I am pretty sure 'Epilogue' is Latin for - 'I am really going to miss you'.

I wish every reader wrote to me so I could thank you each for reading along. I know so many stories out there are less time consuming. So I thank you - even if we've never talked - I thank you for taking the time to read this story and allowing me to share it with you.



Myka had no sooner agreed that they needed to get away, then Helena was planning the trip. Well, maybe a few hours after Myka agreed. The experience of their Oneness had left them physically and emotionally exhausted. Helena had been warned by the Warehouse not to be hasty in her choice because of the toll it could take on both of them. It had always been a concern for Helena when it was Irene. Now Helena understood that this was different. Her Oneness with Myka was more intense because it wasn't just that she chose Myka.

That intensity had to do with the fact that they were and always had been – destined to be together.

As soon as they returned to work, plans were set in motion. Helena spoke to Irene and told her she and Myka were getting away for a week to a private island. There would be a day staff, but they would be shuttled to the island in the morning and returned at night. When Helena said they were to be alone, she meant it. Of course, Helena had never been away from work, and Irene knew she would have trouble removing herself from it. Rather than have one more confrontation with Helena over it, she went to Myka. "Be patient with her," Irene said, knowing of course that Myka would be. "She's never done this before."

Myka smiled to think how easily Irene could predict the woman who prided herself of being unpredictable. "Irene seems to think you'll be checking into work," Myka said as the rode to the airport.

"Don't be ridiculous, darling," Helena protested as she checked her email. There were just a couple of things she really needed to get the answers to.

Myka smiled as they passed the mounds of dirty snow piled up on the streets of Manhattan on the way to their flight. Helena was so excited about surprising Myka, that she didn't ask any questions. She was going to be alone with Helena for several days, and that was all the detail she needed.

As Pete helped unload the bags, Helena noticed that he had been quiet the entire ride there. "Everything okay, Mr. Lattimer?" Helena asked from behind dark glasses in an attempt to keep the press at bay.

"What? Oh yes, thanks boss," he lied.

"You're a terrible liar, Mr. Lattimer," Helena pointed out.

"I'm good," Pete said, half smiling. His second attempt was worse than the first.

Helena immediately texted Eileen to find out what the issue was that was troubling him. Without revealing her source within the Group, Eileen said that he had asked if he could return the heart locket he purchased for Jane. Helena then asked Eileen to set up an appointment with the good detective for when she returned.

It never occurred to Helena that this was none of her business.

"Do you think Irene had a point?" Myka asked when Helena texted Claudia next about satellite reception for the island.

Claudia's office looked like Command Central because not only was she in charge of wireless service to the locale, but also all security surveillance cameras for the private island. She and Pete were making this their top priority.

"I was…eh…this was ..," Helena said, showing Myka her phone as if that proved her point. "Don't you have any last-minute details to tie up before we board?" she asked, trying to deflect the question.

"No, I finished all my work before we left," Myka said nonchalantly, as they waited to go through security.

"What about things that will transpire in your absence?" Helena asked, taking her shoes off and putting them in the bin to go through x-ray.

"Oh I'm not worried. You see the number one cause of most of my paperwork...?" Myka said as she stepped to the machine. "...Will be with me," she smiled, devilishly.

Just then, the machine beeped and Myka had to be patted down.

"Madam, do not put her hands on her. Do you hear me? Madam, I am not going to ask you again," Helena shouted to the TSA employee.

Forty minutes later, after being yanked off the security line, she and Myka were cleared and allowed to leave the inner offices of the Security team.

"What were you thinking?" Myka asked quietly, when they got back outside to the waiting area.

"I was thinking she was putting her hands on you and I did not like it," Helena said, annoyed at the over sensitivity of the airport personnel. "I am never going to like that!"

"Oh Helena," Myka said, smiling and relieved at the same time.

Once TSA established Helena's identity, they were released with a very stern warning. They in turn, received one back from the Brit, until the Chief conceded she was no threat, just the biggest annoyance they had experienced – ever.

Myka wasn't surprised that they were boarding a commercial flight. She had a conversation with Artie before she left that explained everything.

As the new Chief Financial Officer, Artie was now in charge of all of Wells Corp's finances. The first thing he did was to look into the question the previous CFO had that caused him to be fired. He had questioned the expenses of Helena's jet increasing a great deal. Artie was in his new job one day when he uncovered the answer. He felt it prudent to share the reason with Mrs. Frederic and Myka. Helena was allowing the plane to be used by families with sick children who traveled to Manhattan for special care at the local hospitals. Three times a week, the jet was flown to various parts of the world and picked up passengers and flew them to New York for the various treatments and operations for their ill children – free of charge. Helena never told anyone.

"I really do think I could fly this, if they would let me," Helena said, passing by the cockpit.

"Remember the lessons?" Myka reminded her.

"Remember how you're going to check?" Helena shot back. She picked up her phone again and she heard Myka sigh. Helena knew that sound – the one Myka made when she was bothered, but didn't want to say anything yet. "I'll tell you what. I will only check my phone when you are not with me, like when you're in the shower for example," Helena said, trying to compromise.

