Uraboku Heiress
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Joined 02-12-13, id: 4540728, Profile Updated: 05-29-20
Author has written 10 stories for Vampire Knight, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Fruits Basket, and Inuyasha.

Re-post if you think homophobia is wrong.

I am the teen kicked out of her house, because I confided to my mother that I am a lesbian

I am the prostitute working in the streets, because no one will hire a transsexual woman

I am the sister who holds her gay brother through the painful, tear-filled nights

I am the man kicked out of church, because I am gay

I am the man who is told I can't raise a child, because my partner is also a man

I am the old woman who is not allowed to see my wife, on my dying bed

I am the boy who is left to die on the streets, because I told my father I wanted to be a cheerleader instead of a football player

I am the the man who is in a car accident, but the paramedics won't help because I was once a woman

I am the girl who is written out of her father's will, because I have a girlfriend

I am the boy who is an outcast at school, just because I find both girls and boys attractive

Re-post and bold all that you are!

I'm skinny, so I MUST be anorexic
I'm emo, so I MUST cut my wrists.
I'm a Negro, so I MUST carry a gun.
I'm blonde, so I MUST be a ditz
I'm Jamaican, so I MUST smoke weed.
I'm Haitian, so I MUST eat cat.
I'm Asian, so I MUST be sexy.
I'm Jewish, so I MUST be greedy.
I'm gay, so I MUST have AIDS.
I'm a lesbian, so I MUST have a sex-tape.
I'm Arab, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I speak my mind, so I MUST be a bitch.
I'm a gay rights supporter, so I MUST be going to hell.
I'm a Christian, so I MUST think gay people should go to hell.
I'm religious, so I MUST shove my beliefs down your throat.
I'm atheist, so I MUST hate the world.
I don't have a religion, so I MUST be evil and have no morals
I'm Republican, so I MUST not care about poor people.
I'm Democrat, so I MUST not believe in being responsible.
I am Liberal, so I MUST be gay.
I'm Southern, so I MUST be white trash.
I take (or used to take) anti-depressants, so I MUST be crazy.
I'm a guy, so I MUST only want to get into your pants.
I'm Irish, so I MUST have a bad drinking problem.
I'm Indian, so I MUST own a convenient store.
I'm Native American, so I MUST dance around a fire screaming like a savage.
I'm a cheerleader, so I MUST be a whore.
I'm a dancer, so I must be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I wear skirts a lot, so I MUST be a slut.
I'm a punk, so I MUST do drugs.
I'm rich, so I MUST be a conceited snob.
I wear black, so I MUST be a goth or emo.
I'm a white girl, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend.
I'm Cuban, so I MUST spend my spare time rolling cigars.
I'm not a virgin, so I MUST be easy.
I fell in love with a married man, so I MUST be a home-wrecking whore.
I'm a teenage mom, so I MUST be an irresponsible slut.
I'm Polish, so I MUST wear my socks with my sandals.
I'm Italian, so I MUST have a "big one".
I'm Egyptian, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I have straight A's, so I MUST have no social life.
I dye my hair, so I MUST be looking for attention.
I dress in unusual ways, so I MUST be looking for attention.
I'm into theater and art, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a vegetarian, so I MUST be a crazy political activist.
I have a bunch of guy friends, so I MUST be screwing them all.
I'm Colombian, so I MUST be a drug dealer.
I wear what I want, so I MUST be a poser.
I'm Russian, so I MUST be cool and that's how Russians roll.
I'm German, so I MUST be a Nazi.
I hang out with gay people, so I MUST be gay too.
I'm Brazilian, so I MUST have a big butt.
I'm Puerto Rican, so I MUST look good and be conceited
I'm Salvadorian, so I MUST be in MS 13
I'm Polish, so I MUST be greedy
I'm Hawaiian so I MUST be lazy
I'm Peruvian, so I MUST like llamas
I'm a stoner, so I MUST be going in the wrong direction
I'm a virgin, so I MUST be prude.
I'm straight edge, so I MUST be violent.
I'm a female gamer, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy.
I'm black, so I MUST love fried chicken and kool-aid.
I'm a girl who actually eats lunch, so I MUST be fat.
I'm single, so I MUST be ugly.
I'm a skater, so I MUST do weed and steal stuff
I'm a punk, so I MUST only wear black and date only other punks
I'm Asian, so I MUST be a nerd that does homework 24/7
I'm Christian, so I MUST hate homosexuals.
I'm mixed descent, so I MUST be screwed up.
I'm Muslim, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I'm in a band, so I MUST be a dork.
I'm black, so I MUST believe Jesus waz a brotha
I'm Morman, so I MUST be perfect
I'm white and have black friends, so I MUST think I'm black
I'm goth, so I MUST worship the devil
I'm Hispanic, so I MUST be dirty.
I'm not like everyone else, so I MUST be a loser.
I'm overweight, so I MUST have a problem with self control.
I'm preppy, so I MUST shun those who don't wear Abercrombie & Hollister.
I'm on a dance team, so I MUST be stupid, stuck up, and a whore.
I'm young, so I MUST be naive.
I'm rich, so I MUST be a conceited snob
I'm Mexican, so I MUST have hopped the border.
I got a car for my birthday, so I MUST be a spoiled brat.
I'm black, so I MUST love watermelon
