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Joined 02-25-07, id: 1227547, Profile Updated: 12-09-11
Author has written 1 story for RENT.

Name: Stephanie (but I go by Mo to my best friends and the fanfiction community)

Nicknames: Mo (of course), Steph, Stephy, Sessa

Age: 15 (yeah, it's fun to be a freshman)

Location: Suburbia, New Jersey.

Favorite Musicals: RENT, Wicked, Hairspray, Avenue Q, Aida, Thoroughly Modern Millie, The Boy From Oz, Annie, Guys and Dolls, West Side Story, Chicago, Spamalot, Les Miserables, Grease (in no particular order)

So anyway. About me. Well, I'm a huge RENThead (in case you couldn't tell), and I'm EXACTLY like Maureen. Seriously. It's scary. Some random things about me...

~ If Bruce Willis and Princess Diana had a daughter, she would look like me. No, I'm not kidding. My dad looks like Bruce from back when he had hair and my mom looks like Princess Di, according to everyone. How weird is that? Oh, and my grandpa looks like the dad from Everybody Loves Raymond. But he doesn't like it when you tell him that.


~ I have Rogerpants. And they came with SUSPENDERS! How cool is THAT?

~ I recently cut my hair really short - a couple friends just told me today that I look like Rizzo from Grease.

~ I'm really ticklish, and if you poke me in the side I'll jump about ten feet in the air and squeal like...well, like a fangirl.

~ Most of the time I'm either really ditzy or really sarcastic...so don't be surprised if I leave you a really hyper review with lots of exclamation points and then a really snarky one.

~ I've recently started to become addicted to Law and Order...the original and SVU. Mostly because Jesse L. Martin is my one and only. :3

~ I think we need more guy fanfiction writers. Seriously. I know there are guys out there who like RENT!

~ I hate commercials, but I like movie previews.

~ If I took a shot every time I heard Joanne referred to as "mocha" in a fanfic, I would be stark raving drunk for the rest of my life. So stop saying it! She is not a coffee drink, she's a lawyer!

~ I imagined book characters as looking like RENT actors before I ever saw RENT. Is that weird? I always pictured Dustfinger from Inkheart as Adam Pascal and Kingsley Shacklebolt from Harry Potter as Taye Diggs with an earring. As in, uncanny resemblance. And then the first time after seeing RENT that I read those books again, I was like, wait a minute...

~ There's way more stuff that I should put on here but am too lazy to actually type.

Couples I Like


Collins/Angel: YAY!! Seriously, you can't be a RENThead and not like Collins/Angel. It would tear a hole in the time-space continuum. Or something. Even though Maureen is my favorite character, I write mostly Collins/Angel because I just love them so much, and they're easy to write for me.

Roger/Mimi: Hmm...let's see...most of the plot has to do with their relationship...um, YES! I actually don't read a lot of Roger/Mimi stuff, but I do really like it.

MoJo: Of course! They're only the best thing ever! I love the whole "opposites attract" thing.

Mark/Maureen: They're okay. In a preRENT, once again, the opposites attract thing is cute. But I don't like the postRENTs where she leaves Joanne and goes back to Mark...poor Jo! And I like the friendship ones too.

Mark/OC: Only if it's well written. Boy or girl OC, I don't care, if it's good, I like it. New characters are cute.

Collins/Maureen: Friendship, yay! Romance...sure, yeah, a gay guy and a lesbian (well, bisexual I guess) could be together! Right! Although if they were both straight, they would make a cute couple. And being a very Maureen-ish person with a HUGE crush on Collins, I can't abandon it completely. But I love them as best friends.

Mark/Joanne: I have a weird affection for these...and I love the friendship ones. I have no idea why I like them...actually, the first time I saw the movie, I thought there was a lot of romantic tension in Tango: Maureen. I dunno, it's just kinda cute.

Pom-Pom Hat Guy/Waiter: People who have seen the show know what I mean. I love them! My two favorite bit characters, as a couple? Too good to be true. Yeah, I'm one of those people who considers every company member a character and has favorites. Deal.

Mark/Collins: Hmm...as odd as it sounds, it's almost kind of cute. I dunno. I don't think they should actually get together or anything, but I think the idea of Collins having a crush on Mark in high school is adorable. Don't question my reasons, because I have none.


Harry/Ginny: Huzzah! I love them! I slammed the book down on a table when he broke up with her in HBP. But I still think Albus Severus is a seriously over-the-top name.

Ron/Hermione: My favorite HP couple! Seriously, who DIDN'T catch those anvil-sized hints? They're so cute. Like the MoJo of Harry Potter.

Fred/Angelina: I just think they're really cute. I miss Fred!! Seriously, I had to reread that part over and over to make sure I read it correctly.

