Hey guys so as I said on a chapter of He Took My Heart I had another idea sitting in my head and over the Christmas fun I had, I have been having a little writing block and thought if I at least got the idea down on paper it might help clear my mind from obsessing over this. Please if you do like/enjoy/hate tell me so I know if I should continue it. And I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and celebrate nye in style like I will be ;).

As I have said before, all grammatical and spelling errors are my own and I apologise ahead. This is just the first chapter so it's just a set up of the story. Also I do not own any part of the Hunger Games... wish I did but I don't still thank you Suzanne Collins for your amazing series.

Warning: eventual smut, swearing, possible drug use, violence, boy on boy, OOC-ness and all the wonderful bad things in life.

My Fate Re-Written

Chapter One

I wake in confusion, what happened? Where am I? Everything is so white. I slowly rise, my head suddenly pounding. I feel so disorientated. I try recalling what happened before I blacked out while at the same time assessing my surroundings. I vaguely remember Katniss, where was she? Though my memory is hazy everything comes flooding back to me. The Hunger Games, has it not started yet? Did I faint in the hovercraft and I'm just in a holding cell waiting for it to start? It looked like it could be one, I was sitting on a flat metal table, nothing else was in the small square room. The walls all but one exactly the same white and completely flat. The wall in front of me looked as though it was made of frosted ice or something. Dread was all I felt, I was going in the area soon, I was going to die. Even though my memories must be from moments before I had woken up my mind seemed to think those memories were a life time ago. I needed answers.

As if someone knew what I was thinking the wall that looked like frosted ice seemed to defrost within a second, it becoming a huge glass window. I looked at the hall that was now visible to me. Three people standing in front of me. The first a older man, his face worn with wrinkles, his hair white and thinned. He was wearing a white coat that just stopped shy of the floor. I notice a small name tag barely legible at my distance. Doctor Formlester, he didn't dress like any doctor or healer I had seen in the Capitol.

The other two people a boy and girl looked as if they were strongly related. They shared the same light crystal blue eyes and platinum hair. The only difference was his hair was cropped short around the sides and back with the tops length increasing gradually from the back to the front to form a fringe that was swept to the side completely covering his right eye. The girls dead straight down to her waist with a mix of purple, blue and pink colours through the bottom of it. The boy looked a light bronze compared to the girls light completion, both looking around my age. They were both dressed nothing like any person I had seen in the Capitol. She was in a short tight black skirt that hugged closely to her body. With a totally shear long sleeved purple skin tight top, a black undergarment covering her breasts. Her shoes though could definitely be from the Capitol, they reminded me of something Effie would of worn, they were unbelievably high black diamond encrusted pumps with spikes spread out over them. The boy wore light blue faded tight jeans with a simple v-neck tee that was also completely see-through. So you could see his bare chest and his tattoos, writing on his right shoulder and a large angel wing coming done his left shoulder stopping at his elbow, it covered his upper arm completely. He had simple white high topped sneakers on. They both dressed so simple and not so modestly for Capitol people.

The doctor clears his throat. "Peeta, I'm Dr. Formlester. How are you feeling?"

"Um, alright I guess. I had a bit of a headache though. Where am I? What happened?" My voice hoarse, how long had I been out?

"Ah, yes we will get to that but before we do I just want to make sure you completely healthy." He says as he pulls a small device of his jacket pressing something. To the left of me a desk suddenly rises from the floor with a odd looking helmet on it. "Peeta could you put that on your head so I can scan it to make sure you have no damage at all and everything is back to normal."

"Normal?" I ask confused as I put it on. I watch the doctor press more buttons on the device in his hand.

"He is completely de-programmed." Dr. Formlester mutters.

"Excuse me?" I was completely lost now.

"Peeta you can take it off now. What we are about to tell you will change everything for you, I just need you to understand first we are here to help and you are safe here. You see the last thing you remember is not the last thing to happened before you were brought here." He explains in a tone only a doctor could have.

"Okay, please just tell me." I plead.

"This is ridiculous, open the door and let him out of there. We will tell him everything." The boy interrupts abruptly.

"I don't know." Dr. Formlester starts.

"Come on, we can take care of him, he's no threat to us. There is no point keeping him locked up like this." The boy continues.

"Very well." Dr. Formlester says immediately. He presses some more buttons and the glass wall slowly lifts up. I walk steadily towards them and as I step out I am suddenly pulled into a hug by the girl. Her previous blank expression turning to relief and excitement.

"Oh sorry, it's just so good to finally meet you Peet, I can call you that yeah?" She smiles at me.

"Um, sure." I babble out.

"I'm Maddison-lee but you can just call me Maddie. This is my twin brother Quentin but everyone just calls his Quinn."

"Hey." Quinn says seeming suddenly shy. "She can get a bit over the top. How about we get you some real clothes and we can explain everything." He states, walking down the hall in front of me. Maddie grabs my arm and we follow him.

After walking through a maze of halls and taking a elevator we arrived at a apartment I could only assume was their own. It was large and fancy looking with lots of black, silver and purple throughout the rooms. I like it a lot more then the penthouse we had been staying in before the games. Maddie drags me into a bedroom and walks straight into a large walk-in-robe.

"Okay let's get you a tee and some underwear." She hands them to me and I stand there awkwardly while she continues to dig through the clothing on the racks. She hands me some jeans and socks. "Well don't just stand there get dressed." She says before realising my hesitation. "Oh sorry just head to the door on the right there, it's the bathroom, you can get dressed there."

I turn and open the door. The bathroom was as impressive as every other room I had seen so far. I slip out of the white loose clothing I had on and change into the plain tee and black jeans. I hear a knock at the door.

