Reviews for Before I Sleep
ferret54 chapter 56 . 4/29
Really great story and I love reading all of your stories...great writing!
Flyby2 chapter 32 . 10/29/2019
I love this chapter of Hotch drawing Reid out to realize his own value. You are a great writer and this is a terrific story. The only downside is that I prefer the characters be portrayed very true to the show. I don’t care for Will being portrayed as annoyed with Reid’s relationship with JJ, or that Will and JJ are not a loving devoted couple (references to arguments, his snippy remarks, JJ questioning her decision to marry him). I don’t see JJ/Reid as a couple and there are undertones of this here.
j4820 chapter 56 . 3/13/2019
That was amazing. It has to be the most well written criminal minds story I’ve read so far. I really enjoyed Spencer and JJ’s internal thoughts. I think you did a great job with all the personalities, very believable. Thank you for sharing. Off to read the sequel.
A Reader chapter 25 . 7/30/2018
My question on "Dr. Reid" answered.
Good story.
A Reader chapter 21 . 7/30/2018
In ch 16 Stephanie addresses Spencer as Dr. Reid, but he didn't introduce himself as such that I noticed. I thought that was because of his online profile she'd read and I was surprised Reid didn't notice and question. I thought maybe later he'd question how she knew. In this chapter it seems that she didn't know - or she's pretending not to know. I'll have to go back and reread Garcia's profile.
Enjoying the story.
Dasyy7 chapter 1 . 9/12/2017
I have been searching for this sorry for so long! I had forgotten the name of it, but my searching finally paid off! This was the first fan fiction story I ever read. I wanted to find it again and relive all its glory. I don't remember how I came accross it, but once I began to read it, I was hooked. So, I guess I have you to thank for helping me discover fanfiction. This story is amazing and I'm so happy I get to read it again.
shippershape chapter 39 . 3/27/2017
This is my second read-through of this and I can't remember if I commented before so I'm commenting here before I can forget. This is hands down and by far the best JJ/Reid fic, actually the best Criminal Minds fic, I have ever read. You keep them both in character while still giving us that fluff and angst which is hard to do with these two. And the way you handle the medical stuff blows my mind. You give us a more in-depth explanation than most fics would include but you somehow manage to balance that with keeping it interesting so it doesn't at all slow down the pace of the story, and explaining it at a level which is neither incomprehensible for us common folk nor overly simplified. It's literally perfect and you are amazing. Thank you so much. I know I'll be coming back to this story every time I hve JJ/Reid feels.
tannerose5 chapter 56 . 12/18/2016
I'm one of the minority that was really hoping Will would leave when JJ found out about what Reid did for her. Never liked him, never will.
As for the rest of the ending, I'm glad everyone make it through the story alive. I thought the unsub was going to turn around and shoot Reid, then shoot Hotch.
I'm going to see what other stories you have. I really enjoyed this.
tannerose5 chapter 25 . 12/18/2016
It's ironic that you wished the readers a Merry Christmas. It's now 2016, one week before Christmas, and this it chapter 25.

Is this story going to be just about one case?
tannerose5 chapter 24 . 12/18/2016
Great, now what's wrong? And why would a nurse what Reid, another patient?
tannerose5 chapter 22 . 12/18/2016
Oh oh. Has it begun? Hirsh better be on his toes. Questions are going to start popping up as to why he didn't believer Reid.
tannerose5 chapter 16 . 12/17/2016
This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I hope there's a date.
tannerose5 chapter 7 . 12/13/2016
Nice little insert of Will and Henry. I really don't think Will appreciated Reid being at his house, ever.
tannerose5 chapter 2 . 12/11/2016
Oh great, it goes from shopping for coffee to a possible murder. It could only happen to Reid
Bommiej chapter 56 . 11/1/2016
I finally finished this beautiful story! Thank you for writing it and being so awesome. I'll soon start with your sequel.
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