Neville/Luna: Once again, opposites attract. I just love the idea of Neville being so freaked out by Luna but completely smitten at the same time...and he's my favorite character, so he needs someone to love. One of the very few non-canon HP couples that I actually like.

Tonks/Lupin: Love it! That's all I have to say.

Dumbledore/Grindelwald: Okay, yeah, Dumbledore is even more awesome now, and you can't deny that. I was in shock for a while, but now I keep thinking, "Why didn't I notice before?!"


Rod/Nicky: YES!! They SO should have gotten together, and you know it.

Brian/Christmas Eve: They just crack me up. The immortal "Avenue Jew" quote: "Hanukkah Eve, do you love me?" "...No."


Jason/Kelsi: That's so cute. Seriously, they should have put more of that in the movies instead of just the game ball thingie.

Sharpay/Zeke: Whatever happened to that? Really, where'd it go? I was looking forward to that in HSM2!

Chad/Ryan: THE BEST HSM COUPLE EVER!! Seriously, every other line in "I Don't Dance" is suggestive. And they wear each other's clothes! Let's see Disney explain that one! They're actually the only reason I WATCH Hsm!

Couples I Hate


Mark/Angel: I cannot even begin to describe the horror.

Mark/Roger: They are BEST FRIENDS! In other words, not unless Jonathan Larson is resurrected and tells everyone, "Um, yeah, couldn't you tell they were supposed to be together?" Well, okay, the fluff is cute sometimes. Like that one where they went on the Ellen Degeneres show. But I can do without all the goddamn angst.

Mimi/Maureen: Let me put it this way: It's like the female Mark/Roger. But the fluff isn't even cute. There IS no fluff. So just...no.

Benny/Maureen: Okay, I can see why people think this is cute...and Taye and Idina own my life. But really, people...I think these must be mostly movie fans, because on the show soundtrack, you can practically HEAR Benny rolling his eyes when he mentions her. Not exactly love.

Roger/Maureen: Ugh. There's just no chemistry. Like, at all. They just always seem like siblings to me; never anything romantic.


Harry/Hermione: (cough) DELUSIONAL...To me, they just don't really work together. And in DH when Ron left, I thought it was going to be H/Hr after all...I was freaking out.

Any student/Any teacher: Ewwwwwww.

Draco/Ginny or Draco/Hermione: Malfoy doesn't deserve a girlfriend...especially not one as cool as Ginny or Hermione.


Ryan/Sharpay: Who even thought of this?!

Troy/Gabriella: Gabriella is annoying.


Let's crash the mall...You can't crash a public venue! ~me and Martha

Let's take the invisible car...(everyone holds up imaginary steering wheel)...We can't ALL drive! ~Martha

You didn't kill the joke, you just shot it. It's in the hospital, but don't visit it. You'll just make it worse. ~Matt

Emma has no friends, nobody likes her...ding ding! ~Everyone (mostly Tom)

Adam Bernard Pierson Milano, did you make a triangle out of us?! ~Martha, scripted by Emma

What the hell?! ~Me, scripted by Emma

Me: (walks into dance with Chris) What am I doing? (walks away) Chris: (drops to knees) Steph! Come back! ~scripted by Emma

Later on...

Adam: (attempting to get a date from every guy in school) ...Chris? Chris: WHY DOES EVERYBODY THINK I'M GAY?! ~scripted by Emma

Martha: He's so... Me: Adam? Catherine: Gay? Kyung: Not Asian? ~scripted by Emma

Adam: Small hat! (does small-hat-motion-thingie) Mr. Goodman: (totally deadpan) Yes...indeed, you do have a small hat, Mr. Milano. ~PBL classarooney

Adam: My house has been deemed structurally unsound. Mark(aka resident stoner/emo kid): So if someone wanted to, like, knock on the door and say hello, it would, like, fall down? ~Social Studies (ah, the fun we have with substitutes...)

There's like a million more things I want to put on here but currently can't remember, so...yeah.

Opinions on Actors:

This is what I think of all the principal actors I've seen in RENT...some company members who I love are on here too.

Christopher J. Hanke (Mark): I love him! He's so spazzy and cute...and looks so much like Anthony! And I love that random clip online of him eating the giant sandwich. He's my new best friend.

Tim Howar (Roger): He's pretty good. His One Song Glory and other sad stuff is SO sad and good, but he kind of overacts the angry stuff. Oh well. I like him.

Jamie Lee Kirchner (Mimi): I really, really like her. She's probably the best non-OBC Mimi...and she just LOOKS like Mimi to me. I just look at her and think, "Mimi!" I dunno, it's a vibe.

Troy Horne (Collins): He's so good! I've seen him twice. It took me a while to get used to the dreadlocks, but he's so much fun to watch. And you can tell that he really loves what he's doing, because he ALWAYS smiles when he sings. It makes me smile.