"Are you done?" Maddie asks, her voice muffled by the door between us.

"Yeah." I shout back. She opens the door handing me a pair of red sneakers. I slip them on and follow her out of the bedroom into a dining room, Quinn already sitting there. We both sit down ans he looks at me.

"Okay well I'm just going to be upfront about everything and I know it will be a lot to take in but you need to know everything, the whole truth. Okay?" Quinn says, the confidence in his voice returning.

"Alright lay it all out for me." I reply trying my best to mentally prepare myself for whatever was coming.

"Okay then. Firstly you aren't actually you. Well you are okay sorry, this will sound crazy but the original Peeta Mellark dies over five hundred years ago. You are actually a clone made from his DNA. The Capitol took a sample of your DNA when they put your tracker in for the Hunger Games and that's why the hovercraft is your last memory.

In the five hundred years you have missed, you and Katniss won the seventy-fourth games together sparking a rebellion. At the seventy-fifth games you both, with other past victors were forced back into the games. Rebel forces including the then thought destroyed District Thirteen rescued Katniss from the area and then eventually you. You both were vital in the efforts in killing Snow and the then to be his replacement District Thirteen leader Alma Coin.

After Panem lived free from Snow and all his evil. The districts were united and a government was set up to take care of the people fairly. After the rebellion you married Katniss and had children, dying a happy old man. No one knew Snow had taken any of your DNA and for five hundred years we lived in peace. There was always rumours Snow's evil would return some how and unfortunately they were true. A few years ago a descendant of Snow, Devlin got his hands not only on all the tributes hidden DNA samples and Snow's DNA, he finally successfully created the machine that could bring you all back.

He brought Snow back first and then slowly he has been bringing back tributes to create an army today's government has no chance at winning against. My sister and I were sent in to rescue as many of you as we could and destroy the machine and samples. We were successful in destroying the machine but we didn't get enough time to destroy the cloning samples. Its only a matter of time before they create another machine and continue to create an unstoppable army. We have been at war for five years now. When we got you out you haven't been awoken yet, all the tributes we rescued hadn't. Because the ones already awake had succumbed to Devlin's mind control. You need to know there is a large possibility that there is other clones of you in the army already. We need you help again Peeta. We need to save Panem, the people need to be free of Snow once and for all. Will you join us?" Quinn asked hope expressed over his face.

"I, I, um." I couldn't wrap my head around it all, it was to much. I'm not really me? I don't understand. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice and my had spins around.

"Yeah I was exactly the same when they told me." He says uncrossing his arms. Before he gets time to react and I know what I was actually doing I jump up and hug him, clinging to him. The tall muscled blonde was the only thing that was familiar right now. "Ah, Peeta?"

I realise what I had just done. "Cato, I'm, oh, sorry it's just right now you are the only thing from my memory here."

"Thing? That's not very nice loverboy" He jokes.

I blush, "Sorry." I say again. It was so odd I had hated Cato before but in this moment he felt like my anchor, helping me stay grounded, sane and safe. "So it's all true?" I ask looking into his eyes.

"Yeah it is. Even the part that they are your blood relatives." He replies a smile I have never seen before gracing his features. It looked good on him, not menacing or psychotic, just warm and happy.

"What?" I'm confused again.

"We are descendants of you children." Maddie explains. "It's weird I know but well on the bright side your are not alone because we are family."

I felt more a ease with them, I was safe, I wasn't going into the Hunger Games. I was instead apart of a war, but I wasn't alone in this anymore. "Who else did you get out?" I ask my brain over it initial shock and working at full force again.

"Katniss, Clove, Marvel and the victors Finnick, Johanna, Enobia and Haymitch. Apart from you two Enobia and Johanna are the one others awake already. They are both working on getting our next assignment ready. Johanna didn't take much to convince to join, Enobia on the other hand still seems a little off about the whole situation though." Quinn answers.

"I see." I look between Cato, Quinn and Maddie. It was still so much to process through.

"You are welcome to stay in our apartment here with us and Cato, we have a spare room." Maddie offers.

"Thanks, you don't live with your parents?" I ask aware I hadn't seen an adult since Dr. Formlester. Maddie face suddenly drops and she half smiles sadly at me.

"They um, died a few years ago. Casualties caught in the cross fire between Devlin and the people trying to protect us. We have been on the front line of the war since that day." She replies looking at her brother.

"Right." Quinn suddenly stands. "I think it's time to make some food for dinner." He says as he exits the room.

"I'll help." Cato says as he turns around heading towards the door.

I laugh at him. "Like you can cook."

Cato suddenly turns to me and brings he lips down to my ear. "You'd be surprised what I can do. Now we don't have to kill each other I think I'm going to have some fun getting to know you properly." His voice husky.

I get tingles down my spine. He backs off and walks away. I blush like a virgin school girl. What was that even? I hear Maddie laugh so I turn to look at her, giving her a questioning look.

"He was totally flirting with you. This is going to get so interesting." She says amused at my obviously confusion, and reaction to Cato being so close.

"Huh?" Is all I get out. I'm as it was confused enough I didn't need Cato confusing me more. He seemed to actually like me. And the way I reacted. I knew three things right now, I need to stop Snow, apparently again. The second thing I knew was things would never be normal again. And finally I had a connection to Cato I had yet to fully understand.

So guys I hope you like it and am interested and please please please let me know if you do so I know if I should continue it or not. Thanks for taking the time for reading and if you haven't checked out my other story take a look, I admit it's not perfect but do enjoy writing it. Love to all and enough NYE! Xxxx