Baka-Chan t-.-t
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Joined 07-10-12, id: 4118673, Profile Updated: 08-17-12

Anyways here are some stuff about point in looking on my page with no stuff?yeah so im a ultra mega rimahiko fan.i would die if i heard the word Amuhiko.but i do like stories where nagi is dating her but rima wins at the end.i love body switching stories and crossovers with Shugo Chara!i only read shugo chara stories/ or SC stories with crossoveras.

Anime Character Quiz:

Pick 10 characters and answer the questions below. You can pick any characters you like, both boys and girls!







7. Kukai


9. Rythm

10. Nagihiko

Number 1 woke you up in the of the night?
O.O "Temari?can you dance somewhere else pweashe?"

Number 2 asked you to go out with him?

*loud ass fangirl scream meaning yes*

Number 3 walked into the bathroom while you were showering?

4 announced he's going to marry 9 tomorrow.
well congratulations for the two of ya. :D

5 cooked you dinner?

7 suddenly confessed to be part of youir family?

yes!!i have a big bro!!(SCORE!)

6 was lying next to you on the beach, sleeping?

Stunned and doesnt say anything.

8 got into the hospital somehow?

9 made fun of your friends?
give him a i'll-kill-you-later- look.

10 ignored you all the time?

cry until he doesnt ignore me. TTnTT

Two serial killers are hunting you down. What does 1 do?
scream.i scream with her/

You're on a vacation with number 2 and manage to break your leg. What does 2 do
call the amberlance. :D

It's your birthday. What does 3 give you?

You'rs stuck in a house thats on fire. What does 4 do?
I SCREAM.she stands there calling the amberlance.

You're about to do something that'll make you feel extremely embarrassed. What will 5 do?

Laugh.but ill get her back later. :D

You're about to marry number 10. What's 6's reaction?

YAY!IM GONNA GET MARRIED TO NAGIHIKO!!nadeshiko's reaction...aren't they the same people?O.o

You got dumped by someone. How will 7 cheer you up?

You're angry about it afterwards, how does 8 calm you down?


You compete in some tournament. How does 9 support you?

yell "yay baka-chan keep your beat up!"

You can't stop laughing. What will 10 do?
i was LAUGHING SO MUCH he started laughing.

Number 1 is all you've ever dreamed of. Why?

2 tells you about his deeply hidden love for number 9. Your reaction?

scream a wtf scream.

You're dating number 3 and introduce him to your parents. Will they get along?

slightly.they are not proud im dating a girl and ima girl.( i wouldnt date her in the 1st place im not gay.) but they are glad im dating a famous person.

Number 4 loves number 9 as well. What does that mean?
that i did not scream.i said "go get him child."

Will number 5 and 6 ever kiss?

6 appears to be a player, he breaks many hearts. What do you do?
:O *gasp* nadeshiko is that way?OH WELL. nagihiko will never be that way.

You had a haircut and 7 can't stop looking at you. What goes on in your mind?
...notices he's staring at me. "wow kukai if you like it that must means its good.hooray!"

Number 8 thinks she'll never get a boyfriend. What will you tell her?
You will.i know you somewhat like kukai but hey you date kai- HEY WANT SOME CAKE?phew almost spilled the beans.

Number 9 gives you a bagel. Do you eat it?

1 offers you a CD. Considereing her tastes, do you listen to it?

2 suddenly goes emo. How does 8 feel about this?
TADASE?EMO?WHAT?yaya would go do i.

10 wants money and decides to get a job at Chuck E' Cheeses. How long does he stay?
nagihiko would be staying for a short time.he's a genous so he wouldnt take that long to get some $$$.

3 told 6 she started her period.
you should be telling this to a real girl, utau.

4 slaps 9 with a fish for going out with 7.
RIMA SLAPPING RYTHM WITH A FISH?comedy gold.but rythm is going out with kukai?i thoughht he was straight.

5 Comes up to you wearing a big pink dress. What's your reaction?
AMU!so kawaii desu GET THE DRESS. :O

6 cusses 2 out in german. 3 is secretly watching from behind a bush. What does she do?

7 got high.

8 reads your fanfictions an complains. What is it about?
probly cuz she aint got no candy yet.

9 can't stand 1, so how does he get his revenge when she spills Soda all over him?
RYTHM? DO THAT?TO TEMARI?NO WAY...COOOL!!FIGHT!but rythm would probally kick her..idk.

10 starts working at a bar.

O.O nagihiko?

