Reviews for Some Take Pills
Shelly Hamato chapter 4 . 11/25/2019
Oooh! This is a great story! Do you plan on continuing it?
lovebooksdork5 chapter 4 . 10/6/2019
DUDE, WHAT AT THE HECK? PLEASE UPDATE! I was looking forward to reading this and it just stops? WHY?! Continue please.
Guest chapter 4 . 10/2/2018
This is a very complicated plot. Must be hard :[... Anyways just wanted to thank u for sharing your stories with us and uh r u still gonna update or...?
Hope ya update soon :)
EmilyGrace18 chapter 4 . 10/3/2017
Have I ever told you just how much I love the way you write Mikey? His every thought, his every move, his every joke ... It's just You are, hands down, my favorite Mikey author. And I love your Leo almost as much! Your stories are such a joy to read!
I don't think I've reviewed a chapter of yours in quite some time without saying poor Mikey. So I won't say it this time, but I sure am thinking it. You described his migraine so well I found myself wincing in sympathy. I know THAT feeling a little too well. Apparently you must as well!.
We'll, this chapter is chock full of foreshadowing. Who is this new gang? What are they up to? What is going to happen next? How are Mikey and Donnie going to react when they learn their new nickname? All of these are vital questions that I can't wait to find the answers to. Keep up the amazing work, and I'll be waiting for your next chapter with baited breath. No seriously, my breath is baited. So don't wait too long or I may pass out!
Snowhite197 chapter 4 . 9/24/2017
I love this story, was so happy to see a new chapter! Great job and thanks for keeping it going!
LooksOnTempests chapter 4 . 9/22/2017
Ironic that I was reading this story last night while I was having some insomnia of my own. Good story; I'm really enjoying it. Dying to know what happened to Casey.
Ro Aberegg chapter 4 . 9/21/2017
As someone who deals with insomnia regularly, I feel for Mikey. I'm really enjoying your story. Your characterization is on point and you move scene to
Scene effortlessly.

Patiently awaiting the next chapter :)
Sukuangtou chapter 3 . 9/7/2017
Yesterday I read Unbreakable, today I read this! Ahh, you such a good writer! I love everything about this, the emotion, the subject, the characters, it's just all so...AHHH I LOVE IT!
Guest chapter 3 . 9/6/2017
This is such a good story! Poor Mike, I really feel for him :(
Arachnide chapter 2 . 8/19/2017
Wow! The story is getting better and better! Quite the inyriquing ending, makes you wonder, what is going to happen next? Hehe! I seem to have taken quite a liking to this story. Well, mikey is my favourite turtle afterall. Anyway, lets see what is going to happen next, shall we?
Arachnide chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
Well, i think that this chapter was fantastic! I really liked it. And the idea of the story is a very good one too. And i Liked how you kept everyone in character. Cant wait to see what is going to happen next, i am so excited!
Zelgadis55 chapter 3 . 5/20/2017
Ah, I just realised you updated this recently XD I'm glad because like all your stuff, I'm enjoying this story too.

As for Leo killing, well, ignoring the original comics, they have also killed in 2k3 and 2k12. We may not see the direct act itself but we have seen and heard the consequences. 2k3 Leo beheaded Shredder once. Okay, the fact is he was an Utrom and so didn't die but still, the intent was there and the act itself showed that. Then there have been a few times in 2k12 as well. Okay again, the ones being killed may not have been human but what difference does that really make? Killing is killing regardless. For eg, there was one episode with those little mini shredder mutants. We *saw* one fall into a pit with blades like a giant fan whirling at the bottom. We *heard* the crunching immediately after, even if the scene changed. So yes, it's there even in the PG versions.

They may try not to do it, but sometimes, there is little choice and they will go there, so it makes sense in your story that Leo did. That gang member was a threat and needed to be stopped before things got worse.

Anyway, I am really happy you updated this and look forward to future chapters (and especially for 'Unbreakable' too!)

Time Flies In The Summer chapter 3 . 5/20/2017
I really want to see where this going.
EmilyGrace18 chapter 3 . 4/19/2017
Wow, I'd forgotten how well you are at writing emotional whammies! I can't even imagine what poor Mikey is going through. Reading this chapter made ME feel tired, and it wasn't even bed time! I love how you portray his inner struggle, recognizing and understanding that he's in no condition to be patrolling, but refusing to admit it. And his brothers all know. I loved the section from Raph's point of view. I think it was important to see that he recognizes what is going on with Mikey and really feels bad for his brother. It makes his accusations in the next section a little less...OUCH! Just a little though.
I love how you write Leo. The part where he tells Mikey he is off patrol was sad, but well done, and I enjoyed Mikey's introspection while watching the sunrise. I can't wait to see how Donnie plans to help him.
So glad to see another chapter from you! Keep it up. I love all your stories!
Snowhite197 chapter 3 . 4/18/2017
I just ate this story up. The bit with Leo and Mikey where Leo tells him "but as your brother, I am sorry": SO PERFECT!
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