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Joined 03-05-09, id: 1856712, Profile Updated: 11-09-10
Author has written 4 stories for Shugo Chara!.

Hiya! My name is Rubiibi, or Rubii-chan but that's only my penname...

I'm currently living in Australia.

Age 17, i happen to be a girl

also happen to be a little weird but weird is good

Say hi to SignPost-Kun!

Okay so that Homepage Isn't my homepage It's my friends Deviantart account. I'm just promoting her and well hopefully pressuring her to actually put some stuff up. Geez...

Facts About Me:

If you haven't noticed i'm Chinese, Beijing born in Australia...
Thus i have black wavy hair and black eyes, I wear glasses and that's it for now...

I'm the only person in my whole family to be born in another country. All my parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousin (even the one who lives close to me and four years older) were born in China. I feel like a rebel.

Ambition? To be a manga author. You heard right AUTHOR Meaning i write stories while my partner in crime draws them...
Second Ambition? Go to America with my friends and try all 333 ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart... I got one of my friends to do it with me... now for my other friends...

What's my special talent? Singing/talking chipmunk at anytime I want. FIrst discovered when I tried singing the mysterious ticking noise in speeded up mode and thus I've learnt to sing like a chipmunk and sing like one whenever the Chipmunk squeakquel ad comes up... much to my friends jealousy

Religion? Should be a better Christian...

Crayon Shin-chan... Okay... of you don't know what crayon shin-chan or the chinese ver. labi xiaoxin(la-bee-seeow-sin lit. crayon/wax pen little shin/xin) then you're missing out on a lot! Epic and funny! Anyone recently my friend told me the author of the manga died. I didn't believe her then i went on the internet. Turns out he died while hiking. I nearly cried. Crayon Shin-Chan is one of my most faved series EVER! My friend agreed with me and we mourned in silence... Yoshito Usui Rest in Peace.

Feminism? Okay so according to my friends I'm a feminist and an environmentalist... Yeah on the basis that during history we were analysing a history source and I noticed it said fatherland instead of the normal motherland. I pointed that out as weird then my friend was like "OMG I didn't know you were a feminist!" Seriously does that even count as being feminist? Also my friends keep wasting paper and I tell them to stop killing trees and their like "OMG who cares about the environment!" Okay I admit I'm a bit of an environmentalist, but not extreme environmentalist.


Human Quotes:

"There's this thing in the world called a money tree... that doesn't exist"
~Me, School Bus

Counting coins for a chocolate bar...
"I have thirty cents, Man I'm missing ten cents for a chocolate bar. No wait i have sixty cents. Shit i've been counting twenty cents as ten cents. Damnit i can't spell"
~Me, At the Vending Machine

"Hey why are they chopping down the trees?" (Me)
"I think to camouflage themselves" (My Friend)
"Right. Because a moving forest totally isn't suspicious" (Me)
~Friend and Me, watching Macbeth in English

"I love chemistry more because I do my chem homework" (friend)
"Well i love chem more because I don't do my homework" (me)
"Because you know you'll have a long relationship no matter what happens" (friend)
"Exactly... wait why are we talking about how much we love chem!?" (me)
~Friend and Me, Walking to Chem

"WEll she's not exactly the sharpest crayon in the box" (Me)
"You mean she's not the brightest crayon in the box and not the sharpest tool in the shed" (Friend)
"... Right i knew that" (Me)
~Friend and Me, Walking to Sport

"Why is it so quiet?"
(At least i didn't say it out loud...)
~Me, Art Exam

"I wonder what the water smells like?"
(proceeds to smell the water while underwater)
~Me, Swimming Class

Our school has a fish pond outside...
"It's been raining a lot lately... do you think the fish drowned?"
~Friend, Walking to maths

"If you keep rubbing your nose like that your eyes will get worse"
~Dad, Home

"Eww is that a ham and chicken sandwich?" (Friend)
"Well you guys eat bacon and eggs together right?" (me)
~Friend and Me, Lunch (School)

"Kids now-a-days, whatever they wish for they get." (mum)
"I wish I'm a super hero, but that's not happening" (me)
~Mum and Me, Home

"Why do you keep waking up at 11? what Are you going to do when you start school again?" (mum)
"..." (me)
"From now on go to bed later." (mum)
"Okay" (me)
"Wait I take that back. Go to bed earlier!" (mum)
~Mum and Me, Home

