competitors were carefully watching and were very much aware of the change in the CEO. People feared Helena's competition on new products because she was relentless and fierce when it came to closing deals. Now they hoped her increase in celebrity status would decrease her business acuities. No one wished for it more than Ted Grayson. His company was the number two biomedical firm in Manhattan and he had seen many of his deals eclipsed by the slightly better, always ahead products of Wells Corp. He was counting on Helena being distracted. Ted had scouts working for him whose sole job was to dig up dirt on Helena. So far, they had disappointed him, but one energetic staffer was about to earn his holiday bonus.

The other sign of Helena's popularity was the constant ringing of the phone at Eileen's workstation. Helena appreciated how warmly the public was embracing her and Myka, but she wasn't about to give interviews, endorse products or be the Grand Marshall at parades. In one week alone, she had turned down Vogue to appear on the cover, Saturday Night Live to host it because she spent that time with Myka, and Macy's to do a commercial with a bunch of other high ranked celebrities.

"Leave that to Donald," Helena said.

"Good morning, Ms. Sullivan," Helena said as she whisked past her to go to her office. Seconds later the perfectly prepared cup of tea arrived on a tray brought in by the expert preparer.

"Ms. Wells, MTV called again about doing the reality show they want to do and need an answer today," Eileen read off her I Pad.

"No," Helena said looking over her schedule.

"The Mayor called and wanted you to go with him to the Times Square New Year's Eve official dropping of the ball event," Eileen asked.

"Hmm, let's table that and speak to Ms. Bering," Helena said. She didn't like to turn him down so quickly. In spite of his recent reelection, he was troubled by his daughter's latest choice in boyfriend – the much older, less mature Jeffrey Tesla. He somehow held Helena responsible for his presence in New York, even though it had been a surprise to her.

"Pierre has left seven messages about the dresses for the Christmas Gala," was the last thing on her list.

"Oh yes, poor man. OK I will call him later with my ideas," Helena said because she already knew what she wanted for the affair.

"Oh and Mrs. Frederic says you have to meet with her or….. the Christmas party will not happen," the young assistant read verbatim.

"Well then, we mustn't keep the event planner waiting. Clear my schedule and sound the alarms," Helena teased because she saw the woman get off the elevator and knew she could hear her.

"I don't know which I enjoy more," Irene said making her entrance on cue. "The way you say schedule without the 'k' sound or your unmistakable dry sense of humor."

"That you think I was jesting wounds me, Irene," Helena taunted.

"Did you ask her?" Irene asked the assistant.

"No," Eileen said and started to leave.

"Ask her what?" Helena asked.

"There are three hundred and fifty boxes in my office. They cover the desk, the chairs, my credenza, and part of the floor. They're all shapes and sizes. And I want to know what you expect me to do with them?" Irene said taking a seat.

As was the tradition and like clockwork, the woman put her hand against the steel balls that Helena insisted on playing with whenever they were about to have a discussion of an unpleasant nature.

"What I expect is that the appropriate names will be placed on each of those boxes for distribution," Helena said and rolled her eyes.

"And who will be putting those names on?" Irene asked moving the toy out of her boss' reach.

"I have provided you with a staff, have I not?" Helena asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes and I have given each of them work to do that does not involve being elves," Irene retorted.

"Well then get someone else to do it," Helena complained.

"It's not just the manpower. Who are the gifts for? Who will wrap them? How do we know which is which?" Irene pointed out.

"They are for the staff of the various departments. Ask their directors to decide who gets what. Then have someone write their names on tags. And for God's sake Irene, they're from Tiffany's. You don't wrap a box from Tiffany's," Helena said aghast.

"Oh I do beg your pardon," Irene mocked and won the glare of her boss.

"You do not mock a Tiffany box," Helena pointed out.

"Oh I wasn't mocking the box," Irene clarified. "I was mocking you." "Next on the agenda, your Christmas party," Irene said looking down at her list.

"Yes, I cannot wait," Helena said of the event.

"We have had a ninety-eight percent positive RSVP from the staff," Irene reported. "We're providing transportation for them via buses to and from One Beacon Court," Irene confirmed and saw the look on Helena's face like she just surprised her.

"Helena, you mentioned to Myka that this is where the party will be held?" Irene said putting her pad down and cross her hands. They had talked about this. Irene suggested using the Museum or a restaurant or anywhere but the place Helena suggested.

Helena was about to reach for the toy on her desk – when she stopped. She had forgotten that one little detail in her grand plans. She had told Myka that Irene suggested a holiday party for the staff members and guests, but she neglected to tell her where it would take place. The Penthouse apartment was large enough for affair, but the last time Myka was there – she found Helena's former lover lurking about.

Irene sat there with a 'do tell' expression on her face having one upped the boss. "Mmm, mmm, mmm," is all she had to say to make sure Helena understood that very fact.

"I will tell her," Helena said too defensively.

"Of course you will. Now I have a wonderful suggestion for the gifts," Irene said but Helena had lost interest.

"Please Irene, deal with it however you see fit," Helena said because her mind was on another issue.

"However I see fit?" Irene asked getting up from her chair.

"Yes," her boss replied and she knew Helena wasn't listening.

"So however I see fit, you will agree to?" Irene repeated. Helena was staring at the empty space on her desk, her eyes darting back and forth.

"Yes, yes of course," Helena said waving her hand to get rid of the woman.

She would regret that later, but not as much as forgetting to tell Myka.

A very wise friend told me that 'reviews are gifts' and I couldn't have said it better myself. I do think your posts are gifts, but so is your reading along - even if you don't post. So whichever you choose to do, I appreciate it.

Welcome to the Algonquin Round Table of readers - the nicest group you will ever belong to bar none.

As always - Helena and Myka's outfits are on Twitter at ManhattaniteNYC and now - our very creative and artistic member Henrietta McArdle photoshops their pictures right to the outfits I pick.

She has also come up with the logo for Wells Corp! It's a fantastic job she does.