The Merger

Summary: Modern Clexa. Lexa is the daughter to the most wealthiest hotel and real estate mogul in the world, but her recent break-up and her wild and extravagant behavior has cause bad publicity and some damage to her families business and their name making her mother decide to merge with Sky Airline and introduces her to Clarke hoping she could help stop Lexa's reckless behavior.

A/N: I've got this idea from a story I read a few years ago. I can't remember the name or author. I can't remember where it was from at all otherwise I would recommend it, It was a really good story. As for the one I'm writing, even though the idea came from another story, the direction I'm going with this is completely different.

I originally wanted to write this as a faberry fic but after watching and getting addicted to The 100, I decided that Lexa and Clarke were a better fit for these characters.

I started with one chapter to get all these thoughts quickly written down before I forgot them. If this is something that you would like to be continue please review and let me know. The encouragement helps immensely.

Chapter 1

"Your mother is furious, Lexa." Gustus said dropping a gossip magazine next to the tan brunette who was sunbathing on her family's yacht.

Lexa glared at Gustus for the interrupting her peaceful slumber. She took a quick glanced at what was so important for disturbing her peaceful slumber. She read the headline and an immediate scowl appeared on her face.

"They're lies." Lexa simply replied.

"Lies are more believable then the truth. Lies can hurt you're family business faster than the truth can save it." Gustus informed her.

Lexa ignored his words and return to her sunbathing. Today was her day of relaxation and she was determine to not let anything get in the way of that.

"Leave me." She told her bodyguard and most trusted advisor slash friend.

"Your mother won't stop calling..." Gustus tried.

"I said leave me." Lexa's firm tone left no room for argument and Gustus was smart enough to know when to chose his battle with the girl.

Lexa closed her eyes and sighed when she felt Gustus had left her alone.

Tomorrow was her big race against her nemesis, Finn, and she couldn't let distraction get in the way of that. She wanted to wipe the smug off of his face.

Dealing with her ex, Costia, would have to wait.

Dealing with her mother would have to wait.

"What are we offering exactly?" Clarke asked her mother as they rode on their private plane to France.

Her mother tends to leave her out on serious business matters much to her annoyance. She hated being treated like a child. If not for her boyfriend's race tomorrow, she was sure her mother would have left her back home and leave her out of this important trip.

"Merging our companies together." Abby answered not looking up from her laptop.

"We are in the airline business. Why would we merge with an hotel business?" Clarke asked looking out the window.

"Merging with TonDC Internationals will benefit and grow our company. Our numbers are declining, showing no signs of growth. This is the best option right now." Abby explained to her daughter.

Abby glanced up from her work to look at her daughter, who look deep in thought. A familiar look that has taken place on her daughter's face since she lost her father in a plane crash three years ago. One of the reason for this merger. Business has gone down tremendously when people heard one of the founder's lost his life on his own plane.

"We are hoping that high profile clients looking to book a room at TonDC Internationals, would fly with Sky Airlines. We would be a package deal. They have a good reputation and they can help us."

"And what if they turn us down." Clarke looked away from the clouds and into her mother's eyes.

"Sky Airlines, the company your father built, will be gone." Abby sadly said.

Clarke's eyes harden. She would not let that happen. "I'm going to the meeting with you."

"No." Abby replied.

"I can make this happen, mom." Clarke said sternly.

"I'll handle it. Besides don't you have a race to go to?" Abby smiled.

"You should get ready for your race, Lexa." Gustus said leading her to her room to change into her racing gear.

As soon as they arrived at the Grand Monaco Racing Track, they were bombarded by photographers, reporters and paparazzi. Lexa had ignore all their questions as Gustus blocked them so they couldn't get close to her and avoid any pictures to be taken of her.

"She's here." Lexa whispered following Gustus lead.

"Don't let her distract you." Gustus was trying his best to avoid running into Lexa's ex-girlfriend but he obviously failed.

"She sitting with those Mount Weathers' bastard who are trying to take down everything my family has built." Lexa sneered.

The only thing that rile her and got her more angry then Finn, was her mother's rival, Dante Wallace.

