Reviews for The Unconditional Heir
Toria chapter 7 . 12/6/2019
I had the widest smile possible when Eileen was revealed as the relative. At first I was thinking some sort of scam setup by butt heads but I'm much happier with this.
LunarMiko07 chapter 42 . 10/21/2019
Reading this series puts me in such a good mood :) Helena/Myka are just so perfect together. Claudia/Eileen are adorable. And Irene is a great mother figure to Helena.
MiDushiNoSushi chapter 42 . 6/5/2019
Perfection... I love how you’re developing all of these characters and relationships. Sucks that Pete is having a rough time, but I’m glad that everyone else is finding love.
MiDushiNoSushi chapter 7 . 6/5/2019
Wow! I have so many feels from this chapter. You almost had me in tears with that moment between Mrs F and HG. But now to know about HG’s connection with eileen, and Eileen’s true love for HG? I’m almost overwhelmed with gooey feels. Plus Claudia and Eileen were so perfect. Glad their first time was so special.
Mezz64 chapter 42 . 4/12/2018
Oh I was determined to complete this this morning - I don’t think I could have put it down if I wanted to.
I’ve read a lot of Fan fiction and this, this has been my favourite and I’m lucky as there adventures go on and I will return later to continue the wonderful world you have created. With adventures, angst and above all love. God it’s been beautiful.
I now must walk my dog and drink my British Tea before I return to their next adventure.
Thank you Manhattanite I will for ever be in your debt.
Mezz64 chapter 41 . 4/12/2018
The idea of having a “one” is difficult to imagine however you wrote that kiss and their oneness increased and it’s believable.

I thought a ringvmay appear but natvevits too soon.
Mezz64 chapter 40 . 4/12/2018
Mezz64 chapter 37 . 4/12/2018
What an understanding boss - being released slowly lol

I did laugh st Helena’s rush to get home after the text of “ I want you in nothing but Chanel No5”. After scrambling in a super fast elevator the traffic the snow she appears and says “am I late” lol hilarious pure writing GOLD
Mezz64 chapter 36 . 4/12/2018
Oh I think Myka might just enjoy being chewed up and spat out lol but not as we know it - oh Helena, she gets that upper hand and oh does she know how to use her lower one too ;o)
Mezz64 chapter 35 . 4/11/2018
Oh it’s going to be a long week for Berring and Wells lol

It makes me laugh when the emergency text messages go out
Helena didn’t get her Tea
Meeting didn’t go well
Myka upset over Helena
All these emergency text to the trusted few lol
Mezz64 chapter 33 . 4/11/2018
Now normally Helena doesn’t do faux pas but this one is huge! Open ones mouth and put both lips in oooops
Mezz64 chapter 32 . 4/11/2018
Please will someone find me a box of tissues yes the large box and can I have a large cup of tea made how I like it.

Manhattanite this chapter, I think is one of the hardest you’ve written what you achieved was depth of the situation of the feelings of the love of a mother how ever that parentage came about. They new relatives could be out there, they knew this was always a possibility, That someone would come.

You achieved to pen this in such a way to make it believable but full of the angst that was always going to be there because of the subject.

Nothing will change, Eileen will always love her parents with the love only a child with a good caring up bringing can give. She will still give that live and respect to her parents who love her and she them.

What cane over was Kathleen and those motherly feelings please don’t take her even though she is old enough to make her own choices. That fear for a mother rolled from the page in bucket loads. However it was reversed as Helena has lost her child, she was like Kathleen in a way and remember Helena went back each time to try and stop her daughter dying and couldn’t. When Helena took Kathleen’s hand that’s what she was trying to relay.

Now let’s look at all from Eileen POV. She has at last got it all and that’s why she isn’t worried and calms her mother. The mother and father she will always love and who will always come first. However being adopted meant there were blanks I’m sure she wanted needed to know WHO SHE WAS/IS and she realises nothing changes it just means she now knows her linage.

The one think about Eileen is she is not interested in money her heart is so kind. However Helena is equally thrilled and wants Eileen at the helm of “Wells” which is why she pushed her why she is having her build her OWN office. It’s why when Eileen took her down in the fight Helana in her head was saying fight don’t back down over and over and Eileen didnt she held Helana.

Helena doesn’t want to take and I think her parents now realise that she is in fact there to give.

Also she wanted Clsudia there, for a few reasons there for Eileen as Myka is for her but she realises that Claudia had never felt love or if she has it’s been taken from her. Her shock of her feelings for Eileen have been hard but Its strong. Helena sees it and she is the ideal person to be at Eileen side.

This was prodigious truly amazing very touching and caring way of telling the family and Claudia who is going to be just as important.

I’m sorry my comment be and a chapter but I had a lot tinsatc


Your avid British Tea drinking reader.
Mezz64 chapter 31 . 4/11/2018
They love that girl as she does the. However I think we all now know what Eileen W stands for She is in fact Eileen Wells Sullivan and there the name goes on.
Myka was write to pull Helena in but Helena was carefully reading the situation. Oh this will be fun when and how does she tell.
Mezz64 chapter 30 . 4/11/2018
Never feeling good enough - been there done it got the T shirt - well done Myka and well done Helena biting your own fingers is now reaping its rewards lol

Oh I love Eileen’s parents, the avalanche is coming. I do hope they have those avalanche prohtectirs to find you buried I the snow!

My worry Eileen doesn’t t know she is adopted her parents must do, so these wonderful people are going to have there works turned upside down, how will they soften this blow
Mezz64 chapter 26 . 4/11/2018
Stick to Tea Helena I never mix my drinks and usually find Tea a safer bet
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