Justin Johnston (Angel): He's the most adorable man I've ever seen in my life!! And SO talented...my favorite Angel other than Wilson. I've seen him twice and loved every single second of it. He just rocks my world. I wanna meet him...but he hasn't come out the stage door when I saw him! Seriously, he's amazing. His Contact is just...wow. It might even rival Wilson's.

Karmine Alers (Maureen): I thought she was just okay at first, but she really grew on me by the end. I like her a lot as Maureen, even though most people think of her as Mimi. And she was so nice when I met her! I have a picture of us on my wall.

Tonya Dixon (Joanne): I loved her! I really liked how her Joanne was so sarcastic and snarky...she was just so good. I think she makes Joanne a more interesting and likable character...not that I didn't already love Joanne.

D'Monroe (Benny): He was good. I honestly don't remember anything ultra-special about him, but I liked him.

Harley Jay (Mark): He was Anthony Rapp's understudy, and he ALMOST made up for Anthony not being there. I really, really liked him, and he's really nice. Christopher still beats him by a nose, but I liked Harley. And it was only his second performance! I'm so glad he has the role on Broadway now.

Adam Pascal (Roger): So much better than I could have ever imagined!! I squeed so loud when he came out the stage door...I got his picture and autograph! And he was AMAZING!! Seriously, I found myself thinking during the show, "There should've been more Roger." Which I've never thought before, even though I love Roger dearly.

Tamyra Gray (Mimi): I like her a lot. And her hair is so cool! She's got a great voice. She did over-sing some stuff a little bit, but I liked her so much that I didn't care.

Nicolette Hart (Maureen): Hmm...she was pretty good. Kind of the opposite of Karmine - I liked her at first, but she kind of grates on you after a while. I did like her, though, and she was nice when I was getting her autograph.

Maia Nkenge Wilson (Joanne): She was good, and I liked her Tango: Maureen; it was funny. Tonya was better, though.

Rodney Hicks (Benny): How could I not like him?! He's the original Pom-Pom Hat Guy! And he came back! And I got his autograph! He had a lower voice than most guys who play Benny - certainly lower than Taye's - and I thought that was cool. I like his smile. So cute.

Telly Leung (Squeegee Man/Waiter/Steve): I love this man!! Seriously, I want him to be my best friend. He's just the coolest. I have an affinity for Squeegee Man in general, and he's just so cute. "Feliz Navidad!"

Shaun Earl (Paul/Pom-Pom Hat Guy): He's cool, and Pom-Pom Hat Guy is my second-favorite company member after Squeegee Man/Waiter/Steve. (I kinda count those 3 together since it's the same actor and I love them all) And he played the waiter in the movie, too! Not the funny-looking maitre d' guy, the cool leather-pants-wearing one. Pom-Pom Hat Guy/Waiter is the best couple ever! I adore how they snuggle during I Should Tell You; it makes me squee.

Favorite RENT Characters:

Okay, just to make it clear, I LOVE all the RENT characters...I even like Benny. So even if someone's at the bottom of my list, I still like them.

~Maureen: She's hilarious, she's loud, she's fun, and she's played by Idina Menzel. Can it get any better than that? Besides, we're exactly alike. If I didn't like her, I would have some serious self-confidence issues.

~Collins: J'adore Collins...my friend makes fun of me because she says I have a thing for Collins-y guys, but it really is true. I mean, come on. He's got that smile, and that voice...and he makes me laugh. I will probably never write a fic that doesn't have large amounts of Maureen and Collins.

~Angel: Everyone loves Angel. She's amazing. And yes, I will usually call her a she, unless it's a highschool fic or something like that where she isn't ever in drag. She was originally my ultimate favorite, but I think she's everyone's favorite the first time they see RENT.

~Joanne: She's so sarcastic; I love it. And she's really underappreciated.

~Mark: Silly Marky. I just think he's adorable. Everyone loves a spazz.

~Mimi: Her attitude is just so awesome. I love her gutsiness. I like making her the "best friend," too, though I probably will never make her a main character.

~Roger: He's a cool guy. I like Silly Roger - and yes, I have names for the different faces of Roger.

~Benny: He may be an asshole, but I really do think he's a good guy deep down. He did pay for the funeral.

~Squeegee Man and Pom-Pom Hat Guy: These two are really in a class of their own. I adore them, and they're both hilarious and cute.

My RENT Experiences:

Yeah, I changed my mind. I'm too lazy to type this twice, so I'm just gonna send mine over to PandaFire McMango for her story-thing, and if you're so curious, you can read it over there.