"This water isn't water" (mum)
"Then what is it?" (me)
~Mum and Me, Home

"You eat too much" (friend 1)
"Well I'm 16 I'm still growing" (friend 2)
"Vertically or horizontally?" (me)
~ My friends and me, School

"Here's the thing about essays... there's three parts. Introduction, body and conclusion.
Basically... You tell 'em what you're going to tell em. You Tell 'em. You tell 'em what you just told them."
~ English Teacher (best english teacher ever! She's so funny and makes everything interesting), 10th Grade English

"If in the future there's a deadly virus going around you'll probably be the first to die and the last things on earth will be the cockroaches."
~ Mum, To me at Home

"I'm not short! Im just vertically challenged!"
~ Me and friend, Anytime.

"I am Awesome! You just haven't realised it yet..."
~Friend, A lot

This is probably one of the best conversations I've ever had...
Me: "I remember doing that last year."
Friend 1: "I don't."
Me: "What!? End of last year... you were in my class."
Friend 1: "Yeah but I left early remember?"
Me: "Oh right."
Friend 2: "Hey did you know that on the history shelf there's a book about bondage?"
Me: "What ew..."
Friend 1: "So anyway I wasn't there for that lesson."
Me: "On bondage?"
~ Friends and I, School Library...

"Maturity isn't my strong point."

Me: "No Way!"
Friend: "Yeah way!"
~Me and Friend, Birthday this Year

Friend: "I'm so tired!"
Me: "What time did you wake up?"
Friend: "7am, that's one hour earlier than normal!"
Me: "Wow. That really puts my waking up at 6:30am every morning into perspective"
~Sad thing is a lot of my friends keep saying this to me.

Me: "Aw thanks for the present... Wait... why does the bag say Wedding Wishes?"
Friend: "Open it."
(Wedding March starts to play.)
Me: "..."
Friend: "..."
Me: "YAY I'm getting MARRIED!"
~ My Birthday

Friend is drinking a cup of tea.
Me: "Wait... is that one of my tea bags?"
*Friend does innocent look*
Me: "Yes you can use my tea bag, thanks for asking."
~ And this has happened many times before.

Me: "Ohh can I try some?"
Friend: "Do you have HIV, Hepatitis, cold or anything like that?"
Me: *Blank look* "Yes. Yes I do."
Friend: *Looks scared.*
Me: "Geez just joking besides you've asked me many times before."

Me: "Okay so we want half a frozen raspberry fanta and half coke right?"
Friend: "Yep"
(To attendant)
Me: "Okay so we want half frozen coke and half frozen raspberry fanta"
Attendant: "Sorry we're out of frozen raspberry fanta"
Me: "Okay... so we'd like a frozen coke."
Attendant: "Sorry we're out of frozen coke too."
Me: "Well what do you have?"
Attendant: "Um... the frozen blue one is working."
Me: "Okay... what does it taste like?"
Attendant: "Um... like blue?"
~ My four friends and I, cinema

~ Originally from an Commonwealth Bank ad

Book Quotes:

"Death's got an Invisibility Cloak?"
"So he can sneak up on people... Sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking..."
~Harry and Ron, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Seriously too lazy to put more up.

Anime/Manga Quotes:

"The young master's dance is both so splendid and so awful. That it would make even the best professional collapse in laughter and proceed to heaven"
~ Sebastian, Kuroshitsuji (Anime)

"If you don't remove your hands immediately... I will render you unable to biologically maintain life."
~Seiji Matsunaga, Love so Life (Manga)

"Rock on Mom! You definitely take after me!"
"Ummm... Other way son."
~Naruto and Kushina Chapter 498

T.V Quotes:

(After losing all her money gambling)
"Tap water! Tap Water for Everyone!"
~Bubbles (I think that's her name), Little Britian USA

Movie Quotes:

"Get your butt outta my face"
"Get your face outta my butt"
~Darwin and Hurley, G-Force

"Everything in this room is eatable. Even I'm eatable. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies."
~ Willy Wonka, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)

Music Quotes:

"I really wanna touch myself"
~ Micky from DBSK/TVXQ, (Song: Purple Line)