1 comes in and tells you she's pregnant from 2.

1 breaks up with you. For what reason did he break up with you?
BUT...she didnt. =.= and she never will.because we

2 is in love with 4, she confesses. how does 4 respond?
Rima runs away with her tiny feet. (CUTE!)

3 is a drug addict. what do you do?


4 and 8 kiss?

5 wants to go to hansmall. what is he going to buy from there?
:U the hell i know.

6 kisses your boyfriend. what do you do?
"uhh..nadeshiko is a guy..and my bf is not gay..but if that happend...SCREAM!!" :O

7 is missing .where do you go to look for her?
first of all it a him and probally in a field playing soccer.

8 needs a tutor. on what subject does he need tutoring?

9 wants to be a cheerleader. what do you say?

10 hates you. why?
he hates me because he loves me.

1 gives you a teddy bear. why?

2 and 6 is fighting. what do you do?
uhh... *runs for it*

3 ate 7. what's your reaction?
no.utau not good.spit him out.

4 died. how?
she got kidnapped again and they killed her..*sniff* TT . TT

5 turns invisible. what does he do to you?
idk i can't see her.she's invisible.

6 loses memory. you have to give him a new memory. what do you say to him?
tell him he is a dude with long hair who was originally obsessesed with me.

7 is having her baby today! what's her/his name?

8 is a pervert. he's coming right at you. what do you do?

no. they're are gummy bears in my pockets . :D

9 is going through a tough break up. how do you cheer her up?

ohh..its ok. she was just a random background character.she doesn't matter and is garbage. so you can do better. c:

10 broke up with 9. what do you do?
uhhh... nagihiko you never told me you were dating your chara?HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN CHARA!!?!"

Shugo Chara Personality Quiz!

Hinamori Amu

-You're the older sibling (X)

-You use an outer character (X)

-You have a lot of crushes or a harem ()

-You have a reverse harem ()

-You have a lot of friends ()

-You're kind of wishy-washy and don't know what your dream is ()

-You want to be normal (X)

-You care about your friends (X)

-You don't like the occult ()... I'm sad to say I don't know what that is...

-You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are red, black, magenta/pink, and white. ()

Count: 4

Mashiro Rima

-You're an only child ()

-You don't like being an only child or wouldn't want to be an only child () I wouldn't want to be an only child, even though sometimes I wish I was.

-You're short for your age (x)

-You come off as cold and distant to people ()

-You (secretly) like comedy (X) it's not a secret though. o3o

-You aren't very athletic (x)

-You're protective of your friends (X)

-You can be suspicious of your best friend's friends when they act strangely (X)

-You're not quite ready for love (x)

-Your favorite colors are/ you're often associated with the colors red, orange, and white. ()

Count: 5 This does not suprise me.

Hoshina Utau

-You're the younger sibling ()

-Your older sibling is important in your life ()

-You like to sing (X)

-You like to compete (X)

-You're very stubborn/ it's hard for you to be honest (X)

-You think it's important to eat and get energy (X)

-You have a big appetite (X)

-You like to eat ramen (X)

-You can make your stage anywhere you go ()

-You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is purple (X)

Count:7 (im very suprised. O.O)

Yuiki Yaya

-You're the older sibling (x)

-You wish you were an only child (x)

-You like sweets (X)

-You are known to be a matchmaker/shipper around your friends (X)

-You like cute things (X)

-You read a lot of manga (X)

-You like to be the center of attention (x)

-You hate when people fight (X)

-You like being the youngest of your friends () i wish i was the youngest. TT3TT

-You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is pink (x)

Count: 9 (one more then i would have got everything :O )

Tsukiyomi Ikuto

-You're the older sibling (x)

-You secretly care about your little sibling ()

-You'll go out of your way to keep the people you care about out of danger ()

-You like teasing your crush ()

-Your crush thinks you're a pervert ()

-People often compare you to a cat ()

-You're stubborn (X)

-You don't tell people about your pain and troubles ()

-You're protective of your family ()

-You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are midnight blue and black (x)

Count: 3

Hotori Tadase

-You're the only child ()

-You have held a grudge for a long time (x)

-You have a rival in love that you despise ()

-You like dogs (X)

-You're a very sweet and shy person (x)

-You want power (x)

-You have a secretly spoiled character (X)

-You hate when people call you 'prince' (X)WELL.I AM A if someone called me prince i'd get pissed off.