I'm bisexual, so I MUST think every person I see is hot.
I'm a guy cheerleader, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a prep, so I MUST be rich.
I don't like the sun, so I MUST be an albino.
I have a lot of friends, so I MUST love to drink and party.
I wear tight pants and I'm a guy, so I MUST be emo.
I'm pretty, so I MUST not be a virgin. (or so they all tell me I'm pretty. I don't see it.)
I support gay rights, so I MUST fit in with everyone.
I hang out with teenage drinkers and smokers, so I MUST smoke and drink too.
I have artistic talent, so I MUST think little of those who don't.
I don't like to be in a big group, so I MUST be anti-social.
I have a different sense of humor, so I MUST be crazy.
I tell people off, so I MUST be an over controlling bitch.
My hair gets greasy a lot, so I MUST have no hygiene skills.
I'm defensive, so I MUST be over controlling and a bitch.
I'm a nudist, so I MUST want everyone to see my boobs.
I read comics, so I MUST be a loser.
I hang out with a former prostitute, so I MUST be a whore myself.
I'm Texan, so I MUST ride a horse.
I’m a goth, so I MUST be a Satanist
I’m a cross-dresser, so I MUST be homosexual.
I draw anime, so I MUST be a freak.
I am a fan-girl so I MUST be a crazy, obsessed stalker.
I'm an only child, so I MUST be spoiled.
I'm intelligent, so I MUST be weak.
I am American, so I MUST be obese, loud-mouthed and arrogant.
I'm Welsh, so I MUST love sheep
I’m a young writer, so I MUST be emo.
I’m Canadian, so I MUST talk with a funny accent.
I'm a guy, so I MUST ditch my pregnant girlfriend.
I'm Canadian, so I MUST love hockey and beavers.
I'm disabled, so I MUST be on Welfare.
I'm a feminist, so I MUST have a problem with sexuality and I want to castrate every man on the earth.
I'm a teenager, so I MUST have a stereotype.
I wear a bug sunhat when I go outside, so I MUST be stupid.
I like blood, so I MUST be a vampire.
I'm an albino, so I MUST be an evil person with mental abilities and is a murderer!
I'm English, so I MUST speak with either a cockney or a posh accent, love tea and cricket, and have bad teeth.
I’m white, so I MUST be responsible for everything going wrong on the planet: past, present, and future.
I don't like yaoi or yuri, so I MUST be a homophobic.
I’m not the most popular person in school, so I MUST be a loser
I care about the environment, so I MUST be a tree hugging hippy
I have a fan character, so I MUST be an annoying Mary-sue.
I chat, so I MUST be having cyber sex.
I'm Pagan, so I MUST sacrifice babies and drink the blood of virgins
I'm Pagan, so I MUST worship Satan
I'm conservative, so I MUST be against Abortion
I'm Swedish, so I MUST be a tall blond blue-eyed lesbian.
I'm a lesbian, so I MUST want to get with every single girl that I see.
I like cartoons, so I MUST be irresponsible.
I like reading, so I MUST be a loner.
I have my own spiritual ideology, so I MUST be wrong or misguided.
I am Wiccan, so I MUST be a Satanist.
I disagree with my government, so I MUST be a terrorist.
I love yaoi and yuri, so I MUST be gay.
I'm a person, so I MUST be labeled.
I don't curse, so I MUST be an outcast.
I curse, so I MUST be hateful and rude.
I'm Swedish, so I MUST be white.
I spot grammatical errors, so I MUST be a pedantic bastard.
I'm gothic, so I MUST be mean.
I’m strong, so I MUST be stupid.
I'm Australian, so I MUST hunt crocodiles and talk to kangaroo’s
I’m gay, so I MUST be after every straight guy around.
I don’t want a boyfriend so I MUST be lesbian.
I'm not Christian, so I MUST just need converting.
I love marching band, so I MUST be a friendless freak.
I drink and smoke, so I MUST have no life.
I am friends with a cutter, so I MUST be a cutter too.
I can't help pointing out mistakes so I MUST be an over-controlling perfectionist.
I'm a perfectionist so I MUST check everything ten times, then burst into tears at one mistake.
I don't like to talk about my personal life, so I MUST be having problems
I have asthma, so I MUST be a loser
I am an adrenaline junkie, so I MUST be suicidal
I have tattoos, so I MUST be a troublemaker.
I have curves, so I MUST be fat.
I wear make up, so I MUST be fake.
I say what I want, so I MUST be a bitch.
I cry sometimes, so I MUST be a drama queen.
I have guy friends, so I MUST be a slut. I stand up for myself, so I MUST be mouthy.

I stood in front of him, the bundle of blankets pressed close against my chest as I looked down at the sleeping baby girl, her red hair blending in with the color of her blanket. My other adoptive father watched me, sadness taking over his usual happy expression. "Are you sure you have to do this? You know she will question as to why you and her father weren't around when she's older."

I met his gaze and his eyes widened when he saw the tears spilling down my cheeks. Purebloods never cried in public. "I do know but this is the only way we can protect her. The divorce is final and now the only thing left for me to do is to return to my families resting place."

He sighed, his eyes darkening as I handed my daughter to him. He held her gently as I backed away from them. "What do you plan on doing?"

I let out a low chuckle, even though it was forced as I choked back a sob. "I am returning to my place alongside my sister and parents."

Kaien took of his glasses and wiped his eyes. "I will watch over her until it's time for her to return to you."

