Reviews for Out
pikabun91 chapter 46 . 1/26/2015
i've been trying to find the right words for this... but there's only one that fits.

we'reallfreaks chapter 46 . 1/24/2015
I loved this story,it was amazing and I enjoyed every second of it. The characterisation was perfect and I lived the introspection we gained through the different points of view. Well done and than you for the wonderful experience this story was.
pikabun91 chapter 44 . 1/20/2015
my god... they talked. they actually talked.
this chapter got me seriously choked up.
pikabun91 chapter 41 . 1/16/2015
so... so... very.
pikabun91 chapter 37 . 1/9/2015
just beautiful.
pikabun91 chapter 33 . 1/2/2015
i LOVE this chapter. it's great to see Nathan finally get everything he deserves.
worriedeye chapter 31 . 1/1/2015
I'm going to write my review against this chapter even though I've read the one after (and believe me if you haven't already then you're gonna wanna).

This chapter though was so lovely. We were waiting for Vince to get his pancakes and he certainly did. I haven't had pancakes for ages, years maybe, but I could actually taste them, I swear.

shower making you shiver when you're not cold
who got upset over pancakes?
the thrum of Dan's body - what a great word thrum!
bass through a dance floor
trailing fingers along a brush fence
distant thunder
snogging in the library - hehe - shut up Jones!
litre of lube!

These are some of my fav lines, but individual lines are of course nothing without the whole, and I thought these last couple of chapters really sweet, and awkward, and a bit angsty, and a bit romantic and although I've no idea where you're going to take them after their (errhumph) shower, I love where you're taken them so far. x
worriedeye chapter 24 . 12/21/2014
Oh my god you've bashed Jones. My heart! My heart! LOVE YOU!

I know you've been torn a bit by this chapter, and obviously I've no idea what if any rewrites you ended up doing, but I think you've done it perfectly. It wouldn't have been right if you hadn't have given him any kind of moral conscience at all. That, I think, is the beauty of 'Nathan Barley' - that they're all incredibly likeable dislikeable characters. You've done wonders with JY. I think he's perfect.

And you'd better not dally on the next chapter my love because I cannot cope for long with the images of Jones lying beaten and bloody on the pavement. Eurgghh - his poor face and tiny frame. You're killing me and I can't get enough! x


(Gonna read it again now)x
worriedeye chapter 11 . 12/3/2014
Thank you for continuing. It means a lot to us. And thank you for continuing with a chapter like this! x
worriedeye chapter 7 . 12/1/2014
Oh my goodness - this is a beautiful chapter. x
pikabun91 chapter 2 . 11/28/2014