Reviews for Have a Nice Life
louisemercury2019 chapter 14 . 7/20
please update
1tinac chapter 14 . 11/10/2019
Thus is a very interesting story. I hope for more.
Loveforwolves143 chapter 14 . 9/19/2019
This story is coming out great. The one thing that I hate is everyone in the pack and the council are using imprinting as an excuse to what happened and that leah should just "get over it".

Supernatural world or not, you can fell in love with someone but you should never use that as an excuse to hurting someone else. You always have a choice. Emily as leah pointed out probably wanted sam before he was a wolf, hence why they got together so fast.

And then i feel so bad for Leah while they are trying to keep her away from her baby. Motherhood is the most strongest fucking bond ever. Especially to a mother wolf. I can understand her mom was worried, but if she was in Leah's shoes she would do the same.

Then for the fact that emily is living in the house that her and sam picked out together, took her fiance, and her life. Knowing about imprinting is not going to make that go away. The boys need to shut the fuck up and realize she has got wat more shit to deal with. Most of them dont have a sympathetic bone in their body.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/6/2019
Hello from 2019. I hope you’ll continue writing this fic. I’m really enjoying reading it.
ShadowCub chapter 14 . 12/14/2017
Please tell me she's not getting back with Sam.
ShadowCub chapter 7 . 12/14/2017
How is Leah in the pack? She wasn't even friendly with any of them.
ShadowCub chapter 6 . 12/14/2017
Fuck Leah you need a job to get the fuck away from these liars.
ShadowCub chapter 4 . 12/14/2017
Always blaming someone else Sam...all you had to do was tell the truth.
ShadowCub chapter 3 . 12/14/2017
Seth is behaving like he has a right to stick his nose in Leahs business.
He's the fucking last person to go to.
Delete-account-please-9995533 chapter 14 . 12/4/2017
This was good so far I hope you update soon.
Ilena Petrova chapter 14 . 11/5/2017
When will you update? .its been 2monuhs
chase manaena chapter 14 . 10/28/2017
please update as soon as you can this is good
mary.turner.94214508 chapter 14 . 8/30/2017
Since Sam and Leah have a child together they could some how find a way back to each other as Sam's connection to Leah grows the imprint to Emily gets weaker
Beauty Eclipsed chapter 14 . 8/11/2017
Loved the chapter. I think you're one of the very few twilight fanfic authors that remembers Sam's mother. Loved that plot twist. I don't think you made Leah seem too soft. I read this from the beginning and if I hadn't read the author's note on the top I would have never thought you had just restarted this. Leah is evolving perfectly in my opinion. At the right rate and speed. Now to see whether Emily is pregnant and what kind of curveball that is going to throw in Leah's life if she is.
hateme101 chapter 14 . 8/10/2017
love it
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