I looked at my daughter one last time, hoping she will grow up to be a happy, normal child. Goodbye, Hinata. I allowed my body to break off into the form of my familiar and disappeared from the headmasters office before returning to my family crypt. I stood in front of the empty coffin, memories rushing back from the time of when I first went into my long slumber. Now, it was time for me to return. There was a possibility that I will not awaken once I closed the lid. Looking back at the closed off entrance, I carefully entered my coffin and slowly laid down, the lid closing off the light to the outside world forever.

Hello, followers and fellow authors! Some of you may know me from my previous name but I decided it was time to change it. It's been awhile since I uploaded anything onto here and I apologize for that. I had hit writers block for awhile and needed to straighten that out along with fixing my writing style. I am currently working on my own story but I might upload it onto here. It will be posted under Vampire Knight but has nothing to with the series. If I post it, just tell me what you think in the reviews. As I said in my Authors Note, I will be uploading more chapter for Vampire Knight: Reversed Roles either daily or every other day so please be patient with that. I might write a Naruto story with my main OC for that but I haven't decided yet. Also, I will be working on Kuran Ancestress and Her Savior when I have the time but don't let the title fool you. I only wrote that story title because I wasn't very creative then so please bear with me. Here are the bio's of my OC's. Two of them are for Vampire Knight while the others are for Naruto. I apologize if my VK OC is a mary-sue.

Yuki Kuran is a respected Pureblood vampire known to be of the Kuran bloodline. She is the adoptive daughter of Juri and Haruka Kuran, but known and respectfully titled as their daughter. She uses a powerful anti-vampire weapon that she is capable of wielding as her own. She is able to wield any anti-vampire weapon and create weapons out of her blood. Her real age is estimated to be around 15,000 years old. She is the younger sister of Kaname, elder sister of Yuuki. When put into the family she was allegedly born as the "older twin sister" of Nicholas. However, it is true that she is a twin to a late sister, Lilith. Her real name is really Yuki, although she had a different surname but she was forbidden from saying it and married the Kuran, Nicholas.

Name: Yuki Kuran (adoptive name), Yuki Uraboku-Kuran

Age: Around 17 when her aging stopped/slowed down further as she went back to her real age.

Rank: Pureblood Vampire princess/queen

Status: Alive

Family: Haruka Kuran (adoptive Father), Juuri Kuran (adoptive Mother), Caine Uraboku (biological father, deceased), Hinata Uraboku (biological mother, deceased), Lilith Uraboku (biological sister; referred to as "Kuran," when Yuki was a child, so as not to let her forget her identity, deceased), Antheia Kuran (adoptive sister), Amber Kuran(adoptive sister), Kaname Kuran (adoptive brother), Arthur Kuran (adoptive brother), Nicholas Kuran (adoptive twin brother and husband), Nicole Kuran (adoptive sister), Alice Kuran (adoptive Sister), Jade Kuran (adoptive Sister), Rose Kuran (Niece), Vlad Kuran (Nephew), Katelynn Kuran (daughter), Katherine Kuran (daughter), Artemis Kuran (daughter), Michael Kuran (son), Eimi Kuran (daughter), Alexander Kuran (Son), Kane Kuran (Son), Aiden Kuran (Son), Hinata Kuran (Daughter), Victor Kuran (Son), Kol Kiryu (grandson), Sakuna Kiryu (granddaughter)

Titles: Pureblood Princess, Heiress of the Lost Empire of Yquйine, Egyptian Queen

Background: She was known to be the third daughter of the Kuran family. She is not actually Haruka and Juuri's biological daughter as everyone thinks she is. She is actually the Ancestress of another vampire family. This fact is similar to who is the ancestor of the Kuran's. She was awakened by Kaname when he stumbled upon her coffin in the lost Uraboku crypt. She had placed herself in the coffin for many year under hiding with a masking spell. After he awakened her and she explained her family's story, Kaname was able to recollect her as one of the friend of his grandchild, from his first lineage, Jasper. He brought her home to Juuri and asked, "May we protect our ally?" in the time of Juuri being in labor with Nicolas in hopes of keeping her safe. In her reversed aging she is two years younger than her sister, Amber and the same age as her brother (and unknowingly future-husband) Nicholas, being raised as his twin sister. Both continue to call her their sister because of the adoption and re-raising by their parents. Since prior to her reversed aging she has been able to control Shadows. Since her re-raising under the genes of the Kurans, she can create wolf familiars like her brother, Kaname, and is able to control them. She can heal humans (as she chooses and pleases) just by touching their wound with her power for this activates. Through her Uraboku family she is able to heal vampires by applying her blood to the wound. When these adoptive parents temporarily died, she went to Cross Academy with Nicholas and lived as a night class student. She watched over her younger siblings in the school ground. When Kaname took Amber with him, Yuuki left, Arthur bringing Nicole to follow Kaname, and Nicholas terribly harmed in the war (and laid to sleep in a coffin for sometime); she felt as if her siblings abandoned her and that they didn't care about her at all. As a result, Nicholas blamed himself for her pain and is now very protective about her. He will do anything to keep her safe, as she will do the same for him, and everyone that comes to touch her heart.

She's graduated student from Cross academy Night Class. The School is now an openly She is the adopted daughter of Headmaster cross and the president of Night Class. She is usually seen with Nicholas except when she goes to meetings with the Hunters Association and the Senate when they need her present. She likes to spend time in a garden she found when she was a child.