-You are bad at making speeches (X)

-You're often associated with the colors/Your favorite colors are sky blue and yellow (x)

Count: 8

Fujisaki Nagihiko

-You're an only child ()

-Your parents expect a lot out of you (X)

-You have long hair (x)kinda long...

-You are one of the tallest people out of your friends ()I WISH, sounds more like it.

-You like dance (X)i did have fun that one time i played DDR. :D

-You like basketball ()

-You are a secret flirt ()

-You have slight romantic feelings for your friend of the opposite sex ()

-You have crossdressed before (x)Does putting a hat over your hair count?i did wear guyish looking guess.

-You're often associated with the colors/ Your favorite colors are blue and purple (X)

Count: 5 ...BOO.

Souma Kukai

-You're the youngest sibling (x)one of.but one of the oldest too.

-You like to play sports ()

-You like competition (X)

-You have a thing for older men/women ()

-You like to try different things (X)

-You like ramen (X)

-You're very easy going ()

-You are considered to be the big brother/sister of all your friends ()NOT AT ALL.

-You are the oldest of all your friends (X)

-You're often associated with the color/Your favorite color is green ()

Count: 5.

Sanjo Kairi

-You're the younger sibling ()

-You often take care of your older sibling ()

-You take martial arts/kendo/karate, etc ()

-You're tall for your age ()

-You're very serious and blunt ()

-You wear glasses ()

-You are good at making observations ()

-You use advanced vocabulary in everyday speech ()

-You like sticking to a schedule ()

- You're often associated with the color/ Your favorite color is green ()

Count: 0!!!OMFG!!!!...YAY!!!

So I am

40% like Amu

60% like Rima

70% like Utau (Weird)

90% like Yaya

20% like Ikuto

80% like Tadase

50% like Nagihiko

50% like Kukai

and 0% like Kairi (whoop de doo :D)


Signs You're Addicted to Shugo Chara!

1. You had eggs for breakfast this morning, and immediately felt guilty. (i would have felt guilty.i dont like to eat eggs.)

2. You like cats more. Especially black ones. (:O psychic.)

3. You have all/most of the Shugo Chara! theme songs on tour iPod/mp3player. (NOT YET.maybe when i get one i will. =3=)

4. You have ever done the Bala-Balance, in private or in public. (I've done it. but in private.)

5. You think you have Guardian Characters. (THINK? know for sure.)

6. When someone says "prince," you run for a bucket. (Only if he was near.)

7. Locks and keys make you giggle. (sometimes.idk why?)

8. You've ever shouted "Atashi no kokoro, UNLOCK!!" (i shouted it once!!!luckily no one was near!)

9. You now fear Easter. (...yes.but not the holiday!)

10. You have the strangest urge to color easter eggs like the Guardian Eggs. (And that's why ladies and gentleman im excited for this years easter!:D)

11. You're suddenly want to learn to play violin. (Yeah. . . . .)

12. You are overprotective of the character you have a crush on. (OFCOURSE.)

13. You enjoy watching/reading the anime/manga over and over. (got that right.)

14. You force your friends to watch and read Shugo Chara!( YES!

15. You waste your printer ink printing out Shugo Chara! pictures. (nope.once we get ink i shall do so.

16. You scream at people when they tell a bad joke. ( sometimes.

17. You have a specific color that you relate to every character and giggle when ever you see the color. (I don't giggle but colors do remind me of them.)

18. When acting like a cat, you say "nya" instead of "meow". (Damn right i say NYA!)

19. You think your student council should wear capes. (we dont have one yet BUT THEY SHOULD.unless there terrible people.)

20. You want to dye your hair the same color as your favorite character. (yes but dying it purple...what would be other people's reaction?

21. You make connections to Shugo Chara! from normal things in your life. (Yep.)

22. You jump from high places and see if you can land like a cat. (yeah i tried hurt. BUT IM NOT GIVING UP!)

23. You've based your English projects off of Shugo Chara!

24. You opened a regular book the wrong way. (many times.espicially when i lie.)

25. You can name every Chara. (DAMN STRAIGHT.)

26. When you hear the word "hop", "step", "jump", "drew", "draw", "drawn", "chip", "syrup", or "whipped cream" you have the desire to say them all. (YES!!)

27. You start carrying your bag like Amu. (I WISH.)

28. Choose a sport? Well, obviously soccer. Wait no, basketball. Soccer? Basketball? ARGHH!(!)

29. When you eat taiyaki you eat the tail first. (i never ate it.but im killing to try one.)

I know...i suck DX i did one of theese...again!