Tales of Extreme RENTheadedness:

I am SUCH a dork...let me relay to you what just happened. So, I'm watching this commercial (I have no idea what it was for), and I spend most of the commercial leaning forward into the TV, squinting at the actress. All of a sudden, "OMIGOD IT'S JAMIE LEE KIRCHNER!!" My mom is pretty much asleep and is like, "Um...who?" And I was all indignant like, "I saw her as Mimi in RENT! Duh!" And that is how much of a RENThead I am. I go hysterical over a commercial. You should see me right now. For those of you in the know, it's like the time with the lime Tootsie Roll.

And another one...So, I'm in the car and I turn on the radio. And what's playing? Losing My Religion by REM. I freaked out. I was SO sure it was a sign and it meant my mom would tell me that day that I was going to see Adam and Anthony. Sadly, it wasn't.

Mwahahaha, I got the "Seasons of Love" solo in my camp's, ahem, Musical Revue! Pwnage! Let's just hope my voice doesn't crack on that high C in front of 525,600 people...that's the ultimate top of my range. This doesn't really belong with the other tales of extreme RENTheadedness, but I just felt like sharing with all you lovely people.

Upcoming Stories:

Okay, these are just ideas. Don't be surprised if they never show up anywhere. And none of them have titles yet.

~ A Mark/OC fic in which Mark falls in love with someone new to NYC...but there's a twist. Trust me, it's something rather interesting. But I'm not telling you, because I'm almost positive that I'm really going to write this one.

~ An Angel-centric highschool fic, mostly about the story of her finding herself and how coming out affects her friendships and all that. Yes, everyone writes these, but I can't get the plot bunnies out of my head, and they're threatening to redecorate in there.

~ A Collins/Angel fic in which they decide to adopt...yay for another cliche! But I have some good ideas for this one. It's going to have a more unique beginning than most.

~ ANOTHER Mark/OC fic, but this one all starts out with a game of Never Have I Ever, which leads to some discoveries...I like my OC in this story better, but the first one has a more developed and interesting plotline. The two stories and OCs are COMPLETELY different in every way you could possibly think of...and I do mean every way. I'm really excited to write this one.

~ I'm also considering two more highschool fics, one Maureen or Joanne-centric where whichever character I decide is the "new kid," mostly because I noticed that usually Mark, Collins or Angel is the new kid, and one that's kind of weird, where it starts out with really odd non-canon couples and then chronicles how the characters' relationships change until we get to the canon couples. But these are just ideas, and I will probably never follow through on these two.

~ And I'm thinking about a Maureen pregnancy fic, just because they're fun to write. I'll try to think of some less cliched storylines...

~ One of my original ideas when I started writing fanfiction was a fic where Maureen wins the lottery, and I forgot about it for a long time. But now I'm thinking of writing it again. It'll probably be mostly humor, with a lot of romance and at least one expensive wedding...just because it's fun. I have one scene that I really like written in my head, but other than that, I have no idea where the story would go.

Current Story Info:

You're My Angel -

Photo of Enrico (Angel's oldest brother): http:///dark-eyes-image2277954

Photo of David (Angel's middle brother): http:///attitude-image300584

Photo of Luisa (Angel's mom): http:///attitude-image300584

Photo of Bernard and Isabelle (Collins' parents): http:///happy-couple-hugging.-image3470572

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

An Angel Indeed by SiriusLovesRent reviews
When Collins and Angel first met in high school. Collins tries to hide his sexuality. Angel's out in the open. What happens when Collins falls for his new friend? CollinsAngel, RogerMimi, and MarkMaureen. AU
RENT - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 13 - Words: 17,806 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 7/12/2008 - Published: 3/5/2007 - T. Collins, Angel D.
Ten Little Bohos by streco reviews
The Bohos take a trip to an island off of Florida, and live in an apartment complex owned by the Greys. While testing out the complex, things go terribly wrong. They’re locked on an island, and a murderer is locked with them. [Canon couples. Angel lives]
RENT - Rated: T - English - Mystery/Suspense - Chapters: 12 - Words: 44,063 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 9/18/2007 - Published: 6/10/2007
Honest Living by Falling April reviews
[preRENT] Norbert the squeegee man doesn't have to do what he does he just enjoys it. [Oneshot]
RENT - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 284 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/3/2007 - Squeegee Man - Complete
Forever Young by alwaysflying reviews
AU. Mark is five, and scared. Roger, Collins, and Benny find him on the street. And with time, they become more of a family than the Cohens ever were.
RENT - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 31 - Words: 57,215 - Reviews: 393 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 12/23/2006 - Published: 9/18/2006 - Mark C., Roger D. - Complete
You're My Angel reviews
Collins is sick of suburbia and bored with his life. He's just looking for something to break the monotony. Then, he meets the new kid, who does just that... CollinsAngel schoolfic New summary, same story!
RENT - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,939 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 21 - Updated: 12/14/2007 - Published: 3/21/2007 - T. Collins, Angel D.