She now remember's her former life, and being with her little twin sister the day she died, and just how traumatic it was. Yuki goes back to the crypt she was awakened from because when Yuki went to sleep she had her sister places in an underground level along side their biological parents whom died the same day. She and her younger brother, who now has more years of living than her are reunited. They both visit their biological parents resting place many times over.

Appearance: She has a few traits in common with the Kuran family. She has wavy hair, although she has to use her powers to make it brown, she prefers to just let her hair go it's natural color, which is a pink hue. She is naturally tan skinned, yellow eyed. She has thick wavy hair that is easy to manage and change, when born it was a purple tinted brown, but had came to slowly fade to an ash-brown with the same hue purple tint. Similar to this her human mother had brown hair at birth with faded to ash-blonde/white by the time of her prime years (30s). She wears nice dresses if she's attending a meeting or a soiree. She wears nice shirts and skirts when she is at home and usually wears ballet flats or sometimes just goes barefoot.

Hobbies: She likes to read, sing, draw and spend time with her family and listen to her music and dance. She goes into town once and a while to see her friend Sayori and to gather materials for her crafts. She likes to make dresses and clothes for her friends and family. She loves to write stories.

Personality: She is a very shy and quiet girl, but she has inherited her mother's temper if she is insulted. She is very kind and acts mature for her young age but can be very stubborn at times. She loves her parents and older brother and older sister, but sometimes she tries to avoid them all. The only person she won't avoid is her husband.

Weapons: Black Rose Double Edged Scythe, Blood whips and other Kuran family weapons as trained, Shadow related powers through her Uraboku family and Two Swords.

Powers: Telekinesis, Erasing memories (to humans, and low vampire blooded. Can be reversed with her blood or her commend, can be avoided by having a pure-blood's blood in their system), Taking the form of any familiar creature she chooses, such as a fox who is able to convey messages. Another being a wolf from which she can receive information instantly. She used the wolf form to watch over her daughters when she ever she left the Kuran mansion, Her familiar power is also strong enough to carry another person, allowing them to wield her telekinetic powers, Transformation of her blood into a weapon (While genes are masked into being a Kuran's), Controlling any vampire(s) with a single command, whether it be against their will or not (Trained skill while in masked genes on Kuran), Wielding Anti-Vampire/Hunter Weapons as if they were her own (While masked to genes of Kuran), can control Level E's with her voice (Quite common among Pure-Bloods.Always an ability to control those who they as a vampire changed.) Black Rose's upgrade, "White Rose: Scythe of Destruction", Deep sleep (Every vampire has the ability of), Awakening (Some vampires aren't able to wake from their deep sleep at will), Awakening of another pureblood (As most vampires can), Immortality (As she is a pure-blood vampire), healing with saliva produced to do so (As many vampire can) , power kick (trained skill), control unclaimed or stray wolves and bats, Puppet's Play.

Powers and Abilities: Yuki is capable of telekinesis and wielding the Artemis Rod despite it being an anti-vampire weapon, as demonstrated during the Battle for Cross Academy. When she helped in the wounding of her uncle, Rido Kuran, to the point of collapse. She has the ability to manipulate Shadows and to use them during battle or if she is in danger. She can summon Wolves and Foxes to her side as her familiars and is able to seal her heart and soul into them and able to stay alive as long as they aren't destroyed. She can sense a enemy a mile away and can control them by having the Shadows trap them. Her ability is using the Shadow Coffin: It is used to trap an enemy and bind them so they can't move or use their powers until it crushes them. She is able to turn Artemis into a Double Edged Scythe with her wings spread. She also has the blood of a Vampire Hunter and is able to wield any and all hunter weapons and can take down a single enemy or a group of rogue vampires by doing the deadliest attack known to all purebloods. She is able to wield the Death Hunter Sword and the Kiss of Death Black Rose Scythe. Like all Pureblood vampires, Yuki has immortality and the ability to heal from anything excluding anti-vampire weapon wounds to the heart or head. Like all vampires, she can absorb the powers from vampires whose blood he drinks. Yuki's powers have been listed as immeasurable. However, she has stated that when her mind wanders, her powers become unstable as seen when she accidentally burns a hole in the wall in her bedroom at the academy, and also shatters a window. She is able to take flight using a pair of butterfly wings on her back. Like all vampires, she also has enhanced strength and super speed. Yuki has also in part of this life and her "last."

Relationships: Kaname- He is her older brother. He took her sister and left Yuki with Headmaster Cross. He is not someone she opens up to and doesn't talk to him very much since they went their separate ways after she had married her twin. He helped her when she was first awakened from her slumber and for that she is forever grateful to him.

Antheia- Her other older sister. She knew a lot about her and looked up to her.

Amber- loves her but rarely speaks to her most of the time and usually avoids her at all costs. Yuki has been protecting Amber ever since they were kids before their memories were sealed.

Canaime- She was not able to see him much, as she was only a few years old when he was taken. She thought at first he was devoured by Kaname and Rido. Later as her memories and old abilities came back to her she remembered that he went into hiding

Juuri and Haruka- Raised some-what separately from her siblings so Amber and Nicholas didn't find out who she really was until the time was right. Kaname already knew Yuki's true identity.

