Reviews for Aftermath
RyuNeko chapter 2 . 2/1/2006
I really like this fic! even if its a bit sad... but still great!
Stagg B. Tell chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
WAit NO RYUICHI IS MINE! SHUICHI CAN'T HAVE HIM! um... well. sorry bout that.
Stagg B. Tell chapter 2 . 6/15/2005
Hi, yes its the same person from Xanga. lol. First off, very good. It's written well, and the characters are all in character. Poor Hiro! Poor Shuichi! good job. You might want to do a part that Ryuichi-dono goes and acts all sexy and cool, later on. na no da, it would be pretty cool. anyway, i'm writing a story about some of the Gravi characters making cake for a party that they are throwing for their friends. if you review, your invited!
Hecate18 chapter 2 . 2/22/2005
Great fic... is there any chance you'll continue? *Looks hopeful*
Tsunami Starsheart chapter 2 . 8/21/2003
hey! Good and very sad fic...Poor Yuki...Are you still looking for a beta reader? If you are contact me via review..k?
Daryl05 chapter 2 . 12/15/2002
WRITE SOME MORE! I still cant believe you killed yuki? LOL its pretty sad...God! i love the way that scene goes..and a perfect place too..

anyhow, whats gonna happen to Shuichi? i wanna read more please!

Carter Tachikawa chapter 2 . 12/12/2002
Cool story so far. I'm sad that Yuki died and I have feeling it'll turn into Ryuichi Shuichi _ A few errors here and there but nothing that a beta can't fix. Keep writing.~CT
panatlantic chapter 2 . 12/5/2002
do i smell ryu/shu?

*smacks self*

bad me! yuki's only been dead two weeks!

but... but... shu is so sad and needs 'comforting'

*smacks self*

stop that! for all we know yuki may still be alive!

O_O are you insane?

well. it could be an elaborate hoax - yeah - yuki in one of his divine moments of instability dreamt up to like 'scare' shuichi away... yeah

mika cried!

plausible deniability! he didn't tell anyone yet...

why not just have shu-chan perforn a ressurection if you want yuki back so badly?

...and you're calling me insane?

... n_nU
kjaxxx chapter 2 . 12/4/2002
*sob* so sad... yet very good and well written...THankyou for writing! MORE!
Sachiko V chapter 2 . 12/4/2002
Hana no Ceres chapter 1 . 12/4/2002
Good story- now I'm just curious to see how Shindou-kun takes all this!

Um... are you planning to expand on the RyuchiXShuichi relationship? It's been brought up a lot by A LOT of fans, and I think it'd actually be pretty curious to see!

The only thing you just need to work on is punctuation! So confusing without commas. Just... double check your parts and it'll be great!
Rinny1 chapter 2 . 12/4/2002
does anyone else see a "my boyfriend died so i need a new one to comfort me" thing going on here? .! more, more i says!
GenkiIchigo chapter 1 . 12/2/2002
Kill me now! That was so sad! But it was good... But it was SAD! Poor Yuki... Poor Shuichi! *Goes into Yuki is not dead denial mode*


Inukai chapter 1 . 11/26/2002
Waaaa! *cry* so sad! Yuki Yuki! *beat up the bad man who killed Yuki* I'm gonna kill you and send you to jail (whats left of you after I trow you to the mad fans) *beat him up some more* mean man! *kill him* ops...oh well! *cry* I killed the bad man, but Yuki is still dead! *cry so loud that it wakes the dead, as in Yuki* Yuki! *Shu and Inu jump on Yuki* your alive!

((sorry for the silly R, I realy liked your story, so sad! *cry*))