Reviews for Faith and Duty
yubima-chan chapter 10 . 1/20/2018
Just finishing reading this and i love it.

Its a pitty there arent many histories that centers in military and political plots. They give you a lot of thinking in wath could go brong and hoe can it be fixed.

Also, you named many autors and teir diferences on works... I just realice i have been doing that in my head but with the gender of the author also, and there is a huge diference in the tipe of history out ... Its weird, but cool.

I will read the others but maybe take my time with them... And im a little confuse with the diferent companies but tath is me not knowing anithing of the army in any form, not even my country. ( And sorry for the gramar, my phone is awful, and im not very good at writed english)
cola-chan chapter 10 . 8/9/2015
I really enjoyed Faith and Duty, even if it took me a while to get around to finishing it. The characters were all really well fleshed out, and like I said in a previous review I liked seeing the happenings from the perspective of the military. I liked the epilogue too, finished up a lot of the "what happened to_?" that I was wondering about. I look foward to reading your other stories based off the perspective this story takes :)
cola-chan chapter 7 . 7/3/2015
That's some Shamalan of a twist right there. Honestly I didn't pick up on the hints but I like the outcome. I hope you go into why she dissapeared and became a guard, but I will probably find out in the next chapter since it's already been written XD
cola-chan chapter 6 . 7/3/2015
Oh no I knew something bad was going to happen to Tomas when you said he would be promoted soon, thats the same as if he were 3 days from retirement D: I'm really liking the story thus far. It's cool to see the movie from the guardsmens prospective :)
dreamer 3097 chapter 10 . 11/3/2014
A very good story
BlueLion chapter 4 . 11/3/2014
chapter 3: I've got a minor correction for one of the German phrases you're using: Instead of "Götter hilft uns" try "Ihr Götter helft uns" (Götter is plural, so the correct verb form of plural imperative would be "helft"
NrDg chapter 10 . 10/29/2014
Great story and a very enjoyable read. I liked the different perspective and details of what military life would have looked like in that period and location. Very vivid story telling. I look forward to any future stories you wish to write.
dakari prince-aki chapter 4 . 10/29/2014
I thought Baba Yaga was a Russian folklore
Shawn Raven chapter 10 . 10/29/2014
A fitting end to an amazing stand alone tale inspired by one of the greatest movies of all time.

Truly I had no idea you would actually have a practical use for your job as a soldier and then later applying it with an unrivalled work of art like this.

It just goes to show how anything big or small that integrates in one's life can sometimes create...unexpected results.

Thankfully, this was the good that came out of it. No...not good. wait...breathtaking. Or maybe...

You get the point man. :)

I really hope to see more from you in the future. Stay strong in your endeavours and don't let anything bring you down...I mean it both literally and figuratively.

Till next time Dragunov88. :)
Onhiro chapter 9 . 10/26/2014
I'm no expert in Frozen fanfics, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was amongst the best to be found here. Your plots are intricate, but not too complex, and all your characters are well-developed and interesting. The depth you provided to Frozen is great, and this is a good way to show that the nameless guards seen in the movie really aren't nameless. Keep up the great work!
Shawn Raven chapter 9 . 10/26/2014
Conflicts upon conflicts to end with the dramatic climax.

What more can surprise me than sheer talent here, unmatched with any other Frozen fanfic I have read? :)
Shawn Raven chapter 8 . 10/25/2014
Whoosh! The suspense will kill me before you're done my friend. :)

I can't wait - not to die - but to know what's coming next!
Argyraspides chapter 8 . 10/24/2014
Hmm having just stumbled pun this treasure of a FFF, I must say I'm impressed, an infantryman in Afghanistan you say? I'm no US citizen nor am I a soldier but I can respect a military man/ woman… As well as anyone's capacity for research on cultural/ geopolitical/ military history… IMHO, what you did should seriously be considered as expanded universe (EU) material for Frozen, it's darker than the original canon but it gives depth, meaning and colour that just can't be put into the movies… It's akin to the Star Wars films and the plethora of EU that gives the films meaning, if you may… Stay safe and keep writing… God bless…Cheers
grrlgeek72 chapter 8 . 10/23/2014
I think a lot of us were wondering how to explain Elsa's guards going along with Hans' nonsense about wedding vows. Don't expect much from those foreign diplomats, but her own guards?
Your explanation makes sense, particularly with the scene of the father worrying about his child. NO ONE knows what is really going on, and it is easy to assume the worst motivations in someone who hasn't really been known to anyone for years.

Looking forward to the big payoff, and also your future stories.
Onhiro chapter 7 . 10/19/2014
Very good! The twist caught me by surprise, and I was delighted to go back and hunt for clues.
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