Nicholas- Her adoptive brother and fiance. She was raised as his older twin sister and were very close as children. They do argue sometimes although it's never serious. They spent a lot of time together and eventually got married when they were seventeen and have eight children.

Forbidden Powers: Shadow manipulation, White Rose: Scythe of Destruction, Resurrection of another pure-blood.


Amaya Mashiba is the only, living daughter of Daisuke Uchiha and Ayumi Mashiba. Her mother died minutes after she was born and her older sister died years before.

Name: Amaya Mashiba

Birthdate: June 21

Age: Part I: 12-13, Part II: 17

Classification: S-Rank, Missing-nin

Kekkai Genkai: Sharingan, Water Release, Lava Release, Blaze Release, Fire Release

Affiliation: Konohagakure, Kirigakure

Ninja Rank: S-Rank

Family: Daisuke Uchiha (Father, deceased) Ayumi Mashiba (Mother, deceased) Reika Uchiha (Sister, deceased), Hiroshi Mashiba (Uncle), Rene Masashi (Aunt), Kohai Uchiha (Cousin), Nayuki Uchiha (Cousin), Reiken Mashiba (Cousin)

Nature Type: Fire, Lava, Lightening, Earth, Water

Background: Amaya is the only daughter born to Daisuke and Ayumi. Her father was from the Uchiha clan of Konohagakure while her mother was from the Mashiba clan of Kirigakure.

She was raised by her father until she was twelve years old because her mother had became ill towards the end of her pregnancy and died minutes after her daughter was born. Before she passed away, she had given Amaya her name and asked Daisuke to protect her. Daisuke kept that promise but on the night of the Nine-tails' attack on the village, he made the decision to have Minato seal half of the tailed beasts chakra into his daughter. She grew up with her two best friends, Naruto and Menma Uzumaki. The three of them would always cause all kinds of trouble around the village until Itachi or Kohai caught them.

Shortly after becoming a chunin, Amaya came home one day and found her uncle, Hiroshi, arguing with her father. Ayumi wanted her daughter to learn the ways of the ninja but did not want her growing up in the Hidden Mist because she did not want her daughter to participate in the village's graduation exam, since it was still known as the Bloody Mist. After her fathers death, she temporarily stayed with her cousin, Kohai until her uncle Hiroshi and aunt Rene moved to the village. Kakashi and Itachi trained her to use her sharingan. She closed herself off from her friends and family for quite a while until one day she, Kohai and Menma went on a mission with their sensei, Yoshiro, and she was taken captive. Before she was rescued, one of her captors stole some of her chakra until she was weak.

Admitted to the hospital, she was placed in a temporary medically induced coma by Lady Tsunade. While in the coma, she saw her parents and late sister. Even though they weren't reunited for very long, they told her to trust her friends and not to keep her heart closed off before they disappeared. When she awoke, Menma had taken her to a quiet spot where they had admitted their feelings for each other.

When Naruto left to train with Jiraiya and Sasuke sought out Orochimaru, she finsihed her training with Tsunade and was taken to Kirigakure by her uncle, where she trained under her great-aunt, Mei. Three and a half years passed by and team eleven was reunited once again.

Long after she turned seventeen, she became a Jonin and was now a trained medical-nin. However, she learned one of her family members was mbushed on a mission and did not survive. Amaya was called in to identify the body and when she saw who it was, that was it. She attacked her squad and was placed in the bingo book as a Missing-nin.

Appearance: Amaya has pale white skin, waist length black hair that she keeps tied back in a high pony tail with long bangs that cover her eyes. Her body is slender, which causes people to assume that she is weak even though she has a slight build that catches her opponents off guard. She also bears blue flames on the right side of her body, a trade mark of her mothers clan.

Outfit: As a child, she always wore a dark blue t-shirt with the Mashiba clan symbol on the back with the Uchiha symbol on the left sleeve along with knee-length black shorts. Her hair was shoulder length with a purple headband and a purple hair clip holding her bangs off to the side.

Part I: She wore an off the shoulder purple shirt with a black tank top underneath and spandex shorts along with the standard ninja sandals and her hitae-ate around her forehead.

Part II: Her outfit consists of a dark purple tank top with a short sleeved mesh shirt underneath, a knee length black skirt, mesh leggings, knee high sandals (similar to Sakura's) with metal plates on them and black, finger-less gloves with fishnet underneath and she wears her hitae-ate like a headband.

Personality: Amaya is a kindhearted, intelligent, energetic and native child of fond to be doing pulling pranks and causing trouble or getting people into trouble as a young child, troublemaker and pulling pranks with Naruto and Menma Uzumkai on their people, bullies and other kids in their class. She is very stubborn, serious and impatient, hating to be kept waiting and curious about the ninja abilities and world so much as her father and mother were.

After her father died, she wouldn't show any kind of emotion to anyone, an example of this was at her fathers funeral.

She is extremely pugnacious always loves getting into fights with the older kids and bullies at the Academy who always bully and pick on her with a mean nickname and stands up for her friends a lot. She is fierce, tough, sarcastic, rebellious and hotheaded personality to always argued and fights with her cousin for making fun of her all the time. She's rather independent, athletic, strong-willed, loving and a tomboyish fighter during her teen years and later as a seventeen year old teenager.

However, under all that tough side, there's a soft side, nice and gentle personality. If people actually get on her soft side, she is sensitive and will protect them no matter what. She becomes more playful, energetic, fun-loving and will always try to joke around or pull pranks from her childhood.

