Reviews for The Merger
JMH23 chapter 21 . 7/11
This story was absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for writing it, I love it!
I know it's been a long time, but I do hope you make a sequel to this
Random chapter 21 . 6/8
This was great I enjoyed reading this. Even with the spelling mistakes I was still able to make out what you were trying to say. Great story!
Clexa38469 chapter 21 . 4/2
Omg is there going to be a sequel after all ? That'd be amazing
Serenity Saviour chapter 21 . 11/10/2019
Pleeeasse continue writing this is a great story
Yain chapter 21 . 5/18/2019
And here I am, finally done reading your fiction. I'll start with what strongly retained my attention.

I must admit your fiction was a work of art, the idea was brilliant and while I initially believe it would turn out to be cringy when I read how fast Lexa and Clarke truly became acquainted and had their first sex scene (Chapter 1-3). It was way too fast to my opinion, and I would have enjoyed more of that push and pull relationship between the two of them. However, you managed to slow it down perfectly afterwise, reducing the sex scenes and making them into a more collectable and precious moment, which I really appreciated.

Nevertheless, I must admit that what strongly put me off was your writing and the amount of mistakes left in your text. They are so odd that it left me confused. For a writer as talented as you, these mistakes seems strange, especially when you do not make them everywhere (e.g. your/you're, there/their/they're, wrong use of tenses, switching from third person singular present to preterit..., confusion between words using the same phoneme [writing/righting based on your last A/N]). These mistakes had me wondering whether you have a slight case of orthographic dyslexia, which would explain everything altogether. I would strongly suggest you ask someone to betaread your fictions in the future.

Now that I wrote this (and god knows I hope that you won't take offense at that, I was pointing at mistakes to help you notice them), the other point that I disliked, which I have apparently found in so many Clexa fictions so far, is Lexa's "Full name". While Lexa Woods is well thought, I absolutely dislike reading Alexandra/Alexandria even though it does make sense. It sets my mind a notch too far from The 100 and I hate the feeling.

Now onto more positive feedback. I must say, you're the only person so far whose fiction I have read and whose characters were so faithful to the original series. It was absolutely delectable. Lexa is an incredibly hard character to understand and to write about: she's complex not only to herself but to others. I believe that you were able to understand and re-transcribe it marvellously. As for Clarke, she was a tad less impulsive than in the series, but it all made sense in the story dynamic.

All of that to say that I really enjoyed your fiction, and I hope that I have not offended you in any ways!

Stay awesome and best of luck for any other projects,
Lei chapter 20 . 6/15/2018
Omg i totally loved it ️ It was awsome, the cuttest story about these two, please write more Clexa stories. You had me reading unstoppable for 2 days.
A.S.B writer chapter 21 . 4/28/2018
omfg! this is the best story/book i have ever read. the way you described how in love they were with eachother made me feel how they felt. please i beg you! keep writing on this clexa story. you are now my favourite writer of all times!
Guest chapter 21 . 12/29/2017
Oh my god oh my god oh my god. This story was AMAZING, I know you probably wrote this ages ago but still. Well done, I’m very hard to impress but here I am, impressed
Al Sa-Her chapter 21 . 12/24/2017
The cutest clexa story ever! I enjoyed a lot your story! Thank you for this amazing time
Theromaticgirl chapter 21 . 11/18/2017
Loved this so much! It was so cute
ashleyGcullen chapter 21 . 11/1/2017
The most romantic Clexa I ever read ! THANK YOU
Guest chapter 21 . 10/28/2017
Oh my gosh this story is so good! I finished it in 2 days lol Im new to clexa fanfiction and this one is one of my absolute favs now! I hope to see the sequel soon! Thanks so much!
Your business chapter 18 . 10/20/2017
Your business chapter 15 . 10/20/2017
The tension is killing me
Cocaaw chapter 21 . 10/18/2017
C'est une super fanfic ! clairement ! (On dit merci traducteur automatique xD) j'ai pu la lire en français franchement je dis Bravo ! j'espère qu'il y aura une suite, c'est pas que la fin ne me plait pais pas au contraire mais que j'aurai aimé pouvoir lire leur mariage et tout !
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