Other/Random Quotes:

"Haikus are easy;
Sometimes they don't make sense;
~Anonymous, Internet

"Last night i had a dream that i was a butterfly fluttering in a field. When i woke up i wondered if i was a human dreaming that i was a butterfly. Or a Butterfly dreaming that i was human"
-Anonymous, Mangafox

(One of the Greatest Mysteries of the world)
"If Pinocchio said that his nose is going to grow now... will it?"
~Anonymous, MLIA Okay mystery solved it will go haywire or shoot backwards into his brain. I''m going for his nose going haywire and exploding

Laughing my ass off rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet, scaring the cat, nearly dying by falling out of the window in front of a guy who looks like Bill Gates, who then horrified runs out on the street and is accidentally killed by a yellow bulldozer.
~Anonymous, MLIA

Guy 1: Whatever, you have a 1 inch penis
Guy 2: Yeah, 1 inch off the ground
Guy 1: Yeah, with your two inch legs
~Anonymous, MLIA who got it off the comments page of Youtube

There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
~Anonymous, Internet (My friend couldn't work out the punchline after we explained it to her ten times each and this lasts for a while before she goes "OHHH now I get it!!!" cue facepalm)

"Elephants are the only animals in the world that can't jump"
"Thank God for that"
~Anonymous, World Joke Book

My Substitutes For Swear Words:

"Holy Mackerel" -- "Holy Macintosh"
"Oh Fudge/Fudgesticles"

Funny Stuff that Happens...

Stupid Test:

"Hey do you wanna take the stupid test?" (friend 1)
"O.o??" (me)
"Come on, it'll be fun!" (friend 1)
"Okay..." (me)
"If you're hand is larger then your head then you're stupid" (me)
(thinking) I know my hand is smaller than my face no way would I fall for that.
(Friend 2 next to me puts hand on face to see if her hand is larger than her head then friend 1 slams her hand into friend 2, making friend 2 hit herself.)
"I knew that was going to happen..." (me)

It's Awesome to be Female:

Once when my friend and I were waiting for another friend to arrive we started to talk about men coming first. How man thinks they're 'superior' because they were first created by God blah blah blah. So I say to her, well it's obvious we're better I mean everything has a prototype, and prototypes always have errors etc and thus we're better because we're the second edition. the updated better version of the original. So her being a very very very devoted Christian says to me God doesn't make mistakes. So I say to her it means we're even more perfect, she agreed with me. (Just so you know I didn't get it off the internet this conversation actually happened.)


In english (year 10) we were learning all about persuasive essay techniques. Our teacher gets to statistics "70 percent of statistics are made up." Then my friend starts laughing. "See she gets it." After a long silence everyone else starts laughing, because 70 of statistics are made up it implies that this was made up as well. So I turn to my friend and say "Wow you're smart for figuring that out instantly." She replies "No actually I was thinking that during our geography exam you and (friend 2) made up all of your statistics on whaling."

Time Capsules:

Since I'm in my last year of school we get our time capsules from year 7 back! Man was that a flashback of the past. Anyway before we got them I'm like mines probably filled with Neopets stuff. Lo behold! Neopets left right an centre in and on my time capsule. My friend opens her and there's a magazine cut of a tv schedule from 2005. Anyway best moment was when I read my sheet that I had filled in 2005 there was a section that asked what do you think will be different in 2010 I wrote that I will have a different signature since I can think of a better one. I look at the signature from 2005 and well it's EXACTLY the same as my current one. My friend reads hers and starts laughing, she wrote on hers that by 2010 The Great Barrier Reef will be destroyed, yeah that totally happened.


This list is not by favourites. Usually what I remember and the ones at the end are Manga's I recently discovered...
Okay this list has gotten kinda long so I will now be splitting into shounen and shojo manga


One Piece
Liar Game
(Rabbit) Doubt - (Horror manga)
Reborn - (First 61 chapters are insanely repetitive it gets better after the first serious arc, also for all you girls by a Female mangaka so pretty much after it turns from comedy to action there are bisheis everywhere)
Barihakaken - (Otaku pretending to be a delinquent)
Kuroshitsuji - (Not sure if it's shojo or shounen but has pretty dark themes so shounen pile it is)
Crayon Shin-Chan - (er pretty sure it's shounen)
Defense Devil
Fairy Tail - (Insanely similar to One Piece minus the whole pirates, recommended for those who love One Piece)
Enigma - (Another shouen by a female artist, FEMALE SHOUNEN MANGAKA'S FIGHTING)
Oumagadoki Doubutsuen - (Great underrated manga, full of bright vibrant characters)


