Reviews for Handholding
Guest chapter 21 . 9/30/2019
Aww I wish it was continued.
FashionFable chapter 21 . 12/7/2017
I have been trying to find this fic again for a month. Please continue this one. I love it! I'm Narutard on Ao3 and you know I love your fics!
jackita chapter 21 . 10/24/2016
No more chapters?
Please continue, this story is great.!
jackita chapter 1 . 10/23/2016
Interesting, I like ;)
RosettaWayne chapter 21 . 7/24/2016
I loved it so much, Just couldn't stop reading! Thank you :)
Absolutely loved you Kakashi's sense of humor, and your way of writing him in general.
I don't even like gaikaka, but the plot is way too good.
I know you probably won't see this or continue the story, but if there is any chance- Please do!
MinuteCloser2Failing chapter 21 . 9/22/2015
I just found this story a couple of hours ago and it is amaaziinnggg. I love the dynamics between Gai and Kakashi and them acting as a gay couple (and not falling in love in like the first 2 chapters like other undercover type stories) is hilarious. I'm so curious as to how every thing will play out! I would love to see where this is headed! I will hold onto some hope that you will update! :)
kimbowden4 chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
Hello, i am just writing you to let you know that this story is very enjoyable to read would like to read more of it. Thank you
object chapter 12 . 1/27/2015
MadroxMR chapter 21 . 1/3/2015
Beautiful characterization, as usual. Can't wait to see how this all plays out!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/24/2014
I have a feeling Kakashi's gonna muck up the budding attraction later with that chick he's seeing. Denial is a good plot device lol

Glad you're back :)
L Mono chapter 21 . 12/25/2014
Oh it's nice to see an update on this :) I hope you are doing well.
tineyninja chapter 21 . 12/23/2014
Yay! So glad this is back! I missed it. Gai's reaction to the rude kid was great. Oh no, I can't think that something bad will happen to Kakashi when he is spying on Kirie...
anon33125 chapter 21 . 12/22/2014
Just wanted to say I love this fic. Kakashi being an unreliable narrator for it makes so much sense and it's really just a cute, fun, light story as opposed to a lot of the super intense ones. I also think the short chapters contribute to it being a nice read.
The companionship between Gai and Kakashi is also coming through really well and not too OOC despite the whole mission being OOC, so kudos for that!
Looking forward to the rest!
Crowley chapter 20 . 12/16/2014
This is being the best fanfic I've read in years. Please update as fast as possible, you've no idea how much I'm in love with this fanfic, no idea 3
Woo woo chapter 20 . 10/5/2014
This story is very different from your usual. It really shows your versatility with these two characters. Light-hearted, dark. You always manage to keep Kakashi and Gai in-character with actions and reactions that ring true for them.

Is Gai going to kick ass? You've never disappointed on the delivery of ass-whoopings before, so I'm not even worried about that :)

It's a mystery to me, though, why someone would argue with a writer about updates... Everyone deserves their breaks. Screw those who think otherwise lol. I'm sure plenty of my fellow readers would agree :D

Keep on being awesome,
A fan of yours :)
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