Author's Note: Hey there! Illusion Of Insanity here with another Pokémon Fanfiction, this one being in my Team Rocket AU. Some quick notes before I let you read on; Silver is the main viewpoint of the story, however there will be a few chapters in Kotone's Viewpoint as well here and there. Their outfits are changed in this; Silver's sporting a dignified black suit with a red tie for his position as leader/King of Team Rocket. Reviews, Critiques and Comments are greatly appreciated! This is a bit of a shorter chapter, so it's a bit different than my usual writings. I hope you enjoy it, though!

I smirked as I watched the two grunts battling fiercely, Houndoom against Houndoom as the beasts snapped and aimed for each other's throat. The left side was clearly winning as the right side's beast panted for breath. The left side ordered for the Pokémon to let out a Hyper Beam and the creature obeyed as the right side sat there, waiting for the hit.

Just as it was about to unleash the blast, I stood up and snapped my fingers.

"Enough. The battle is over." The Dark Pokémon snapped his jaws shut and let the energy explode in its mouth, making his nostrils release harsh smoke. I slowly walked down the steps of my throne, watching as the grunts recalled their Pokémon and bowed as I stepped between them. "I've seen enough." I slowly turned to the left grunt and gave him a small nod. "You are excused."

He gave me a frantic bow and scurried out the door. I then turned my attention to the remaining grunt as he trembled, clutching his Pokéball tightly in his hands.

"Just what was that?!" I lunged for his jacket and gripped it tightly with a grimace as he cowered. "That was pathetic! Newborn babies could do better than you!"

"I'm so sorry, sir! I-It won't happen again!" I laughed and threw him down on the cold marble below, smirking as he shook and curled into a ball.

"You better believe it won't!" I pointed to the door with a violent jerk and scowled. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind in letting you go this time."

"Th-Thank you, sir!" He grabbed his fallen hat and slowly stood up on shaking legs. "I-I promise you won't regret this!"

"Get out!" I snapped at him with narrowed eyes as he flinched. "I don't want your petty excuses!"

He ran out the door faster than the victor, slamming it shut behind him. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed before rubbing my temples gingerly. These pathetic excuses for lackies are giving me a migraine. I slowly walked back to my velvet throne, pausing to fix my black suit jacket on the way. I sat down on the cushioned surface and let out a groan as I lifted my feet up to sling them over the right arm of the chair. I then leaned my head back, propping it up on the other arm and stared at the golden chandelier above my head blankly.

I lazily lifted my right hand and snapped my fingers yet again.

In an instant, a powerful Persian sauntered out of the shadows behind my throne with a smirk. He padded to my left side and looked up at me expectantly, waiting for his commands. I let out a chuckle as he flicked his tail, beckoning me to speak.

"Make sure he doesn't forget our little chat."

The Classy Cat Pokémon gave a polite nod and slowly continued to the door, slipping silently out of a hidden panel in the highly-polished wood.

I waited for a few moments in silence, searching for the sound I wanted.

Suddenly, an agonized wail rose in the hallway, followed by a harsh slam against unyielding stone. I smirked and closed my eyes. Ah, much better.