Special A
Gauken Alice
Shugo Chara!
Special A
Zombie Loan - (Also by P-pit)
(Rabbit) Doubt - (Horror manga...)
Momo - (hehehhehehe i really like this manga for no certain reason)
Kyou, Koi wa Hajimemasu
Arisa - (Mmm the mystery)
Houou Gakuen - Misoragumi (Girl who hates guys and wants a girlfriend goes to an all boys school...)
SEIYUU KA! - (newest manga by Minaimi Maki Mangaka of special A if you love shujo manga then you have to read it!)
Strobe Edge - (I'm sooo proud of the Ninako!)
Love So Life - (OMG how kawaii are the twins?)
Watashi ni xx Shinasai!
Full Contact - (Oh so, so, so funny! Totally recommended)
Franken Fran - (NOT for the faint of heart)
Fairy Tail - (Insanely similar to One Piece minus the whole pirates, recommended for those who love One Piece)
Nanaco Robin (Mangaka of LOVELY COMPLEX!!!)
Alice 19th
Beast Master (Actually I liked this manga way before other people did, kinda like Dengeki Daisy but updates were horrible so I stopped)
H3: Happy Hustle High
Yume Chu (Kinda old but still really good)

Hmmm there are others I can't remember oh so genius of me
So many shoujo mangas... meh
...And others that aren't gracing me with their presence
Also looking for manga recommendations!

Manga Authors:

Note only putting down mangaka who have more than one work I like. Reason? well seriously I can't tell if I love an artists work if they only have one... so yeah major jump people aren't gonna be in here, so basically this is a list for shojo mangaka's. I suggest you to read their works most are one shots that want you wanting MOAR! Well hope you have fun with your newly acquired information.
(Once again not ordered by favourites but by what order I remember/discover them.)

Mitsuki Kako (Sora Log, Kiss/hug, Ai Hime - Ai to Himegoto and MOAR)
Takano Ichigo (Yumemiro Taiyou, Bambi no Tegami)
Shiiba Nana (Check out her one shots)
Hiro Mashina (Rave Master, Fairy Tail)
P-Pit (Shugo Chara, Zombie Loan, DearS, etc)
Ohba Tsugumi/ Obata Takeshi (Bakuman, Death Note)
Minami Kanan (Kyou, koi wo Hajimemasu, Honey X Honey Drops... works are kinda smutty don't recommend for those under 15)
Nakahara Aya (Nanco Robin, Lovely Complex and MOAR)
Sakisaka Io (Strobe Edge and short works)
CLAMP (can't believe I just remembered them... CCS [Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa, XXXHOLiC etc...)
Watase Yuu (Alice 19th, Absolute Boyfriend, Fushigi Yugi and MOAR)
Minami Maki (Special A, Seiyuu-Ka!)
Fujisawa Shizuki (Shoujo works)
Motomi Kyousuke (Beast Master and other works)

There are others just can't remember, I'll have to wait until one of their works gets updated...


Okay first let me get something straight. I personally HATE watching anime unless it's a movie. Ugh the fillers! It's enough to kill me. Other than that I LOVE anime. Contradicting? Yes. But I seriously love anime movies especially those by Studio Ghibli. Also I don't really watch anime wastes a lot of internet usage and my dad is sooo stingy about internet usage. Also I've had bad bad bad experiences with dubs... (eg/ ponyo on a cliff & Naruto: SAUCEGAY!) So the reason why the anime list is super short is because of reasons above.

Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Ponyo on a cliff
Princess Monoke
Porco Rosso
Whisper of the Heart
My Neighbour Totoro
The Cat Returns
Tales from Earthsea
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Kiki's Delivery Service
Pom Poko
Only Yesterday
The Girl who Lept through Time
Crayon Shin-Chan
Cardcaptor Sakura

Want to Watch:
My Neigbours the Yamadas
Nausicaa Valley in the Sky
Future studio Ghibli Movies - The Borrower Arriety (2010), The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter (Unknown)
5 Centimeters Per Second


Harry Potter, Twilight and others




- Favourite manga site
- Okay so some/ most of the material is quite mature but it's funny - Myspace, twitter suck
- The place I go to for anime... - lol
Customer is not always right -
Wikipedia - My history teacher hates it when we find info from wiki since it's unreliable, but my friends and I love using it.