Abilities: Amaya specialized in Taijutsu. When she trained with Kakashi he focused a lot on her Taijutsu. She was skilled enough to go head to head with Kakashi in a full Taijutsu fight, only getting a few scratches. Her impressive raw strength allows her to easily lift Kakashi, Asuma, and Guy at the same time. Likewise, she can easily leap across long distances and over high obstacles from a stationary position, as well as effectively traverse various terrains and vertical surfaces with great speed to hoist herself easily up and off rooftops. She can easily throw a much larger and heavier opponent against a set of pipes with enough force to break them, and can shatter large boulders of rock launched at her with a single punch each.

Amaya is also quite fast and agile with sharp reflexes, able to easily dodge a much larger opponent's assault in a Taijutsu battle or Ninjutsu cast at a close range. Her dexterity and balance are also considerably high, allowing her to skillfully dodge a large barrage of projectiles nearly unscathed, further aiding her in battle. She has impressive acrobatic skills; akin to parkour and free-running, she can slide across surfaces with great control, perform mid-air flips and twirls, run up and across walls. She is also quite flexible, able to bend and twist effectively enough to attack from various angles or squeeze through most spaces.

Ninjutsu: Amaya primarily relies on her mastery of ninjutsu, of which she has a vast arsenal due in part to her Sharingan and her training with Kakashi. He trained her effectively in Ninjutsu to the point were she learned many jutsu. With this arsenal, she can attack or defend against her opponents in numerous manners. Since she also has the Sharingan, she was able to copy many jutsus, mostly fire, lightning, and water jutsu.

Lava Release: Amaya possesses the Lava Release Kekkei Genkai, which allows her to spit out lava that can melt almost anything in its path. The great amount of steam generated after the lava strikes can serve as an effective smokescreen, allowing her to attack again while the enemy is distracted. A significant amount of exposure was enough to make Itachi's Susanoo begin to melt when it was hit during a training exercise. She could spit multiple balls of lava at the enemy. She could also create an armor made of lava that not only has defensive purposes but adds lava to her taijutsu attacks increasing their potential damage.

Genjutsu: While used less often, she has also shown proficient skill in genjutsu, which she can use as a set-up for stronger attacks. Her skill in it's usage is able to easily deceive most opponents with well-timed diversions, giving her opponents little chance to counter. While training with Itachi, he mostly focused on her Genjutsu abilities. Against most high-level techniques, she has advanced knowledge of their working, and is able to dispel genjutsu as well.


Sharingan: Amaya awakened her Sharingan while her Father was still alive. However, he only trained her to awaken it not master it since he was soon killed. This dōjutsu allows Amaya to analyze and predict movements, observe the flow of chakra, copy the techniques of others, and cast powerful illusions through eye-contact. Since Kakashi, also known as Copy Ninja Kakashi, her skills to copy attacks are very good, however, she hardly copies jutsu. Instead, she uses her Sharingan to analyse and predict movements and cast powerful illusions.

Mangekyō Sharingan: Amaya awakened her Mangekyo Sharingan after she watched her Fathers death. However, she was unaware until she started training with Kakashi. She learned from Kakashi how to perform Kamui: a technique that creates a space-time barrier in the form of a swirling void that sucks any target he focuses his eye on to another dimension and also bring them back; even transporting them to a new location. She was a natural when learning to use Kamui. Her skill and aim is amazing, able to successfully warp small, large, fast-moving, or multiple targets in rapid succession.

Since Amaya already mastered her Mangekyo Sharingan while she was training with Kakashi, she awakened her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan while she was training with Itachi. When she awakened her Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, she was able to cast Tsukuyomi, allowing her to break a target's will and paralyze them. She is also able to cast Amaterasu, which converges unquenchable black flames at the focal point of his sight that continue to burn for an entire week, or until they have completely consumed whatever they come into contact with.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

