Reviews for The Pains of Being In Charge
BanzaiKun chapter 38 . 10/16/2017
I just binge read this and man was this amazing! I really wanna know what happens next and if you are still continuing this series! I love this so much and I can't wait for more. There is too many things I'm looking forward to and by far this was the most fun and enjoyment I had of reading an AU this amazing! Looking forward for more!
Naoto-Ace Detective-Shirogane chapter 38 . 10/16/2017
Ahhhh This was amazing! I just started reading this in one night and I already finished it! In a long time, I've never had so much fun and enjoyed reading an AU. This was extraordinary! There is so much things I'm looking forward to such as the relationship between Kotone and Silver, the ongoing war against the League and so on! I simply just have to know hahaha. It'd be amazing if Kotone ended up being an executive, they'd be unstoppable! Please let this be an AU where the villains (our dear beloved protagonists) win, you don't see that everyday lmao. Anyway I kinda wanna know if you are still continuing this? It'd be a shame if you dropped it but if you will ever end up picking it up again, then I'll be patient and wait until the day comes! Peace out XD
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 10 . 10/16/2016
So Alonso attacks Kotone in the middle of the night!
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 9 . 10/7/2016
Silver loses things easily, it seems. I wasn't expecting Lyra to have O blood. *makes note to self about staying away from Silver* Silver Rocket... I like that.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 8 . 9/29/2016
Furret into affairs?
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 7 . 8/15/2016
...Mm. Yeah, I'm kinda hungry now.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 6 . 8/8/2016
That Houndoom must also be in pain from losing a tooth.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 5 . 8/4/2016
Enter at your own risk to Alonso's room. Sounds right.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 4 . 7/28/2016
So Silver's mom is named Grace?
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 3 . 7/20/2016
I think that that was an interesting battle between Archer's Houndoom and Kotone's Typhlosion. So Kotone is now in Team Rocket.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 2 . 6/18/2016
Trap stones... huh.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
Did Silver just have Persian kill a grunt?
TheKawaiifan chapter 38 . 3/6/2016
"we'll just have to wait and see!"

*looks at non-existent watch*'s been 9 months...i've done allot of waiting
reppad98 chapter 38 . 3/2/2016
Okay, so I finally got around to reading this story, as I had been planning for some time. And man, was it worth my time :D I already liked the idea of a Rocket AU, that's very interesting. The beginning was a bit slow, but now it's definitely getting exciting. Silver is harsh, even to Kotone, in the beginning and for quite some time after that, but now he's finally warming up to her! I really like how there are so many different things going on: there are the Executives, who, while they appear loyal to Team Rocket, I still don't really trust, there's the Eon duo, there's the League- I had to go to school in the middle of reading this story, Hibiki had just gotten in the base and I was just thinking up all kind of confrontations and a scene in which he saw Kotone sleeping in Silver's bed and drawing the completely wrong conclusion :P Sadly, that didn't happen, since Hibiki is too reckless and doesn't think things through and he was captured much easier than I had expected haha. Still, I'm sure he still has a role to play, and I'm really interested in how you're going to do this, because, after all, Team Rocket is evil, they're the villains, and so by Pokémon logic they would lose a war against the League, but... On the other hand, they're our protagonists, so they can't lose... Anyway, I'm really interested to see what you're going to do with that. And how the relationship between Kotone and Silver will continue to develop *is excited*
Thank you for writing this story, I hope you update soon, and keep writing! !
Guest chapter 38 . 1/17/2016
I am LOVING this story so far! Keep up the good work!
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