Can't think of other sites... but those are a few of my faves.

Brace yourselves this is going to be long...


Special A:
(wait a second... this is the cannon O.O)

Shugo Chara:
TadaseXOC (this one is really pointless until P-Pit gives Tadase a female character and i'll get rid of my OC character)

Gakuen Alice:

Zombie Loan:
Hard to say, i'm fine if she likes either main character

Liar Game:
even if no pairings in the story... AkiyamaXNao


Rabbit Doubt:
Um well none it's horror

One Piece:
Gee um can't say...

SasukeXSakura (Not as much as before)
Um i think there's others' but... can't remember...


ColonelloXLal Mirch
(actually that's it i don't really care what happens to the other pairings... the whole mafia battle is awsome)

Disliked Pairings:

Naruto: I really don't like shikatema... I dunno why i just don't. NaruXSaku... sorry she totally doesn't deserve Naruto. Um... OrochimaruXSasuke... OMG PEDO ALERT!! ItachiXSasu... eh incest... AnyoneXSakura she doesn't deserve anyone except her own shadow... ItachiXNaru... sorry I just don't really see it... Meh that's it for now... well until I think of others...
Reborn: D18... It makes sense... but I don't like it. 6984... i feel sorry for 84 he's just filling in for 27... 6918 or 1869... I don't care if it's popular pairing or if it works well i just don't like it. 1896.. I'm one of the few people in the world who dislikes chrome... G27... incest? There's something wrong with me... I can't rememeber other pairings I dislike...
Shugo Chara: AnyoneXTadase... Sorry i really don't like Tadase also everyone is so much better off with their respective pairings.


Curently? Not much


Glee (i'm a gleek), Two and a Half Men, Simpsons, Futurama, Cleveland show, White collar, Merlin, Accidently on Purpose, Lie to Me and, Gray's Anatomy, Private Practice, Masterchef Australia (I live in Australia... duh), Talkin Bout Your Generation others I can't remember... I'm pretty much listing all the shows on channel ten... minus Gray's Anatomy and Private Practice (Seven) and Two and a Half Men (Nine) Oh and recently MODERN FAMILY!!! Yes I know America is miles ahead. But in Australia it's just starting bare with me. Dance Academy - Australian Drama available on youtube.


Pokemon Series... what? I like Pokemon I can probably list every Pokemon there is though not in order. Oh right IF you wanna trade with me (via wi-fi/friend codes for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions.) PM me okay?
Taiko no Tatsujin - Japanese drum game... SOOO MUCH FUN!
Bubble Struggle series
Pheonix Wright Ace Attorney Series (I didn't now pretending to be lawyer can be so much fun! Love ya Emma!)
Professor Layton Series
Zelda Series
Mario Series
Rhythm Heaven
Animal Crossing
Kirby series!
Leo Steel - On Miniclip
Lego... Man is it fun.
Basically I like the mainstream stuff


I'm not gonna give out my real name so I'll stick to Rubii thank-you

(Name/nick name):
1. Your real name:
2. Your Nobody name (Take all the letters of your first name, mix them around and put an "x" where you think it should go):
Xbur... 3 letters away from Xburner... Name of tunafish's attack (Reborn!) Speaking of Rearranging and adding an X, Roxas (antagonist from Kingdom Hearts) is Sora (protagontist from kingdom heart) rearranged with an X! Also when Xanxus' (Reborn!) two X's are removed it spells Anus... hmmm I wonder what that means...
3. Your Gangsta name (the first three letters of your name pluss "izzle"):
Rubizzle (rub-izzle... or ru-bizzle)
4. Your Detective name (fav. color and fav. animal):
I don't like any colours... just shades... white wolf or black fox (vice versa but they sound better this way)
5. Your Soap Opera name (your middle name and the street you live on):
I don't have a middle name... I was born missing something! Anyway it's /blank/ Liviana
6. Your Star Wars name (first three letters of your last name, first two letters of your first):
Watru... if i used my real name then it would just sound like my actual name...
7. Your Super Hero name (2nd fav color, fav drink):
yellow tea... LOOK OUT IT'S THE AMAZING YELLOW TEA!!... I feel lame...
8. Your Witness Protection name (middle names of your parents):
None of my parents have middle names (asian don't usually have middle names) so i'm just nameless, or I can use their english names. Since I'm a girl I'll use my mum's name as the first name so...(cue drum roll) Charmaine Simon! It would be okay if it was Simons...
9. Your Goth Name (Black plus the name of one of your pets):
Black Foxy... Man that sounds hot... sorta, lol one of my friends dog's name is bubbles... Black Bubbles, then my other friend has one called cookie... Black Cookie sounds like she burnt the cookies...