List twelve characters from from Shugo Chara, in no particular order.













1. Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to?

2. Do you think Four is hot? How hot?

I think of him as an awesome friend,cool,not really as a guy i would call hot. well he is pretty.but thats not bad.. :D

3. What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant?


4. Can you recall any fics about Nine?

5. Would Two and Six make a good couple?


6. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why?

I WOULD SAY NONE but if one i'd say Rima and Rythm.

7. What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve kissing?

he would walk in then walk back out quickly as possible.

8. Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fic.
Rythm is Ran's Best Friend.They both play sports together.they regret people saying "OMG ITS A FRIGGIN' COUPLE!!" all the time.but can that change when Ran Realizes HER would-be self is to be with Rythm?(i do not support RANXRYTHM)

9. Is there any such thing as One/Eight fluff?
i'd say no.

10. Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve hurt/comfort fic.

The Blonde Who's There?(i suck at titles :P)

11. If you wrote a songfic about Eight, what song would you choose?

The real sugar baby?IDK.(that seems like a yaya song)

12. If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be?
Warning: Yuri and HUMAN X Chara may occur in story.

13. When was the last time you read a fic about Five?
Before i actually did this.

14. "(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (7) runs off with (4). (1), broken hearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3)."
KusuKusu and Tadase are in a happy relationship until Tadase runs of with Nagihiko?Kusukusu, broken hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Kairi(?) and a brief unhappy affair with yaya, then follows the wise advice of Rima(OWNER DUH.) and finds true love with Ran?


15. How would you name this fic?

Yaoi and Yuri with the one-straight green haired?


99.8 of anime fans are obsessing over Naruto. If you are the last few of the clan who can think up three better animes than this, paste this on your profile. Sorry Naruto fans

You know you live in 2011 when...

1. You accidentally enter your password on a microwave.

2. You haven’t played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have MSN/Skype/Facebook.

4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV.

6. Your everyday activity is sitting at the computer.

7. As you read this list you think about telling your friends.

8. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.

9. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.

10. You were too busy to notice number five.

11. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.

12. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.