"Today's about winning. You will defeat the race and Finn. And then you will defeat Mount Weathers and get your revenge on Costia. Right now, you need to focus." Gustus reminded her.

She had been was plenty of women but she only cared for Costia. She knew falling in love with Costia would make her weak but she couldn't resist her. She had taken the break up hard and she hated herself for allowing someone to effect so much. Costia's betrayal was twice as painful as she was not only attacking her but she was attacking her family's business.

"Let's go." Lexa told him, masking her feelings. She will not allow people to see any weakness.

Clarke felt uncomfortable sitting at the bar of the hotel with car enthusiasts surrounding all around her.

She shook her head as she thinks that the future of her father's company was discussed without her, solely in the hands of her mother and Kane. She was frustrated being left out. The meeting was more important then attending a car race she had no interest in. Sighing heavily as she ran a hand through her hair as there was no use of stressing over something that is out of her control.

There wasn't any knowledge about cars in her brain to converse with anyone in the bar. So she settled with pulling her notebook out and started drawing.

She was in the luxury hotel which was also a casino, owned by Lexa and her family. She was at least grateful that it had an amazing view of the racing tracks with the beautiful Port Hercule behind it of the Mediterranean sea. Finn had asked her if she would be outside with him but she declined not waiting to surround herself with the loud noise of the cars and the crowd.

She took a swig of her alcoholic drink and she glanced up at the television screen above her that was broadcasting the race just outside and saw the most beautiful girl that she has ever laid eyes on wearing her racing suit and smiling at the camera while waving to the crowd.

She of course knew who Lexa is. Everyone around the world knew who Lexa is. She was a celebrity and all anyone could talk about lately. Her mother was actually in a meeting with Lexa's mother in this very moment but she has never met Lexa.

The girl had made herself a very big reputation.

Especially with women.

Clarke can admit the woman was gorgeous but couldn't get on board of Lexa's frivolous lifestyle. She was a spoil brat in the blonde's opinion. Lexa didn't broadcast her outlandish behavior but being with so many women, there was bound to be gossip surrounding the brunette by past scorn lovers.

"So we meet again." Finn walked cockily to the brunette who was inspecting her vehicle with Gustus by her side.

Gustus immediately stood in front of the brunette. Lexa made eye contact with her bodyguard and signal that she was fine in confronting Finn. Gustus nodded his head and stepped aside as Lexa approached her enemy.

"So we do." Lexa gave him a harden stare.

Finn has had it out for Lexa ever since she stole his girlfriend from him a few years back. Lexa didn't know the girl she had brought to bed that night was Finn's girlfriend but Finn didn't give her a chance to defend herself and they had been butting heads ever since. Though Lexa expect that this hostility towards her was more then about just a girl.

She knows Finn is jealous of her.

"Shouldn't you be braiding your hair and playing with dolls then racing with the big boys." Finn mocked.

"That's funny. Raven didn't mention anything about you being big." She retorted with a grin on her face.

Finn growled at the mention of his ex-girlfriend and the insult to his manly hood.

"In fact, all I remember was my name being screamed..."

Finn strode up angrily to Lexa only to get push backed by her bodyguard.

"I would advise you to turn around boy." Gustus told him crossing his arms in an intimating stance.

Finn looked up at Gustus balling his fist.

"Think about it. I don't want to ruin that pretty boy face before the race." Gustus threaten.

Finn looked away from Gustus and turn his attention back to Lexa.

"This isn't over." Finn said before walking away.

"I would stay clear from him on the tracks, Lexa." Gustus advised her watching Finn stomping away.

Lexa scoffed as she straps her helmet on. "As if he could catch up with me."

Anya sighed feeling a headache coming on as she read another headline of Costia's newest lie about Lexa having serious drug problems. She should have trusted her instincts about Costia and now her business will suffer and more importantly her daughter. She was also annoyed that Lexa had ignore all her calls for the last couple of days. She's was aware that Lexa has her big race today and didn't want to be distracted. Another thing she disapproved of was her daughter's dangerous activities. She also feared that Lexa would get hurt during one of her races.

"Ma'am, Sky Airline's Abby Griffin and Marcus Kane are her for their meeting." Indra announced as she walked into her office.

