Reviews for The Comedy of Errors
TheDeadKing011 chapter 1 . 3/17/2016
I just love it! Please keep going!
parkourmaster07 chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
oh my please update!
I love it already! And novoux is
One of my fav shizaya writer too!
Please continue this im soooo curious
Its very well written too!
Novoux chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Oh goodness. I read this, meaning to write you a review ever since I've met you and known that you are an author and I get this? What do I do with myself, you're killing me. D:

As for the prologue to this story, I want to explain first that it sounds certainly exciting, though I can't remember the entire case off the top of my head. I'll leave it be, because sometimes surprises are good things if I'm reading them. As for what Shizuo has done, I really want to guess because I don't know what has happened to Izaya, especially with bringing on a trial. I would hope it's not a murder, but my intuition tells me it's more than just a coincidence.

Not much I can say for now, but I'll be intently waiting for the next chapter and some more free time after I publish a dozen or so more stories that have been waiting for me, apologies for how busy I am. I've been meaning to get to your works and I will, I guarantee, in due time. This I want to see how it unfolds, so I'll follow it and make sure I keep reading when I can.

Your author's note is adorable and just too kind for someone like me. How could you mention me with such high regard, even if I'm just an author? I write quite a bit, but I feel so complimented and a bit stunned, since I wouldn't agree I'm that good at all. The father of Shizaya and angst? Ah, what do I even say to that? Thank you so much for speaking kindly of me, even going out of your way to recommend me and post a silly thing I said on your profile. I feel exquisitely praised, if anything at all. Thank you.

Good luck with balancing your busy schedule; please take your time in writing the best that you can to share with us. And as a final note, thank you for writing.
OtomePrincess chapter 1 . 3/7/2015
Lovely! I can only guess where all this is going, but I know if you're the one writing it, I'll love it! Hope to hear from you again soon! :3