"What makes you think I will be alone in the shower?" Myka asked bluntly.

"Oh! Yes, that's rather a good point," Helena said.

"And you don't want that annoying beep to …," Myka said slowly, pulling Helena over so she could feel the breath in her ear, "…make me lose my train of thought when I'm checking your …progress, do you?"

Helena fumbled so quickly with the phone, it shot out of her hands and went flying. She retrieved it and shut it off and pushed it back into her bag.

Back at Wells Corp, Eileen sighed as she walked from her desk to the kitchen. Without Helena there, things were a little slow. She had forwarded the necessary contracts to the two actresses and things were all set. Eileen liked the idea that the two women were friends in real life. There was something about them, she thought, that said they were destined to be together. Now their destiny had brought them together to star in the new show about HG Wells.

Eileen brewed a cup of tea, just to keep her skills up to par. Her computer beeped, so she took her beverage to her desk.

"My budget has been approved!" Millie's message read to the group. Of course it had everything to do with the fact that Artie and Vanessa had joined her food workshop and approved of it wholeheartedly. Vanessa even gave Millie a couple of tips on how to make some of the dishes more nutritionally sound. Millie thought the good doctor might be just missing the point of some of her recipes, but she substituted whole wheat spaghetti just to appease her.

The only other call came in was from Leena, asking Eileen if she heard from Helena yet. Eileen explained that she had a few texts before she boarded, but not since.

"It's probably nothing, but I was downstairs in her gym slash laboratory and there's a door there I never saw before, which in this house is not so unusual," Leena explained. "But I can hear noises in the distance, like drilling or something."

Eileen said she would put it on the list of things to bring to Helena's attention when she returned.

Pete went back to the office and sat at his desk after dropping Helena and Myka off at the airport. He pulled out the drawer and took out the necklace. He had been so excited to give it to Jane on Valentine's Day, He blamed himself for missing the signals – the warning signs that a relationship is in trouble. Maybe he just didn't want to see them. He had never met anyone like Jane before, and there was nothing about her that fit his type. And yet, he felt inexplicably drawn to her. It wasn't until he gave her the gift, that she shared her own thoughts. She couldn't accept such an expensive gift, she explained, when she thought it was time for them to take a break. Pete tried to argue, but in the end, he gave in and gave Jane what she wanted – time to think things through.

Mrs. Frederic looked at her empty desk. It had been piled up with things that very morning. It finally dawned on her how she managed to get so many things accomplished. She hadn't once been interrupted with a call to appear on the 17th floor to handle the crisis du jour. She was happy that Helena and Myka were getting away. Especially Helena.

She was about to leave that night when one of the top scientists banged on her door. "I must speak to Ms. Wells," he announced, "She is not answering her phone."

Irene smiled at that news. She knew Myka would convince Helena that things could wait until she got back. "I'm sure there is a good reason for that," Irene told the frantic man.

"She told me to contact her immediately if we got the results," he said, and with that produced a clear cage, the contents of which were scurrying around.

Irene jumped back and put one, then two chairs between them as she continued to get behind her desk. "Get them out of my office!" she screamed.

"They are not going to get out..," the accented scientist assured her.

"I don't care. Remove them immediately," Irene implored, but the man instead put the container on her desk.

"We must tell Ms. Wells about this. She wanted to know immediately," he said, looking affectionately into the box.

"That your test subjects had an offspring?" Irene asked -her voice still anxious.

"That the baby is healthy and thriving! Yes!" he said, happy she finally saw the importance.

"And this is unusual in a lab full of mice?" Irene asked, wishing the man would leave.

"Unusual because this is no ordinary mouse," he said proudly, pointing to the smallest one.

"Dare I ask?" the HR Director said, still behind her chair.

"She was born….. of two mothers," he said beaming.

Now the HR Director stared at him. "Are you sure?" she asked, suddenly facing her fear and peering over into the clear container.

"Oh yes, I am quite sure. I was there for the conception and delivery," he laughed.

Irene was pleased with the news, but assured the man, his life was in no danger if he failed to get ahold of his boss for another few days.

"We are not to disturb Ms. Wells. She is going to need all the rest she can get. She's got quite a busy schedule when she returns,' Irene told the man and pointed for him to leave. She hated mice.

Construction on the new office on the 17th floor was coming along quickly. The design that Eileen came up with was simple enough that the layout was complete within a week. There was furniture already in there, although most of it was still boxed. Eileen had given a great deal of thought to what the person who might be in there would like. If they were working with Helena, they had to be bright and efficient. She chose a desk that would reflect a person with such an important position, but thought they would also have to be team player. The desk was large, with round edges, so chairs could be pulled up and people could sit around it and talk.

Now Eileen walked into the office and looked around. Could she ever see herself behind that desk? She walked over, after checking that no one was there, but her.

