Reviews for Family
The Cowardly Christian chapter 396 . 8/3
Alright! Lechuck is one of my favorite villains!

I'm glad you brought the book back, I was starting to think you'd forgotten about it...
RayvenShade chapter 396 . 8/2
Great Introduction to the new Organization Members, but I think you should do some spell checking on that first half, especially in the intro to Toffee and Dark Samus. It was really awkward reading that part.
RayvenShade chapter 395 . 7/23
Isn't Berdzerd already part of the Organization?

Great chapter, but I have a feeling the next one will be even better.
The Cowardly Christian chapter 395 . 7/23
Ah I watched the mini-sode about Tiny wizard car!...major drama bomb!

...aren't you going to use any of my suggestions?
The Cowardly Christian chapter 394 . 7/20
The whole thing with Stag's sub-plot was funny...
The Cowardly Christian chapter 393 . 7/6
Wow, interesting line-up you got there! I wonder how crazy this is going to get!
RayvenShade chapter 392 . 6/25
So, we have 4 different evils (using the term loosely with one of them) traveling to the future in different ways. One of which is carrying some good guys too. This'll be interesting.
The Cowardly Christian chapter 392 . 6/25
I appreciate the realism of Lila not wearing anything beneath her fur.

Also, great chapter. Thank you for bringing in Black hat he's one of my new favorite villains...

Also, thanks for bringing in Argost, he was a very underrated villian that should've been given more props...

p.s. if your going to bring in a Robotboy villain, you REALLY need to make sure robotboy, Tommy and Lola survive as well...not Tommy's family or Gus though...those guys were jerks.
The Cowardly Christian chapter 389 . 6/25
Sorry, forgot to review this one! Great job!
RayvenShade chapter 391 . 6/15
Good start. Nice to see Cedric and the Nagas are still around. Let's see where this goes.
The Cowardly Christian chapter 391 . 6/14
Ah, secret Saturdays...that was such a great show...why'd they have to end it after only two seasons?

I hope he brought Sam with him as well...otherwise...poor Dakota...(man it's weird to use that name for a girl...)
The Cowardly Christian chapter 390 . 6/14
Nice epic ending for the AMO fight!

And nice to see Mable getting punished for her antics for once!
RayvenShade chapter 390 . 6/8
And Bouncy Bee is finally dead. I was wondering how much longer he would stick around.
5waydragon chapter 388 . 5/31
i bet mabel is got flashback of the gnomes when she saw super cutie, also did cute king use any of the illegal swear words
a sexy monkey chapter 388 . 5/30
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