"Of course. Send them in." Anya throw the magazine in the trash bin before focusing on her guests.

"Hello, Anya. How have you been?" Abby greeted shaking the other woman's hand.

"Well. And yourself?" Anya smiled.

"As well as I can be."

"Nice to see you again, Anya." Marcus said taking his turn to greet the Hotel Mogul.

"You as well, Marcus." Anya return his greeting. "How was your stay last night. Was everything to your liking?"

"It was wonderful. It's really beautiful here. Thank you again for your hospitality." Abby expressed her gratitude towards the other woman.

Anya nodded.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Abby. I know it was a few years ago, but we haven't seen each other in a while. I just want to give you my condolences and the little time that I knew your husband, I can tell he was a great man." Anya said sincerely.

"Thank you, Anya." Abby said. "That's why were here. Since Jake's death, our business has been suffering, but Marcus has found a way to save it with your help that would benefit both of our companies."

"With no disrespect my company is doing fine."

"Not with Mount Weather's dirty agenda against you. Not to mention what happen with Lexa and Costia." Marcus pointed out.

"It will be dealt with." Anya said with a straight face.

Her daughter was a force a nature but she could be dealt with. Anya was going to approach it in a different manner though.

"Still, I think we may have an offer you don't want to refused." Marcus replied. "You know Mount Weather's won't stop attacking you. They are using your daughter. What else will they use to attack you?"

"Marcus is right. We can help each other. And destroy Mount Weather at the same time." Abby chimed in.

"Go on." Anya said giving them her full attention.

Lexa loved racing. It was freeing and liberating to her. She was able to block everything out of her mind and enjoy the sound of the loud engine and the smell of the burning tires and the speed. The speed was exhilarating. She never felt so full of life anywhere else then on the tracks. The thrill of it all made her feel so alive.

She had long passed Finn in the race, leaving him in the dust, not once looking back to see if he had regain his speed to catch up with her, which she doubt was possible. She gave him a harmless tap on his vehicle the first lap just to annoy him.

By the fourth lap, she had taking the lead and her main focus on the track and maintain her lead. All she hears is encouragement in her ear from Gustus.

A couple of laps to go and she could win this race again and hopefully shut Finn up. Probably would have the opposite effect but she can hope. For now it was smooth sailing. She could just enjoy herself.

"Lexa, watch your right." Gustus yelled through the mic all of the sudden.

That was the last thing she heard before she crashes into the wall on her left. Finn had somehow caught up with her. She could feel her car flipping out of control landing upside down. She feels the most tremendous pain on her right leg before she loses all consciousness.

Clarke looked up from her drawing when she heard the collective gasp that filled the room and turn her head to the television screen. Her face was masked with horror as she catches the replay of Finn's car crashing brutally into Lexa's.

Both cars flip multiple times on the track. Lexa's car looked worst then Finn's.

Clarke furrowed her brow as she watches the replay again and sees Finn closing the gap on Lexa and purposely crashing into her.

Why would he do something like that?

Clarke didn't understand how Finn was capable of something like this. Lexa could be seriously injured. Her heart sank as she watched Lexa's car that was laying on its top to see any movement. Any sign that Lexa was still alive.

There was nothing.

After a couple of seconds she sees the crew racing down on the track with fire extinguishers and the others were cutting the frame of the car to drag the brunette out quickly.

She held her breath to see any sign of life but there were too many men around covering the body from the cameras. The camera was now focus on Finn's car, who seemed fine as his own crew helped him out.

Clarke sat there in shock of what she just witness. She looked out the window to see the race was still continuing despite the accident and then glanced down to her drawing. She had planned to draw the beautiful port surrounding Monte Carlo but noticed that she drew something more beautiful without even realizing it.

Staring back at her was her drawing of Lexa.

"I will bring the idea to the next board meeting. I'm confident that they will see things similar as the three of us and agree to your proposal."

Marcus and Abby shared a relief smile.

"Thank you, Anya. We look forward to hear any positive feedback you can give us." Marcus said.

Anya nodded at Marcus before turning to Abby.