After the Storm by Terkontar reviews
The storm had passed and team RWBY left the grim clouds behind them, finally being able to take a breath, tend to their wounds and pick up the pieces of their shattered lives. And no matter what comes next, they'll brave this new dawn – together / Takes place after Salem's defeat, two years after the fall of Beacon. Mostly slowly burning Whiterose with some Bumblebee on the side.
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 22 - Words: 195,133 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 212 - Follows: 332 - Updated: 8/28 - Published: 10/23/2016 - [Ruby R., Weiss S.] [Blake B., Yang X.L.]
Bonds Through Time: The Adventures of Inuyasha and Kagome by XFangHeartX reviews
Novelization of the series. Summary inside. Read and review, and no flames or hate.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 134 - Words: 262,943 - Reviews: 257 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 89 - Updated: 8/24 - Published: 12/6/2018 - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] [Miroku, Sango]
Becoming Kagome by Lilgrimmapple reviews
Raise your hand if you ever wanted to meet the InuYasha gang! Well, I should have kept my hand down. Not only do I end up possessing Kagome like a demon from 'Supernatural' but I have to take on her role as well- collecting jewel shards, passing exams...This ain't a feudal fairytale. It's a feudal nightmare! I want my money back! (Warning: Contains a sassy self-insert)
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 5 - Words: 26,153 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 120 - Updated: 5/10 - Published: 9/26/2019 - Inuyasha, OC
Bloody Rose by Wonderlandie reviews
She was slowly degenerating into a Level E, and she can only accept her fate and live her life until that time comes. But even so, she was free to love who she wants... right?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 7 - Words: 22,245 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 86 - Updated: 1/12 - Published: 7/18/2019 - Kaname K., Yuki C., Zero K., OC
Shadows of the Night by Amateur Sketch reviews
When Lily is employed at Roman's taxi service, she meets his dejected cousin, Niko. She sees something in him that he can't see in himself and he finds that he's drawn to her kindness and innocence. As they grow close, a violent threat from Niko's past makes Lily the next target. He can't lose another so he'll do whatever it takes to protect her.
Grand Theft Auto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 33 - Words: 147,017 - Reviews: 82 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 9/27/2019 - Published: 2/22/2017 - [Niko B., OC] Johnny K., Roman B. - Complete
Two years later by H.Mary reviews
Two years had passed since Yuki's vampire powers had awakened. Yuki is now pregnant, with her and Kaname's first child. And Kaname is, as usual very overprotective.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 13 - Words: 7,617 - Reviews: 159 - Favs: 198 - Follows: 167 - Updated: 9/26/2019 - Published: 8/10/2012 - Kaname K., Yuki C. - Complete
Reviving of the Queen by Hyungnimm reviews
10 years sure can change in the eyes of one.
Vampire Knight - Rated: K - English - Supernatural/Family - Chapters: 14 - Words: 12,314 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 8/21/2019 - Published: 11/9/2012 - Juri K., Yuki C.
Honda Curse by Lucaaaaa reviews
Alternate universe of Fruits Basket (no flames please). The Hondas are cursed instead of the Somas enough said. Chapters 1-6 are now fixed
Fruits Basket - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 12 - Words: 15,699 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 1/24/2019 - Published: 5/6/2013 - Kyo S., Tohru H., Yuki S., OC
A Mother's Knight by The Omnipresent Sage reviews
Another scenario of what if? Kushina lived through to raise Her son. What happens when Naruto sole precious person is his mother? What sort of plan will the Sandaime cook to make Naruto happy, when he realizes that the blond would rather see the village burn than save it?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 42 - Words: 426,734 - Reviews: 944 - Favs: 1,868 - Follows: 1,775 - Updated: 9/8/2018 - Published: 8/15/2015 - Naruto U., Yugao U., Mikoto U. - Complete
The Need to Protect someone Important : : : by starxluna reviews
A daughter of two Pure-Bloods of the Kuran Bloodline have kept a secret from the outside world about their beautiful daughter name Yuuki. Her mother Juri had a dream for her race and for her daughter to attend a life of the outside world and be able to live among with the humans. How will Yuuki's presence effect the many lines of the Nobels and other Bloodlines...? Including Rido?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 11 - Words: 30,197 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 7/13/2018 - Published: 9/5/2013 - [Kaname K., Yuki C.]
Blood Moon by Paige00100 reviews
Alexander and Raven prepare for a new journey. Taking place after Raven was turned, they now have to face something all vampires must face. The Blood Moon. What happens when things get a bit steamy? Were they really prepared? What will happen along the way? ULTIMATE CROSSOVER SERIES: BOOK ONE
Vampire Kisses - Rated: M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Chapters: 22 - Words: 51,562 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 9/16/2017 - Published: 4/25/2016 - Raven M., Alexander S. - Complete
Vampire Knight Season 3: Innocent by JaquelineWomack reviews
Picking up where the anime left off; Rido is dead, Zero is missing, and the vampires return to Cross Academy under the request of the purebloods to finally fulfill Headmaster Cross's pacifist ideology; however, nothing is ever as it seems. Aido/OC Kaname/Yuki Akatsuki/Ruka (NOTE: THIS IN NO WAY FOLLOWS THE MANGA! THIS IS ONLY A CONTINUATION AFTER THE SECOND SEASON OF THE ANIME!)
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 14 - Words: 46,608 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 41 - Updated: 7/18/2017 - Published: 11/11/2016 - [Hanabusa A., OC]
My princess by Nina1015 reviews
Yuki and Juri were sent, by their father, to a boarding school in order to keep them safe. Neither one of them was looking forward to it, but once the got there, they realize that perhaps this school wasn't as bad as they thought. After all, what's not to love about a sexy pair of brothers and a crazy group of people they started calling friends?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 27 - Words: 93,984 - Reviews: 154 - Favs: 154 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 6/25/2017 - Published: 8/8/2012 - [Haruka K., Juri K.] [Kaname K., Yuki C.]
Shikon High by inume1227 reviews
Kagome moves to Shikon high the best known school in the whole Japan. But what happens when her family has to go Canada but she is not able to go and has to live at Inuyasha Takahashis mansion... the most popular guy in the school? Inu/Kag, Mir/San
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 34 - Words: 35,747 - Reviews: 56 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 61 - Updated: 5/5/2016 - Published: 12/14/2013 - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Complete
Enter Higurashi Kagome! by OrochiX reviews
