Reviews for Beneath the Ash
Midnight chapter 2 . 4/16/2017
Yay happy endings! :)
Midnight chapter 1 . 4/16/2017
They definitely deserve rebirth!
Labyrinth-chan chapter 2 . 8/10/2015
Dear, this is a late review from me but it can't be helped, i just found it!... While strolling around...

Since you're interested with Pompeii incident, i have this manga (if you don't mind reading shoujo manga series, or in case you haven't read it) that tells a story about Pompeii and reincarnation of the people involved with it. It's modern high school setting, where the mc still has the memories of his past life as a gladiator from Pompeii, i think, i think he used to be a gladiator. It's a bit painful for him, since he's the only one remembers the moment, the conflict, and his beloved female lover he adores in the past has been reborn as a male. I even cry at some point, when after several efforts he tries to make the others remember, he fails and eventually giving up. The title is "NG Life" manga, a completed series.

This fanfic of yours kinda remind me of that a little, so i really fond of this one. Do add more chapters if you have the motivation to do so. I'll follow this story anyhow. Good job :)
zosan fan chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
I love this story. But just a little FYI it was 1000C not 300. Just a little tiny fact I knew since I was little!
Hshakii chapter 2 . 7/9/2015
This is so good! Please, please write more? I love literally everything here and, oh god, this fic is so unique and so wonderful and such a great idea. Thank you for writing this!
grimmjoe chapter 2 . 5/28/2015
I know you posted the second chapter a year ago and probably had decided against continuing it, but I'm still hoping readers may get the third chance (or chapter? :3)

Thank you for writing this wonderful piece.
hesmus chapter 2 . 12/21/2014
Honestly this made my cry from many, many feels. XD I lived this so freaking much I don't even have words. QuQ You described all the things so well and I could easily feel the atmosphere in this story. And then I cried more when the story was over. XD But anyways, this was amazing!
itsgrey chapter 2 . 12/12/2014
Their love is so beautiful as well as this story.
This is what they call true love.

Hope u will continue this story.
orangeaddiction chapter 2 . 12/4/2014
The thing I love about your writing is that you don’t just paint a beautiful picture, but you really show their emotions through their actions and gestures. Your attention to detail when it comes to that is incredible I also really enjoy the dialogue between them cause I can just clearly picture them saying it. Zoro thinking that maybe Sanji didn’t feel the same way in the new world almost broke my heart. T_T I love how atmospheric the scene in the beginning was. And having Robin in this fic was just perfect! XD That scene transition was almost like a movie. I think the only thing that I was a bit confused about was how they were sinners? Or maybe I just missed the detail or didn’t get the historical reference. . This is such an interesting and fresh AU idea 3
Spiralmarimo chapter 1 . 10/28/2014
Oh by the gods, I haven't crossed a good ZoSan fanfiction for quite a while 'til I read this! Beautifully written, the plot is just pure genius! And of course, the emotions were perfectly and properly conveyed. Great job there :)
godlet chapter 2 . 10/10/2014
Ventusio chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
YES! a happy ending! :D It is such a sweet AU, it has an angsty start but it's very romantic.
Zoro and Sanji are also soooo adorable!
thanks for the second chapter!
sonic chapter 2 . 9/23/2014
awesoooome i loved this! please continue the story

can't wait
pikachubird from tumblr chapter 2 . 9/22/2014
I'm soo soooo happy you decided to continue this! :DD

and you have a collab partner, yaay! XD

this chap gave me soo many feels (w) I'll keep an eye for more chapters..(gotta read myladyday's story too while I'm at it)
BrainDeadMaggot chapter 2 . 9/23/2014
Waaai! Part two! Happy happy joy joy! So sweet and complicated.., it cleared up alot of curiosity on my part.., yeah, screw that wife.., she's dead.., well now that's over.., Will the potential drabbles be under the ManDea account?
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