"How is your daughter, Abby? Clarke was it?" Anya changed the subject now that business talk was finished.

"Yes. She doing well. She can be a handful sometimes but she has a good head on her shoulder." Abby replied politely.

"I bet she's grown up to be very beautiful." Anya smiled.

"As much as she is beautiful, she's just as intelligent." Marcus chimed in speaking fondly on Clarke.

Anya smiled as an idea had begun to form in her head.

"She's came with us to France but she's currently at the Monte Carlo Grand Prix, her boyfriend is racing there." Abby said.

She had seen the look on Anya face and she doesn't know if she like whatever Anya would be proposing.

"Lexa is racing as well."

"I'm aware of that. I hope she does well." Abby replied.

"We should have dinner together. Tonight. All of us." Anya suggested. "The kids should be back in time."

Abby stared at her not knowing where Anya was going with this.

"A pre-celebratory dinner at the finest restaurant in France. Let's celebrate our union. I'll have everything arrange." She suggests.

"I don't want to disrespect you, Anya. But may I asked the true meaning of your gracious invitation." Abby asked.

Anya smiled at the skeptical look on Abby's face. She was just as protective of Clarke as she was with Lexa. Something she could only admire.

"I think our daughter's should meet. I can only assume that they will get along with each other famously." Anya told her honestly.

"Clarke has a boyfriend." Abby pointed out detecting what Anya was suggesting.

Anya laughed.

"I'm not proposing marriage between our daughters, Abby. Though if that were to happen, I wouldn't oppose to that idea either." She told her honestly. "Clarke would be good for Lexa."

"I'm sorry, I can't say the same in return. Lexa has a bad reputation with women. You can't blame be for having negative thoughts about your daughter. As a mother, I'm sure you would say the say if the situation was reverse. "

"You can't believe everything you hear from the tabloids, Abby." Anya glared at her.

"Lexa would..."

"Abby, if we are to work together, I think Anya has the right idea of making sure Lexa and Clarke get along. They are heiress to their own company." Marcus interrupted Abby laying a hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"I'm just asking if you would join us for dinner, Abby." Anya said.

She understands Abby's worries and her protectiveness of Clarke and she admires it but she strongly believed that Clarke was someone that Lexa needed in her life. Hopefully all the bad gossip and horrible women and car racing days would only be a distant memory to her daughter. And Lexa would focus more on TonDC International then her irresponsible lifestyle she was currently living.

She was tired of her daughter's recklessness and cleaning up the damages Costia has caused her business. Clarke would be perfect for Lexa.

"We will see you..."

At that moment the door loudly slammed open grabbing the attention of all three adults in the room.

"Indra! What is the meaning of this?" Anya glared at her assistant's rude interruption.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. But something terrible has happened to Lexa."

Anya's face turned white.

Abby and Marcus looked at each other confused.

Clarke had made her way through the hospital to find Finn. Even though she was angry at his stupidity, she wanted to make sure he was all right. She also wanted to know if Lexa was alive.

She walked pass a scene with a big muscular man who was fighting off a women demanding to see Lexa. She can only guess that he was Lexa bodyguard and the women was probably one of Lexa's old lovers. She stopped to overhear their argument hoping one of them would mention is Lexa was alive or not.

"You have to let me see her, Gustus."

"You are lucky that I can't put my hands on you Costia. After everything you've done to her, you don't deserve to see her. Your face wouldn't be welcoming either."

"Despite what you believe, I still care about her."

"So my eyes are deceiving me now? Were you not sitting with the Mount Weather's men at Lexa's own race. Tell me again how much you care about Lexa." He mocked.

He was angry that Lexa was hurt and he was not able to stop it from happening. All he wanted to do was to find Finn and cause him unbearable pain. He took all his strength not to do that but right now he could protect Lexa by keeping Costia away.

"You don't understand." Costia gritted through her teeth.

Clarke was shocked that someone her size would stand up to someone like Gustus.

"Leave now, Costia. You are not getting through." Gustus warned.

Costia stared at him for a few more seconds more losing the battle and turn around to leave only to bump into Clarke who was obviously watching them.

"Mind your business, blondie." Costia glared at her.