A Dumb Quiz To Pass Time:

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line 4:
..."the A button. On the next screen, choose the Pokemon you wish to switch, then"...
Okay fine the Pokemon Diamond handbook is more of a booklet...

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you reach?

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
My mums Asian DVD testing if it worked on the PS3... but that was for like one second so... probably lie to me last night.

4. Without looking, guess what time it is:
5:57pm almost time for the Malcolm in the Middle

5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
5:59pm... I should get going...

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
I can hear my neighbours talking, mum cooking and a car just passed by.

7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Hiking on a mountain, eating then buying a present for my Aunts Birthday

8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at?
My computer screen... fanfics to read

9. What are you wearing?
school shorts and a south park t-shirt

10. Did you dream last night?
... Well last night I dreamt (note the past tense) that I could leave early from school and that there was a limo filled with popular asians dressed fancy. Turns out they were dressed for the formal and I tell my friends I don't have a dress so I'll borrow my cousins. They tell me the formal is at lunch which was the current time so I tell them I'm not going and I invite one of my friends to go the shopping centre with me and the other friend leaves with us too... Then i woke up...

11. When did you last laugh?
... yesterday when my mum said that water isn't water.

12. What are on the walls of the room you are in?
White paint, Spice girl's poster, barney movie poster and a list of gamboy games poster from yoinks ago I can't be bothered taking off. A couple of my drawings and a whole load of animal stickers I really can't be bothered taking down. Also I have a painting of a family.

13. Seen anything weird lately?
Yeah in that sentence.

14. What do you think of this quiz?
Dunno I try not to think.

15. What is the last film you saw?
Did you hear about the Morgans in the cinema... and Ghost on T.V... I also watched a Marie Antoinette on DVD

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
... A whole load of Ds games, a humongous collection of Manga and a house away from my parents.

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know about you.
That despite the fact that I get really nervous and start shaking like hell... I'm really good at orals/performances... yeah.

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Turn everything into sunshine lollipops and rainbows!! (Trying to be optimistic here)

19. Do you like to dance?
Yep, DDR is fun plus lame dancing and car dancing. Accidently pole dancing in front of your teacher isn’t cool... it’s awkward...

20. George Bush:
Don't care live in Australia... but if you asked about Kevin Rudd...

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
It's a secret (don't want people stealing my awesome names.)

22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Also a secret (Also a really awesome name)

23. Would you ever consider living abroad?
If anywhere Japan

24. What do you want God to say to you when you reach the Pearly Gates?
Dunno haven’t thought about dying, maybe ‘Welcome to heaven. Feel free to eat at our full buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner, the swimming pool is open from 8am to 11pm, all children and infants must be supervised by an adult. And there is already a complimentary mint on your pillow.’ In one of those hotel service people voices.


Local Lingo:

If you don't know already I'm Australian well actually I'm Chinese born in Australia... And so I was looking around the internet and I found this:

http:///visitorguide/culture/lingo/ - Australian Local 'Lingo'

So being bored I read through it... Needless to say, Half the words in there I've never heard of, none I hear in conversation. Why? Because It's stereotyping! Sad thing is that was Australian Website. Oh boy we're being stereotyped by our own country... that's depressing... Okay so the words on the list are used by people in films yeah. You know the Aussie Battler (I mean a Australian farmer working in the desert)... funny thing is I know someone from the country and they do NOT talk like that or say words like that... EVER! Anyway enough about my ranting here's a list of some of my favourite words...