13. Put this in your profile if you fell for it. You know you did.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Payback by Wisteria Blossom reviews
A simple story about Rima and Amu, right? Add in feuds, fights, drama, arrest, and romance, and it's not so simple. "You know, you've changed since middle school. You used to be sweet. Now you're two faced- but honey, if you'll have two faces, at least make one of them pretty." Rima's sick and tired of Amu, and instead of cowering, she'll stand up for herself.
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Shugo Chara Truth or Dare (Discontinued) by Amuchia reviews
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Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,981 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 9/6/2013 - Published: 5/13/2011 - Complete
Dancing with Demons by RM Penhallow reviews
For generations, the Fujisaki family has been doing traditional Japanese dancing. But what happens when Nagihiko finds out that part of his family has also been secretly known as a Clan for slaying demons? Will his destiny change from now on? ***HIATUS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!***
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,628 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 6/18/2013 - Published: 7/8/2012 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F.
Tea Time For Ricken by Moemura reviews
Ricken is more than happy to finally get to join The Shepherds after many years of asking, but there was one catch. Chrom was afraid of loosing Ricken, so he forbid him to fight. INSTEAD, they got him a caregiver to look after him while he was at Camp, named Maribelle. He might have some sort of experience with this babysitter... Like a Love story. Rated T. *CONTAINS SPOILERS* AU.
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Don't Get Hacked by Amuchia reviews
Amu gives Utau her facebook password. But what Amu doesn't know, is what you can do once you get someone's facebook details. Such as, I don't know, hooking up? Rated T for swearing. Name, rating and genre may be subject to change.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 22,647 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 1/16/2013 - Published: 5/14/2011 - Amu H., Ikuto T.
Being Neighborly by HeartshapedBubbles reviews
When Rima moves across town to a new neighborhood, she never expected that her childhood enemy would live RIGHT NEXT DOOR! Ok, maybe it's not right next door and maybe he's not so much of an enemy after all. Maybe he's... something else. Hmmmm...
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 59,514 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 10/7/2012 - Published: 6/11/2011 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F., Rima M.
Summer Holiday by EvilPenguinRika reviews
/DISCONTINUED\ It's finally summer! The Guardian's decide to take a trip to Nagihiko's cousin's families hot spring hotel on a remote island! What will happen before and after the departure? /DISCONTINUED\
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,488 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 9/21/2012 - Published: 5/24/2010 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F., Rima M.
Her Secret by Yannami reviews
No way is Rima going to share her best friend, Amu, to Seiyo High's most elegant and beloved, Fujisaki Nadeshiko! What happens, though, when she discovers Nadeshiko's true and shocking secret- that 'she' is actually a boy named Nagihiko!
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 45 - Words: 98,803 - Reviews: 386 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 127 - Updated: 9/7/2012 - Published: 8/21/2010 - Rima M., Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F.
Tadase Not Tadagay by Wisteria Blossom reviews
Tadase sighed. It was starting to get old. Normally, the girls would stand up for him, but this time, he'd stand up for himself. "And for your information, if you're so obsessed with my sexuality, then maybe you're the one who's gay."
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Elephant in the Room by yayaluva reviews
Everybody has their problems, especially in high school. It's natural, it's healthy, but it's tearing this group apart. The glares are becoming too evil. The playful insults are getting serious, but no one wants to talk about the elephant in the room...
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,211 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 5 - Published: 7/7/2012
Missing In Action by yayaluva reviews
It was one of those days, even though the sun was out slightly, the clouds were puffy, the sky was the perfect blue. It was one of those days...something felt wrong. RimaXNagi.
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Because I Love You by PanwuFace reviews
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Graduation Present by RM Penhallow reviews
Amu, Tadase, and Rima are graduating middle school while Nagihiko is studying abroad again. On the day of graduation, Rima is going to get the best present she ever got. ONESHOT RimaXNagihiko My first Shugo Chara FanFic!
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Fakebook by SunRaysREdible reviews
After Nagihiko leaves Rima for Amu Rima is fuming so to get back at him she creates a Fake Facebook profile and tries to get him to fall for her again. Only this time he would be falling for 'Shizuka?
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 13,137 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 10/26/2011 - Published: 5/14/2011 - Rima M.
Fail to Remember You by MoonlightRush reviews
Nagihiko proposes to Rima, but what happens when he gets in an accident and forgets everything about Rima? What will Rima do to help him remember? Will Nagihiko's memories return? RimaXNagihiko
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 21 - Words: 62,437 - Reviews: 236 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 8/21/2011 - Published: 7/20/2009 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F., Rima M. - Complete
No Air by 40Mangax7 reviews
One-Shot! Kairi goes onto a buisness trip and Yaya, his girlfriend, comes with him. However this trip takes a turn for the worst when Kairi is in an accident on the icy roads on his way to work.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,117 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/18/2011 - Yaya Y., Kairi S. - Complete
Just call me gay by Yoru no Mukou reviews
NOT YAOI—15. Rima is sick of random guys throwing themselves at her. Nagihiko is a random guy who LOVES her. So, when yet another guy asks her out and she lies stating she only gay guys, Nagihiko is even willing to pretend to date Tadase just to get her.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 570 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 20 - Published: 2/18/2011 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F., Rima M.
All Girls Sleepover! by Gelliefishes reviews
Yaya invites Rima and Amu to her house while her parents and Tsubasa are out. It's just them... Let the hilarity ensue. first story
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,070 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 3 - Published: 11/9/2010 - Yaya Y. - Complete
The Million Dollar Bet by xenophileCorvid reviews
An anonymous someone has given the guardians and a few others a bet. They accept it, and are all stuck in the same house together for two weeks. Rimahiko and some Amuto and Kutau
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 23 - Words: 55,215 - Reviews: 251 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 10/6/2010 - Published: 3/10/2010 - Nadeshiko/Nagihiko F., Rima M. - Complete
Truth or Dare camp! by XxShugoCharaCafexX reviews
Amu and her friends goes to a camp...later to find out it's a truth or dare camp and that Ikuto is coming too... what will happen in the truth or dare game? "I dare you to lick your elbow!" "What!"
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 33 - Words: 37,816 - Reviews: 428 - Favs: 96 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 3/3/2010 - Published: 4/1/2009 - Complete
Super Useless Power by XxShugoCharaCafexX reviews
Everyone gained a super useless power! How will they use it? What is easter's new plan? Is being peanut flavored a power?
Shugo Chara! - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 7,560 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 12/6/2009 - Published: 9/9/2009 - Amu H.
Shugo Chara! Q&A by WinterMidnightMoon reviews
This is an interview for the cast of shugo chara! Please read for further information.
Shugo Chara! - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 10 - Words: 13,079 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/3/2009 - Published: 6/3/2009