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Joined 11-03-08, id: 1732623, Profile Updated: 01-08-09
Author has written 2 stories for Naruto.

Hello world!

We're InsanimaniaDreams, aka Insani-chan. You may have heard of us through one of our many other accounds, such as DevArt (Insani-chan) or YouTube (InsanimaniaDreams). We're a cosplay group of spazzy otakus out to conquer the world. No, we wished we were out to conquer the world. Anyways, we're totally yaoi and yuri supporters and cosplayers. We try to get to cons as much as we can with our cosplays and everything. It's hard though, since we're a decent sized group.


Ahna - Creator, 8th grade

Catie - Main Member, 8th grade

Shannon - Main Member, 8th grade

Dani - Oldest Member, 9th grade

Aidan - Only Guy Member, 8th grade

Carly - Member, 8th grade

Georgia - Member, 8th grade

Caitlin - Member, 8th grade

Hey! All you cosplayers, fangirls, fanboys, and otaku going to Setsucon 2009! There's a pretty good chance that part of Insani-chan is going to make it up to Setsucon this year! Originally, we planned to do DeathNote. But, we're otaku, and otaku procrastinate, so we realized that unless we could sew amazingly well at incredibly fast speeds, we weren't going to make it any where near close. So, due to this inconvienence, Ah-chan and Da-kun are going to go as Sasuke and Naruto from their AU RolePlay story! If you've read it, then you know the basic plot. We hope to get the chapter that really will explain our cosplays up soon, but that would involve Da-kun finding time around her projects and frantic studying for midterms to actually type the entire thing up. But, if you are attending Setsucon 2009, message us, and we'll see if we can spot you there~!

Think you know us personally? Ya might! We were at Zenkaikon 2008 this year in full cosplay. We only went Saturday from 10:30 ish to 5-6. But, we went Naruto-themed. Ahna went as Neko Sasuke, equipped with rainbow striped knee-highs. Catie was Kakashi, and Shannon was Shippuden Gaara. Carly was the Shippuden Tenten complaining about getting no screentime, and getting called Sakura twice by the same person and called Temari another time. Georgia was Shippuden Temari for a bit, but the wig just became to irritating, so she wore a "I'm With Kira" shirt and ditched the wig. Aidan was Kiba. Dani started the day as Sakura with blond, long hair and a rolled up dress in the back. It was supposed to be like a night gown thingy. Then she cut off her hair in the hallway while proclaiming her love for Sasuke. After a "brief" costume change, Uke Kawaii Naruto emerged on a chain leash.

Also, we go to Animania at the Suncoast at our local mall.


YouTube: InsanimaniaDreams

DeviantArt: Insani-chan

Email & MySpace: InsanimaniaPro@

Story Information

A Messed Up Version Of High School Sweethears - Follow along with the story of Sasuke and Naruto as they brave the harsh world known as high school. Fangirls, teachers, classmates, stereotypes, cliques, crushes, love, awkward situations. The joys of high school wrapped up in a bundle. Taken straight from Insani-Chan's roleplay

Memory Loss - What happens when an accident wipes Naruto's memory entirely? Why, Sasuke uses it to his advantage of course! Drama, romance, hurt, comfort, yaoi, and complete and utter crack all mashed into a story that originated in a IM between Ah-chan and Da-kun.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Memory Loss reviews
After training one day, an unfortunate accident occurs, leaving poor little Naru without quite a lot of memory! What will Sasuke do in response to his now entirely clueless uke? - Utter crack. SasuNaru. Warning: creators are Otaku. Rated for content
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,126 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 1/7/2009 - Published: 1/5/2009 - Sasuke U., Naruto U.
A Messed Up Version of High School Sweethearts reviews
Freshmen at high school, how will Sasuke and Naruto survive? Among the typical high school issues of cliques, popularity, and stereotypes, here is their story. Part of the roleplay/co-written story Insani-Chan is working on. Rated T for content.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 23,576 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 12/27/2008 - Published: 11/15/2008 - Sasuke U., Naruto U.