Reviews for The Warmth
kea B chapter 2 . 7/13/2006
oh, haha - and another thing. ( i just realized you had a profile that explains your likes, etc.)I love cartoons and Howl's castle much too. it's like my fav movie, along with all of miyazaki's movies. (you've watched them all right?) I'm sorry. I probably sound chaotic and like a stalker. it's just that i don't ever find anyone who seems liek they could be like me.
kea B chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
WOW! you like all the same things as me it seems - you have the same taste. I love the same type of fantasy novels as you, as well as the anime! so you've read the phillup pullman series and tamora pierce, (and duh, H.P.) but have you read garth nix's sabriel series? you probably have, but if you haven't, read them! you would LOVE them.(i know i do) I love your style girl!

p.s. if you wanna respond to me, (and i hope you will) please do so in your rurouni kenshin king of the world story (cuz thta's what i am reading)(which sounds very promising so you should continue)
Natella chapter 3 . 10/28/2004
Well i really want to know what happens next so i'm gonna put in a review. Not just that but i realy lyked it but it was so sad and romantic :')
M chapter 3 . 10/11/2003

Good Fanfic. I hope to see some more of your work


M for Mystery
bard's soul chapter 3 . 9/12/2003
not sure if you're still writing, cause you should! my eyes are watering now from all those poems. Those things have that effect on me.
Fred chapter 3 . 7/29/2003
Good Job

I like the dream Idea
skitz23 chapter 3 . 6/21/2003
what number am i? i think this story is coming along beautifully, update fast please
T-man chapter 3 . 5/11/2003
nice job you intertwine the stories well keep up the good work
death-resurrected chapter 3 . 4/5/2003
Aw. Fuzzy. Are they only going to meet in dreams though? Please Update Soon.
Some Person chapter 3 . 3/17/2003
Very very cool story... but there needs to be a lot of catching up to do in the next chaper. Like what they've been doing the past few years (besides thinking about each other) cuz that would be really cool. You're a really good writer and it's an AWESOME story.
Tell Them True Stories chapter 3 . 3/1/2003
I thought that was great. I definitely think you should continue with this, but I don't think you have to tone down the depressing-ness of it. That is what makes it great. Really, I would have cried if my parents had not been right there. I love His Dark Materials, and I think everyone can agree on how devastating the end was. Please keep writing, the sooner the better. Oh, and I thought the poem Dream Within A Dream was a good idea. I've always thought that poem would go well with their story
andrewsmyprincess chapter 1 . 1/31/2003
Hey I found out about your fic from HP realm and love HDM! Really good start to your fic and it's breaking my heart. I am such a softie that I cried when I read those books. I really want her to find Will in your fan fic! But...I like the way you incorporated the songs in, it adds a bit something extra. Keep writing and I love it. I know what it is like to lose something/someone special to you and I think Lyra would be depressed like you described her.

Great job! I don't really know mucch about writing to tell you how to improve, but just to keep your storyline real strong so I'll keep reading it. I can't write but, I like to read.
mysticvysgiyi chapter 3 . 1/11/2003
Damn you for not having finished the next chapter! Sorry, I really want to read more, PLEASE CONTINUE!
leaf1 chapter 3 . 12/28/2002
awesome story..i like it very much.. i love the dark amterial triology..poor will and lyra
Guest chapter 3 . 12/7/2002
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