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Joined 05-23-19, id: 12378419, Profile Updated: 08-06-20

Hey, I just want to give an apology to everyone on the site who chose to read my stories and follow them and favorite. But for personal reasons I have chosen to delete them and start from scratch. To be starting over a story is better and easier for me then to try and edit a twenty or a hundred chapter story. Hopefully, by September or sooner I will have posted my first story back up with new and improved and edited chapters. The reason why I am saying this is because when I do post it again and it may seem familiar that is because it is familiar but it isn't me copying a story from somewhere else it is my own story. Now chances are when I posted the first chapter or even chapters of what I hope to be my new and improved story it will still need to fix of errors hopefully not that much but I am sure it will be there somewhere. and to me, that is okay mistakes are apart of life. I don't believe a story is ever truly perfect because there is always room for improvement I believe even though perfect is a word I don't believe in it. I'm not striving to be perfect.

I don't believe in beta-readers there is nothing wrong with them. it is just not for me. So, when I do post back up my story new and improved to those who just decide to be negative and tell me oh I need a beta reader or to tell me about my spelling or punctuation errors. First off no I don't need a beta reader, you think I do there is a difference second if you just leave a review to tell me about my mistakes then "THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR TELLING ME SOMETHING I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT MYSELF" English/literature was never my strong suit in school and yeah I know this site is for people aspiring to be writers or it is supposed to be at least. But I didn't see where it said you had to be an aspiring writer, because I'm not one I'm just here because it is fun. I came to this website looking for one thing and I found it which was a more so happy ending to the Clary/Jace story of shadowhunters but then I also found something else, a place where I can explore my imagination a bit and other stories to read. Sometimes I find myself reading these fan-fictions stories and think it is better than the show itself or the books. I know I am not the best speller out there. hell everyone has a weakness and well spelling is one of mine but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to write if I want to write.

But that is one of the reasons why I have my private messaging off... to keep away from the negativity. I know in my stories when I do start to post them back up again even though they will be new and improved well new and improved to me at least there will still be some who choose to leave mean and nasty reviews because they have nothing better to do with their lives than to try and bring people down. My thing is if you don't like my story why are you reading them then? and if you don't write yourself what gives you the right to past judgment on my stories. That is one of the reasons why I don't reply to my reviews because I don't want to take a chance and run into someone who has nothing better to do with themselves except leave bad reviews. It is one thing to say you feel that the punctuation in my story is wrong or I am misusing a word in my story. and calling my story horrible just because you don't like how I write. Well, news flash everyone writes differently! just because you don't like something doesn't make it horrible or bad or messy. There is a difference between being confused and there being an error in a story. I mean when you buy actual books and it's something you don't like. do you call it horrible and messy or just something that isn't for you, even when you are in school taking classes if you didn't understand a subject or topic is it horrible and bad or just something you don't understand. Now if you chose to leave me a review about my spelling error/punctuations or me misusing a word, that doesn't mean I will change especially if I can't see where you are coming from and it makes sense to me, how I have it written. But during this go-round of my stories I will try to read my reviews can't make any promises, but I will try.

That is another reasoning why I'm taking this new start with my stories. because I was trying to please everyone when it came to my stories and to try and honor that franchise as best as I could and do it justice. But then I realize that I wasn't here to write for people's approval I was writing my stories for me. And I realized that I can't please everyone because everyone has a different take on what they like or dislike about certain franchises whether it be books or stories movies or tv shows. I will give some examples right now take Once Upon A Time some people like Emma and Hook together while some prefer to that Emma and Regina were an item or even Emma and Neal. me personally since the start of the show I was an Emma fan and but it wasn't season three of the show until I started buying the OUAT DVDs once I saw Emma and Hook kiss I was a CaptainSwan fan off the back. Sorry, yeah I love Regina and Emma teaming up, but I don't ship them romantically. Some of you may have liked the new Cinderella with older Henry sorry not my cup of tea now him and Drizella to me that was spot on. Another example let's take the Flash I know there's a lot of West-Allen's fans. Well, I hate to break it to you, I was never a West-Allen, to begin with, nor an Iris West fan either with to me her character seems like a snob a hypocrite and to me Barry seems too good for her, especially since I feel the writers have Barry love Iris way more strongly and intensely then Iris loves him, but anyways I mean out of the one hundred and thirty-three episodes of the flash there were only four episodes where I did love her character and I felt like I could root for her, while there were forty episodes out of the one hundred and thirty-three where I absolutely couldn't stand her. The rest of the time she just wasn't relevant to me. I did ship Jesse and Wally. Now I know some also ship Barry and Caitlin together. I don't ship them either. There were only two of the arrowverse characters that I shipped with Barry and that was Patty and Felicity. I didn't really ship Olicity until the end of season five. Out of the entire shows known as the arrowverse, I have the biggest problem with the flash show. I mean the flash did correct some issues that I had with it. but there is still one big one I am waiting for either the flash or Dc Legends of tomorrow show to address. If Arrow was still on, I would say or Arrow to address but that is when Sara Lance blamed Barry Allen for the death of her sister Laurel Lance. yeah, I know Sara and Barry of pals now. but if you look on the arrowverse website and the deaths of Laurel and Henry. Henry died after Laurel. so, when Barry time-traveled he didn't kill Laurel. during the arrowverse yearly crossover called invasions where Cisco forced Barry to tell everyone the truth, Sara blamed Barry for her sister's death I never agreed with that. I mean how could I when Laurel died April 16th, 2016, and Henry died May 17th, 2016. So, that means Barry didn't time travel until after the 17th of May. and in one of my arrowverse stories that I am currently working on I will be addressing that in my own way and about whose's fault I think it is really, but there are more problems I feel is so wrong with the timeline of the arrowverse. Now about supernatural, I never shipped any of these characters romantically but hey there are some who do and that is characters Dean and Sam, Castiel and Dean. Then there is the most recent charmed the reboot one some like Macy and Henry together. I was never a fan of them but then again I never did like Macy because of how she is always picking on Mel especially trying to kill her I didn't like who the show was trying to produce Mel as a bad guy, even in season two will Maggie, the character of Ray is Mel's father, so if Mel wants him to be in her life, that is her right, without having to worry about offending Maggie but Mel is my favorite character out of the reboot series. I know in the charmed reboot some people even like Macy and Abigael together or prefer Mel with Niko or even Ruby, but for me, I would like to see a relationship between Abigael and Mel or have the writers bring back Jada, she isn't dead on the show so there is no reason why she can't come back. Then there is Legacies show with Hope, some like Hope and Landon while others prefer Hope with Rafael or even Josie, but I prefer to see Hope with either Lizzie Saltzman or Landon's half brother Ryan, yeah I know he's dead but let's face it with show you can come back to life just as easily as die. with all of these weird likes in different franchises. I really don't have to worry about pleasing anyone. There are more ships out there, that isn't for me but I was just giving some examples.

I do know that when I do write a story there will be tons of OOC's in them. If you don't like that then okay fine no problem don't read my story. you're not hurting my feelings, but if you choose to read my story knowing this then don't leave a comment saying oh this isn't justice to that franchise or character. None of my stories will be set in an AU. If I feel I can't set a story in the time period or world that it was originally done in then I won't write it. I am not a fan of AU stories not saying there is anything wrong with them it is just my opinion. but I prefer stories that take place in the world it is supposed to be in unless I can actually picture in my head like okay this can happen that way or this way.

Hopefully by the first of September or sooner I will start posting my stories again.