Reviews for With You
LeaDaVinci chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
love it. simple, direct, to the point, realistic
MyCookieByrd chapter 1 . 8/10/2014
Wow, that was so sweet of Troy to be so patient and caring! Gabriella is true lay lucky to have him but Troy even more! They're relationship is a special one...

I loved your one-shot story! It was composed beautifully and I loved every word of it! -
Qanaver chapter 1 . 7/19/2014
I know it sounds like they're in their 30's when he calls her Love but it's endearing.
It's just funny tho that Gabriella only decided she was ready when Troy hugged her from behind. It would have been more believable if she was already thinking about it beforehand and she decided she's not gonna back out this time.
I love how Troy is so gentle with her. His lines are perfect. If I was Gabriella, I'd be crying too at how caring Troy is.
Ceciliaa93 chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
Woah woah woah wooooah! Thank u for the shoutout!

This oneshot were amazing, I felt happiness through the whole story :)! Make stories!
Star197 chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
I love Troy and Gabriella :)
pumpkinking5 chapter 1 . 7/16/2014

This was so sweet and beautiful!

Troy was so gentle and loving with Gabby. It was her first time and he made sure to be patience and
caring with her. She loved how Troy was so sweet with her. She knew that Troy had other girls, but he only wanted her.

You really did a great job of portraying their love for each other. It was perfect!

Great job!
Among-Stars chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
So sweet! That was amazing. I feel like you captured the essence of their relationship in Disney HSM and made it similar but also mature as far as the sex thing. If HSM was on MTV or a movie that wasn't made by Disney, I'm positive this would be how it would play out. So good!
zanessa4evarxxxx chapter 1 . 7/16/2014
Aww Troy is so sweet! Great job, I loved it.