Beer O'Clock - Knock-off time from work (Hmmm... Aussies do like beer but seriously beer O'clock?)
Bewdy - good, the best (I always thought it was beauty...)
Bingle - small car accident (OMG LOOK IT'S A BINGLE!!)
Blotto - very drunk.
Crikey - expression used for surprise (Classic Aussie lingo)
Cactus - broken, useless (damn I thought it was a plant.)
Carked it - dead, died
Come up a cropper - pleasing to the eye (WTFUDGE!?)
Crap on - stop exaggerating. (I still prefer saying stop hyperbolizing)
Dinki Di- Real thing, genuine (That's the dinki di thing!)
Do your nana (Lolly, loaf) - to get very mad / angry, tantrum (errr... do your nana?)
Esky - portable drinks and food carry box that remains cool with ice (what do you guys call it in other places?)
Fair dinkum - honest, genuine, telling the truth (another classic lingo)
Fair enough - acceptable, Ok, all right (no shit)
Flat out like a lizard drinking - extremely busy (coz a lizards job is to drink... right)
Fossick - search for something (... no comment)
Get off your high horse - conceited (doesn't everyone say that?)
Good one - excellent, approval, also form of sarcasim (... I'm pretty sure other people say that too... also they misspelt sarcasm... classic)
Grey Ghost - Parking Inspector (lol GHOST!!)
Hooroo - Good bye (WHAT who doesn't say goodbye?)
Larrikin - carefree, humorous person
Mate - friend, often used as greeting 'Gday mate'. (hmm yes I see...)
Rort- illegal dealing, to con, scam
Your Shout - your turn to buy a round of drinks. (... okay i thought that was obvious)
Too right - total agreeance (no sheezang... is agreeance a word?)
Two Pot Screamer - gets drunk on two standard drinks.
Wheelie - noisy skid while driving (I'm pretty sure everyone knows what a wheelie is...)
Yobbo - a beer swilling, esky carrying, thonged Aussie. (when was the last time a saw a Yobbo... Never! But a saw a hobo once)

This is supposed to be a profile... but I don't know what to write... So I've written my Favourite Quotes, my favourite things, answered a quiz and ranted about nothing. Once I ranted about a ruler... that was random and yet... so much fun! Anyway what else should I put in my profile... Any suggestions? I could talk about the status of my stories... Yeah! Let's do that... Story TIME!


It All Started With
Summary: An accidental meeting causes two people to meet.
Pairing: Kuutau
Genre: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Status: Hiatus
Reason: Wanna concentrate more on my other story How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You. Also I wanna rewrite, story writing style is bad and I wanna add a few more things in.

How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You
Summary: Utau has created the book on How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You... Amu now has the book.
Pairing: Amuto
Genre: Humour/Romance
Status: in-progress, may go into hiatus...
Reason: I MAY go into hiatus to concentrate on my studies... MAY it's still in progress... calm down people.

One shots not included

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You reviews
It's a well known fact that Ikuto Tsukiyomi is the Prince of our school. It's also a well known fact that Utau Hoshina has a book to get his heart... and that Utau Hoshina hates me Amu Hinamori ... so... WHY IN THE WORLD IS THE BOOK AT MY HOUSE? AMUTO
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 9 - Words: 41,206 - Reviews: 106 - Favs: 71 - Follows: 61 - Updated: 6/9/2010 - Published: 7/13/2009 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
HtMITFiLwY Miniseries reviews
One-shots related to How to Make Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fall in Love with You. Focuses on the other pairings and past stories... Multiple Pairings.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,392 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 3 - Published: 2/20/2010
Shugo Chara Christmas reviews
It's Christmas time and everyone's celebrating at Amu's house... A few surprises are sure to happen. Amuto, Kuutau, Rimagihiko
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,972 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/23/2009 - Amu H. - Complete
It All Started With reviews
An unrequited romance. A random meeting. That can change my whole life... With that started a new chapter in my life. How can a meeting between two different people can one persons life? Kuutau Now on Hiatus
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 9,963 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 6/4/2009 - Published: 4/19/2009 - Utau H., Kūkai S.
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Community: Ramen is Love
Focus: Anime/Manga Shugo Chara!