Hakudoshi kill's Kagome's family and has nowhere to turn but a new life in a new universe. What will Kagome do? Will she kill Orochimaru and Hakudoshi as she only has her friends and a mysterious person following her? Find out in the first story to come...
Crossover - Inuyasha & Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 35 - Words: 142,269 - Reviews: 52 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 54 - Updated: 3/28/2014 - Published: 3/24/2009 - Kagome H.
My Eternal Love by Infinite Snow reviews
Kaname had sacrificed himself to the Hooded Lady so that he could resurrect all other deceased pure-bloods in order to save the elite race, and for Yuuki to be united with her parents. But is her ancestor, seeing how happy Yuuki is with her brother, about to let her be happy for long? Conflicts arise, and a new chess game grows from the old one. [Kaname/Yuuki - original siblings]
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 40,466 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 12/22/2013 - Published: 9/26/2013 - Kaname K., Yuki C. - Complete
The Fox Loves The Cat by KyuubiGoku reviews
Naruto only wanted a friend. He just couldn't get that in Konoha. Having been kidnapped, Naruto meets Yugito Nii. Yugito decides to be his friend as she takes him to Kumo. Watch them develop their relationship and shake the nations. Naruto x Yugito. Hiatus for right now.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 40 - Words: 328,397 - Reviews: 1194 - Favs: 3,169 - Follows: 2,527 - Updated: 5/11/2013 - Published: 1/16/2012 - Naruto U., Yugito N.
Rose of Solitude by Shattered Apocalypse reviews
Her eyes widened as she read the letter. He, Kaname Kuran, was going to attend Cross Academy as the President of the Night Class. She shuddered. He, after 12 years, was coming back. Her brother. The man that left her all alone with but a single rose.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 35 - Words: 43,895 - Reviews: 247 - Favs: 250 - Follows: 185 - Updated: 3/30/2013 - Published: 5/17/2011 - Kaname K., Yuki C. - Complete
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Twin Jinchurriki's reviews
The fourth hokage had sealed the nine tails within his son and his best friends daughter the night the tailed beast attacked the village. Daichi Uchiha made a promise to his dying wife to protect their child and give her a safe and bright future but after her sisters death, everything changed. Will Amaya keep her heart closed off or will she find love within her best friend?
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,690 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 8/30 - Published: 8/20/2019 - OC
Inuyasha: A New Generation reviews
After twenty years, the Shikon Jewel resurfaces and an old enemy is resurrected as well. Asuka Masashi and Kumori are childhood friends but after a near fatal accident, he doesn't have a choice but to reveal his origins and family history. Will they be able to defeat the old enemy of Kumori's parents or will he destroy them all and take the power of the jewel?
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 9,844 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 8/28 - Published: 8/30/2019 - Inuyasha, Kagome H., OC
Vampire Knight: Reversed Roles reviews
In the original story, Yuki was the one who had lost all memory of who she was but now it is Kaname's turn. What will their fates hold for them and will they be reunited or separated forever?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 23 - Words: 47,911 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 18 - Updated: 7/13 - Published: 7/26/2019 - Kaname K., Yuki C.
The Pureblood Lovers reviews
Yuki Uraboku is the adopted daughter of Haruka and Juri. She had married their son, Nicholas, and now she rules Egypt beside him. They have been happily married for years but now everything is about to change for her. What will happen when the truth about her origins comes to light?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 7,959 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 10/13/2019 - Published: 8/6/2019 - Yuki C., OC
Return of the Kuran Family reviews
On her fifth birthday, her mother sent her away to live with an old family friend. The princess kept her pureblood status but most of her memories were sealed away for her own safety. When it is time for her to return home, an old threat makes an appearance. This Kaname is not the ancestor, but Yuki's biological older brother. This is re-written for newer chapters.
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,359 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 9/5/2019 - Published: 6/13/2013 - Haruka K., Juri K., Kaname K., Yuki C.
Fruits Basket
Recently orphaned high school student Kyo Honda is living in the woods while his grandmother's house is being renovated when he is discovered by Yuki Sohma, the princess of her school, who lives nearby. Offered to live with Yuki and her cousins, Kyo accidentally stumbles upon the Sohma curse. Will he be able to free them before it's to late?
Fruits Basket - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,572 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 9/4/2019 - Published: 8/19/2019 - Kyo S., Tohru H., Yuki S.
Dragon Slayer
Artemis Xavier is believed to be the last living member of the royal dragon line but her real identity is that she is Seraphina Williams, a half-human, half-dragon hybrid that has been accused of Treason against her people. With the real traitor still on the loose, will she clear her name or be executed for a crime she did not commit? I know this is not related to fairy tail.
Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Supernatural - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,134 - Updated: 8/23/2019 - Published: 8/7/2019
The Kuran Ancestress and her savior reviews
Yuki meets Nicholas, another member of the Kuran family. They are drawn to each other during their first encounter but they can't figure out why. They discover their connection but a mysterious force is working from the darkness to tear them apart. Will they lose each other forever or will their love for each other save their future and their family?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 7 - Words: 6,475 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 8/13/2019 - Published: 11/25/2014 - Haruka K., Juri K., Yuki C., OC
The twelve tailed Jinchurriki reviews
Sasuka Uchiha is the sister of Sasuke and Itachi. She is one of the survivors of the Uchiha clan. She is half Uchiha and half Kemono. She is like Naruto in one way: She holds the spirit of the forgotten Jinchurriki.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Romance/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 910 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Published: 6/20/2014 - Naruto U., OC
The Unknown Kuran reviews
Yuki Cross is the Princess of Kuran. Her mother erased her memories and turned her into a human. Kaname gave Yuki her memories back. She remembers everything that happened and all of her famly. Including her other brother and sister
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 784 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Published: 6/18/2013 - Kaname K., Yuki C.
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