"Sorry." Clarke apologized embarrassed that she had been caught.

She ran a hand through her hair and continued her search for her boyfriend.


She turned at her name being called shocked to find her mother making her way to her.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Clarke ask confused.

"We were in the meeting with Lexa's mother when we heard about the accident." Abby said. "We rode with her to the hospital."

"It wasn't an accident." Clarke tells her mother.

"What?" Abby frowned.

"Finn did that to her on purpose. I saw the whole thing. Everyone saw it."

"That doesn't sound right."

"I don't want to believe it either." Clarke said.

"Okay. Are you okay? What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to see what he has to say."

Abby nodded her head in agreement.

"How's Lexa? She looked really bad." Clarke asked her mother.

"She's...She's alive but she's asleep right now. There's a lot of damage to her head, few cuts on her arm, but the most damaging part is her right leg. I believe it might be broken." Abby said repeating what the doctors told Anya while the were waiting with her.

Clarke closed her eyes in relief. Breathing steadily again. Lexa was alive. She wasn't sure why she was worry so much about Lexa and not more worried about Finn.

Abby absorbed her daughter's reaction to Lexa's state and could help to see the distress that Clarke only express to the ones close to her.

"I didn't know that you knew Lexa." Abby asked seeing how clearly Clarke cared about her well-being.

"I don't. We haven't met but I don't know. I feel like I know her if that makes sense. Maybe with all the talks about the merger, I just feel the sense of..." Clarke didn't know how to describe it.

Abby watched the confusion on her daughter's face. Maybe she'll accept Anya invitation after all.

"You are so foolish, little girl." Anya whispered as she gently caressed Lexa's hair while watching her daughter sleep.

Seeing her daughter laying invalid on a hospital bed was she feared most other then death. No mother wants to see her daughter in pain. The dinner planned with Sky Airlines seems more important now then ever. She will have to postpone it though until Lexa was better.

"This has gone on for far too long and it stops today. I will no longer stand by and allow you to destroy what our family has built while destroying yourself in the process."

Anya heart broke when she heard the news and more so when she saw the devastating state her daughter was currently in. But she was thankful that she was at least still alive and breathing.

Lexa would be in a wheelchair for a couple of weeks, which Anya knows that her stubborn daughter won't like. Her leg would also be in a cast and would have to walk with crunches a few weeks after that. Lexa loved life and was very active. To be held back from her way of life by her disability will crush the girl. She will react horribly when she tells her the news.

"Things are going to change Lexa, if you like them or not." Her mother told her before walking out of her room to find Gustus.

Finn had only suffered a broken arm and the moment Clarke walked into his room, he immediately attacked her with sloppy kisses. The thrill of ending Lexa's leg and her racing days had got him very excited and he couldn't contain himself when he saw his girlfriend.

"Finn, stop." Clarke said as she was blindsided by his behavior.

"I can't help myself around you." Finn said continuing his assault on her neck.

"We need to talk about what happen today not to mention that any strenuous activities will not help healing your arm." Clarke said pushing him back away for her neck.

Finn smiled dopily at her and slowly trying to unbutton her shirt exposing her bra with his good hand. "We can talk later. I'm extremely happy to see you, Clarke."

"Lexa almost died." Clarke glared at him, seeing as Finn wasn't taking this seriously. "What you did was horrible."

Finn face harden. "Lexa got what she deserved. She is a cold-hearted bitch and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will see thing my way."

"I will never see how it's okay to purposely crash and endangering someone's life." Clarke argued.

Finn stared at her angrily.

Another person was taking Lexa side. His own girlfriend. The only reason Finn noticed Clarke was because of her mother's connection to TonDC International. He had thought that Clarke had know Lexa in someway and he could start his revenge. He wanted to hurt her they way she hurt him.

"Lexa is..."

"What am I, Finn?" Lexa rolled up on her wheelchair interrupting their lover spat.

She was taking a stroll around the depressing hospital in attempt to get away from her mother and from Gustus when she ran into her nemesis. She didn't know he was at the same hospital and just seeing his face made her blood boil.

He did this to her.

Made her a cripple.