No one knew other than Claudia and Mrs. Frederic about Eileen's secret. She walked over and sat down in the chair. There was no dark wood or leather here like the décor in Helena's office. This office was light colored woods and fabric covered chairs. The seat behind the desk was deep purple and swiveled so whoever was in it, could see everyone who might sit at the large desk in meetings.

Eileen chose everything with the idea in mind that the person who would sit there would be fortunate to work with Helena. She hoped they would be loyal and faithful and do whatever it took to help Helena without question. Sitting down in that chair, letting herself even entertain what it would feel like, something came to Eileen.

The very thing Eileen wished for Helena – had happened. The person whom Helena wanted that office for was loyal and faithful – beyond measure.

"Maybe I was meant to do this," Eileen said, running her hand along the desk.

The commercial flight landed in Miami. Myka was pleased that it wasn't too long a flight, and that it was to a warm place. Soft, warm breezes met them when they went to the private car outside. The driver greeted them and put the luggage in the trunk. Myka looked out at the Palm-lined road they traveled on. A short while later, they rolled up to the Port of Miami airport. Myka got out, letting the warm sun splash on her face and get the last of the New York chill out of her bones.

"This way, darling," Helena said and took Myka by the arm. They walked in the direction of the private pontoon plane.

"Welcome to the Florida Keys, Ms. Wells, Ms. Bering," their pilot greeted them. He helped them into the back of the small seaplane and then handed Helena two bags. Myka thought he would be placing the other bags from the car into the back, but instead he got in the front and prepared for takeoff.

"Helena, we don't have all our luggage," Myka said, worried their bags were misplaced.

"We have everything we need," Helena said, pointing to the two bags.

"But our bags," Myka shouted as the twin engines started, but Helena motioned to get strapped in. It was a twenty-minute flight to the island.

Myka's body jolted back into the seat as they took off. It wasn't until they leveled out that Myka resurrected her concern over their bags.

"Helena, all of our things…," she tried again.

"All we need," Helena shouted above the noise of the engines.

Myka leaned down and opened the small Louse Vuitton duffle bag that was incredibly light. She pulled it up onto her lap and pulled out the items, one at a time.

"Suntan lotion?" Myka said and took the SPF 50 out.

"You're very fair darling," Helena said.

"Twizzlers?" Myka said of large bag of the candy.

"I know how you love them, and I do so enjoy watching you eat them," Helena explained.

"This is the only clothing you brought for me?" Myka said, of the two piece bathing suit.

"Well, we will be spending a great deal of time on the beach," Helena replied, smiling devilishly.

"And the rest of the time?" Myka asked, pretending she was annoyed.

"The rest of the time you'll have to make do," Helena teased.

The seaplane landed at the dock and slowly pulled up. The pilot helped Myka and Helena out, and then bid them farewell and took off again.

"Where are we?" Myka asked, looking around at the pristine landscape of Palm trees and green shrubbery. A golf cart awaited them and Helena got into the driver's seat.

"We are on Melody Key, a private and very secluded island," Helena explained as she drove up to the house with floor to ceiling windows, sliding glass doors, gourmet kitchen that was stocked with food. There were also closets of clothes in the master bedroom suite.

"Is this yours?" Myka asked.

"Only if you like it," Helena said, tossing the two small bags down.

"Wait, what is in your bag?" Myka asked, bending down and grabbing Helena's bag. Helena charged at her to retrieve it, but Myka was too fast.

"Really, Helena? " Myka said, holding the contents and shaking her head.

"What?" Helena said defensively. "I like it when you eat spaghetti," she said, guilt written all over the face.

"You expect me to exist on Twizzlers and pasta?" Myka laughed. "Some vacation this is going to be."

Helena retrieved the glasses on the granite counter and took the chilled bottle of wine that had been awaiting their arrival. She filled the glasses, handed one to Myka, pressed a couple of buttons, and pulled Myka to the window. The blinds were retracting, revealing the most picturesque view of the sun setting on the water.

"To our first vacation together," Helena said, raising her glass.

"To us," Myka said, clinking the glasses.

After dinner, the two lovers went outside and lay down in the hammock. "Look at all those stars," Myka said, lying in Helena's arms, and gazing upward. It was a view of the heavens that Manhattan's skyline never allowed.

"To think all these millennia, they were thought to be among the rarest sights, the most beautiful that one's eyes could see," Helena said.

"And now?" Myka asked, unsure of what Helena was saying.

"Now they sparkle a little less, don't shine as brightly, and all because they know they cannot compare to you, Myka," Helena said softly. "I feel sorry for them."

Myka smiled and pulled her head up on Helena's chest. A soft wind gently rocked the hammock. "If your day job doesn't work out, Helena, I really do hope you will write," Myka teased.

"Someone has to write about our adventures," Helena said.

"Will we have adventures, Helena?" Myka asked, leaning up to gaze into her eyes.

"The likes of which you have never known, Myka, I promise you that," Helena said, pulling Myka into her embrace.

There was no doubt in Myka's mind that Helena meant every word - unconditionally.

I hope you will be back for Part V tentatively called - "An Heir of Confidence".