Reviews for Hidden Phantom
ProwlSIC chapter 5 . 9/15/2019
Is CW agender?
the yokai lover rikuo chapter 38 . 3/25/2019
Good work, love it my dude.
ARainDragon chapter 39 . 3/10/2018
I know nothing about the x-men, but I love reading Danny phantom crossovers. Love this.
riverspirit13 chapter 39 . 12/22/2017
Nothing do what you feel comfortable to do and we will be your readers and wait. patiently. Have a wonderful day
Redripper666 chapter 6 . 9/2/2017
when is he going to start doing something?
Redripper666 chapter 2 . 9/2/2017
other then being way to weak its ok so far
Galeiam chapter 13 . 8/7/2017
I've been reading this for a few days just trying to force myself to like this story, as honestly it has a good premise and overall plot.

The problem lies in the fact that the story is so disjointed and Daniel is such an annoyingly forced inclusion.

It truly feels as if you wrote this story all at once with a different protagonist and then looked back and thought 'Wow Danny Phantom is cool, how about I make him the main character' and then proceed to do a copy and past of character names.

Every time he speaks with another character it doesn't feel even the slightest bit natural or flowing.

Every introspective moment he has seems like it doesn't even connect with the plot, even amidst the fact that you continually reference said plot during those times.

Hell even the universe merging seems a lot smoother than Danny being in the story.
Galeiam chapter 4 . 8/1/2017
Don't you think you're being a bit overly formal for no apparent reason in his speech and thought patterns?

As it is he seems almost British
GoldThesteral22095 chapter 39 . 6/12/2017
Just write when you have the time, that should be enough for us. We can be patient. Take your time. And take care of your self, that is the most important bit.
ChaoticMinds chapter 39 . 6/8/2017
Awwww..! Well it's okay, everybody gets busy. It's just life. And writing doesn't have to take over your free time. You DO have a life. So please don't feel too bad. I honestly understand about procrastination, I do it everyday or every week. As one who constantly does it, I can agree that it really sucks. But punishing yourself for it won't help at all. It'll just make it worse. (And don't listen to the flamers, either. They're either unimportant trolls, or people that are just taking their frustration out on you. They should understand that you DO have a life outside of Fan fiction.) Try just writing a tiny bit each day, like for a minute. Then go do things you enjoy to rest from your long school/work days. That way you could still get out chapters(albeit a little slowly, but that's alright) and be able to rest your weary body and soul. :] If you really want to make this up to us readers, though, just keep writing! :D We all love and enjoy your work. Just persevering and continuing to write stories we can read is a gift to us. *-)

Have a wonderful day, MaulinK!

-from one with equally bad habits, and a lover of your DP works
KodiakWolfe13 chapter 39 . 6/8/2017
Awww, don't beat yourself up too much, for starters. I think it's safe to say that every writer has gone through a stage of I-know-I-should-write-but-I-really-don't-wanna-I'm-tired-what-do-I-do-now?-I-love-writing-it's-my-passion-and-I-want-to-continue-but-I-don't-know-how (I, too, am currently going through that right now; however, I, fortunately, don't have any truly active stories that need commitment, though, so your funk seems a thousand times worse for that reason that you DO have an active story). Anyone who says that they haven't gone through this type of stage at some point is a FRIKKIN LIAR, or hasn't experienced their funk stage yet (but it will come; it always does). But a good way I have found to get some kind of writing in is just to write 50-100 words day - a line or two that you really, really like. That way, you're getting something done, you're stretching your writing muscles, but you're also not burning yourself out further. I think too many people burn themselves out trying to overcome writer's block by writing like mad, when, in reality, it sometimes makes it worse.

I hope you find your muse, and that you're able to overcome all your uncertain and fearful emotions soon! I know it's hard, but it can be done, and I believe in you. (And flamers that review are just a bunch of asshats that need a good high-five. In the face. With a chair.)

HateReborn27 chapter 39 . 6/6/2017
i am happy that you decide to return to this story. i can not put into words how happy when i receive the notification of this story. Keep up going i know you can do it.
jwagne51 chapter 39 . 6/6/2017
Add the angst/tragedy tag, because this is not a "Friendship" story anymore.
ShiraYukiShadow chapter 39 . 6/6/2017
Try starting a new story something funny and short that way you can get back into the habit of writing without worrying about flames or doing badly afterall with humor as long as you made at least one person laugh you did a good job even if that person is just you.
AquaJinx chapter 39 . 6/6/2017
It's totally fine, I know exactly how that is. Just take as much time as you need, and I'll leave you be. :)
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