"Oh hi Lexa." Finn plastered a shit eating grin on his face and he threw his arm around his girlfriend who had the decency to look embarrass and quickly turned around to button up her shirt. She didn't realize Finn's door was wide open. "You know Clarke, don't you."

Clarke looked at him confused of his impression that the two girls knew each other. Even though their company had a good relationship, the two have never met. The blonde was now suspicion with her boyfriends motives with their romantic relationship.

Lexa mirrored her look as she glanced at the blonde trying to place her face but nothing with coming to her head. She has never met this women before.

Clarke on the other hand was mesmerized by Lexa's beauty. She is just as beautiful in person then she was on those trashy magazine. She took at good look at the brunette and felt heartache for the brunette, who had to travel around with a wheelchair knowing how much Lexa hated it.

She frowned as a thought comes to mind. Shouldn't the brunette be resting? She just had surgery on her leg. She couldn't help be concern over the other woman's well-being.

"Keep your pity to yourself." Lexa spat as her as she mistakes the concern look on the blonde's face was for sympathy.

"I'm sorry. I know it's not my place but you should be resting." Clarke told her.

Lexa was confused over the blonde's genuine concern for her. But she was Finn's girlfriend and that fact alone makes her weary on her.

"Clarke's right. Why don't you wheel yourself away and try not to bumped into anything." Finn smirked at her.

"You will heed my warning and watch your back, as I won't hesitate to retaliate for what you've done to me." Lexa threaten him ignoring the blonde presence all together for now.

"You deserve worst Lexa for what you've done to me." Finn fought back.

"Finn." Clarke hissed at her boyfriend's inappropriate behavior. This is a side of Finn she has never seen.

Lexa eyes the blonde who came to her defense. She was still felt like she should know this woman.

"Putting me in a wheelchair with a cast on my leg won't stop me for destroying you."

"Your threats are nothing without your bodyguard around, Lexa. Tell me how does it feel to be on the same level of those beneath you. You will never race again. And for that justice has been served." Finn retorted.

Clarke looked on in silence baffled at their interaction. There was clearly history of deception and hatred between the two that seems so deep that nothing can reconcile it. Something that Clarke doesn't think she could ever understand.


Clarke could see the big man she saw earlier running towards them. The intense staring match between Lexa and Finn continued as he make his way to stand behind the brunette's wheelchair.

"You are in no condition to be wandering in the halls." Gustus chastised.

"I question your ability to protect me Gustus when someone in a wheelchair and a cast on their leg was able to escape on your watch just an hour after being in surgery." Lexa retorted not taking her eyes off of Finn.

"My apologizes." He said to her while keeping his eye on Finn, stoping himself from breaking the boys neck. He had harm Lexa and Gustus made a promise to himself that Finn will pay.

"Here comes the giant that you hide behind." Finn mocked.

"Finn, shut up." Clarke said annoy with his lame comebacks.

"I would listen to your girlfriend. In my state, I can no longer hold Gustus back for anything he wishes to do to you." Lexa said.

Finn gulped slightly scared as he feels Gustus death stare.

"Whatever." Finn spat out, annoyed that he was once again backing down to Gustus and Lexa. He slammed the door to his room on their faces.

Lexa didn't moved as she continued to stare at the door looking deep in thought.

"Did you recognize the woman he was with, Gustus?" Lexa asked.

"No. I don't believe I've seen her before." He answered her.

"Finn assumed that we knew each other, making it obvious to rub their disgusting display in front of me as in to hurt me."

"Finn's an idiot. He would do anything to hurt you. She may just be an innocent bystander." Gustus replied.

"We can't be sure."

"You shouldn't worry. Let's get you back to your room. You need to rest Lexa." Gustus told her grabbing the handle of the wheelchair to assist her.

Lexa raised her hand motion to stop him from pushing her. She didn't want anyone treating her like she couldn't take care of herself.

"I can do this on my own." Lexa said turning her wheelchair around.

"As you wish, Lexa." Gustus expected Lexa's hostile attitude towards him and he couldn't blame her.

She will never race again.

Thank You For Reading!

A/N: Next chapter will have more one on one interaction with Clarke and Lexa.