Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges
A forum made to provide challenges for HP fanfiction writers who need inspiration, a cure for writers block or just want a challenge! We're all really really nice, not to mention insane 0.0, so come on in and join the fun! :D
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Okay so, I'm not entirely sure how much interest this in going to generate but I just re-discovered one of my favourite polyship tropes...the sedoretu. And I said to myself, self, there needs to be more of this in the world! Hence, challenge.


A Sedoretu is a trope for a poly marriage originally created by scifi writer Ursula le Guin for her Planet O.

In this society people are split into halves, or moieties, called Morning and Evening. You belong to your birth-mother's moiety and cannot have sexual relations with anyone of your own moiety (well...you CAN but it's a taboo equivalent to incest).

A traditional sedoretu marriage is a foursome featuring a Morning Man and a Morning Woman and an Evening Man and Evening Woman. It is expected that you have sexual relations with both the man and the woman of your opposite moiety and a strong platonic bond with your partner of the same moiety.

The expected relationships within each sedoretu are:

The Morning woman and the Evening man (the "Morning marriage") The Evening woman and the Morning man (the "Evening marriage") The Morning woman and the Evening woman (the "Day marriage") The Morning man and the Evening man (the "Night marriage").

The forbidden relationships are between the Morning woman and the Morning man, and between the Evening woman and the Evening man, and they aren't called anything, except sacrilege. Because siblings are the same moiety (their mother's) and thus will never have relations anyway they can be married to each other.


Sedoretu: [Harry Potter (Evening) Ron Weasley (Morning) Hermione Granger (Evening) Ginny Weasley (Morning)]

Morning Marriage: Harry/Ginny

Evening Marriage: Ron/Hermione

Day Marriage: Ginny/Hermione

Night Marriage: Harry/Ron

NON-SEXUAL ROMANCE or PLATONIC BOND: Ron & Ginny Harry & Hermione

Complicated right? But fun!

So the challenge is thus - write a fic about sedoretu! It doesn't have to shake out exactly as above, have fun with all same-sex pairs or same moiety relationships or other creative variations of the concept! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Join the challenge using one of the categories below!

Easy: Do what you like and be happy!

Medium: Choose your sedoretu and I will assign their moiety!

Difficult: Choose half your sedoretu and I will assign the other half of their sedoretu!

Expert: Choose a character and I will assign their moiety AND the other 3/4 of their sedoretu!

If you picked any category other than easy please also fill out the pairing form below and/or tell me what you're not comfortable writing: bold all that apply!

(all male/all fem/more male/more fem/traditional/same-gen/cross-gen/trio/marauder/riddle/next-gen/well-known/obscure)

As always additional prompts are available upon request: bold all that apply!



New works only

Min word count 500 words

You may change your difficulty level once and your sedoretu up to four times

No due date

I will review every entry and the first 5 chapters of any multi-chap!

5/6 . Edited 5/6 #1


5/6 #2
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