Well I had this idea in my head and I had to get it out. I'm not sure how frequent updates will be and it might just be a short story, but I just want to throw this out there and see what you all think.

I've seen stuff like this with Donnie, but I thought hey, why not do a story like this with Mikey? Because really I just love Mikey c: who doesn't?

Revised: 6/18/15

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing because I'm not cool enough to own TMNT.

At a certain time during the night, if you are unfortunate enough to be awake, you can feel silence filling you up like a balloon. The quiet will softly brush against your ears and spread across your entire body. There is no remedy to this effect. The best you can do is pull your legs out from under the covers and stare at the ceiling. Personally, I spend this silence decrypting the cracks and crannies above me.

In a way, it can be frighteningly peaceful. For once, I lie still and just listen to the noise around me. I notice the whoosh of air that trickles past my nose as my lungs inhale and exhale with life. If I pay close attention I can hear blood streaming throughout my veins and my heartbeat banging against the bed sheets. All these sounds echo throughout the entire room. It's amazing, nothing is ever truly silent.

I can't sleep.

What else is new? I haven't been sleeping well for about two weeks now. Last night I got a measly two hours, which is extremely disappointing. I scoff at the younger me who refused to take naps as a child. I had too much energy then and not enough time in the day to use it. Now I would give my arm to have at least five hours of rest. Never would I have thought that I'd miss sleep this much. I miss the comforts of covers coaxing me into dreams and the sweet side of a cold pillow kissing my cheek. I miss waking up in the morning ready to start my day. It's one of those things that you don't realize how important it is until it's gone.

At three o'clock time slows down and I become separate from the world. It like living life through a fishbowl.

I don't feel tired, at three in the morning I am past the point of exhaustion. It's a catatonic state.

A slight chill is in the air but it doesn't bother me. Nothing could bribe me back under the sheets, not when they only suffocate and tempt me with the promise of unsatisfied sleep. I am a balancing act of awake and dreams nowadays.

Even during the few hours I do manage, it never lasts. I usually end up waking in an hour or two, thrashing around the bed and tossing and turning until the mattress squeaks from irritation.

So after two weeks I know better than to try to fall back asleep. Instead I just gaze at my ceiling and let my mind wander. My body shifts from time to time, I can never help the need to fidget.

I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm not sure why I can't sleep. Every night I consider talking to Donnie about it but the poor guy has enough on his mind right now. He has more important issues than to mess with my sleeping troubles. Besides I'm positive I can take care of myself. It's not like this is seriously fatal or anything. Just sleeping problems. Everyone has them at least once in their lifetime, right?

I sigh and turn my head to the clock. It has only been five minutes. I groan and sit up in my bed. I stretch out my limbs and figure if I can't sleep, why stay here?

I swing my legs off my bed and push to my feet. I then wade out of the chaos that I call a room and stiffly walk into the open Lair. As I shuffle along my eyes glance around, taking note of everything I see. The whisper of stillness rumbles in my stomach and makes me uneasy. It's weird to see the Lair so dead. It feels so lifelike during the day and yet so solemn and depressing at night.

Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do to kill time. Anything too noisy will wake up my brothers and what's worse than an angry Raph? A tired angry Raph.

I glance at Donnie's work area and my feet move before I tell them too. I slowly open the door hoping my night-thriving brother to be there. Even if he were passed out at his desk I would still appreciate his presence. He has a soothing and comforting aura. But he isn't here. He must have figured his bed rather than his desk chair would be more comfortable tonight. Seem's like his constant nightly decision, the chair or the bed. I stride towards the desk and sit in said swivel chair. I pull my knees up to my plastron and hug them. I slowly spin myself until I grow dizzy.

When I stop, I stare down at the scattered papers covering the desk. Some of his tools clutter in the corner across from his computers. I read a sloppy equation scribbled on the top paper and wish I could understand it.

I have never been jealous of Donnie's intelligence. I mean sure it would be nice if I could catch onto that mechanic psychobabble sometimes but I am not jealous. Maybe it's because he doesn't rub it in that his IQ could flatten the rest of ours like a steamroller. Not saying that Leo, Raph, and I aren't smart but it's different. Splinter often reminds us that there are all kinds of intelligence, there is not a single definition.

I pick up a strange tool I have never seen before and examine it. I can't tell if it's one of his inventions or he found it in the junk yard. I play with it out of curiosity. I probably shouldn't mess with it. I'm not sure what It does and I'd rather not break it. Donnie would forbid me from ever touching any of his stuff ever again. Ah, brothers. They're loads of fun really.

I don't make as many mistakes as much as my brothers exaggerate. I can't deny that sometimes, I don't always think things through, but that can also be said about the hothead. He leaps to conclusions and fires into to battle. Our lack of thinking are for completely different reasons. Honestly though, neither of us are as bad as we used to be. We've grown up a bit, we've become more experienced. Except lately, I feel fairly foolish. I haven't been doing great with the whole using-my-head-and-not-making-a-fool-out-of-myself thing. I don't know what my problem is. Perhaps it's the lack of sleep or maybe just the stress. It's been more stressful this past month with the gangs. It seems to be taking it's toll on all of us, stress can really get you down.

I look at the clock, 3:10.

I groan loudly and toss the strange tool back into the clutter. It clunks against metal and I slam my head into the papers.

Why does time drag on only when you don't want it to?

My body twitches with aches as my fuzzy brain snaps to attention. Where am I?

I slap my tongue against my mouth and slowly open my eyes. I must have fallen asleep but I don't remember when. Honestly, who cares? Sleep is sleep.

My head snuggles into the papers full of equations and blueprints. A deep cough draws my attention and my eyes focus on the green shelled body causally leaning against the desk. I glance up at him without moving my head and his kind eyes are shimmering with amusement.


Well, he's not the worst sight to wake up to.

"Comfy chair, isn't it?" He beams with a small smile.

"You know, it's not that bad." I admit and close my eyes once more. The heaviness and pressure on them is almost painful.

"And yet you all make fun of me." His voice is light and it settles the cold thoughts from my late night pity party. I lift my head and the paper sticks to my forehead. I let it fall back down by itself before rolling out the stiffness in my neck. I may have gotten some sleep but I am still utterly exhausted.

"So what do I owe the pleasure?" Donnie asks.

"I had trouble sleeping last night." I admit with a soft shrug. A bit of concern flashes across his brown eyes. I am quick to back up my story.

"Just wasn't sleepy. I thought if anything could make me tired, it'd be this mumbo jumbo." I gesture to the equations. I persuade the sides of my mouth to tilt into a charming smile. His own mouth slides into a pout but it doesn't match the brilliant fun in his eyes.

"I find those rather fun actually." He nods at the mathematics. I raise my brows.

"Fun? I don't even know what I'm looking at. Why does math add letters? It makes everything more complicated."

"Well, to each his own I guess." He coincides with a small chuckle. He leans back slightly and holds onto the edge of the desk with both hands. One leg is bent while the other is extended. It's funny, it's almost as if he is more relaxed here than even his own bedroom. This is his domain, his lair within the Lair.

"What are these even for?" I ask and look once more at the jumble of letters and numbers on the paper. Donnie shrugs and grins sheepishly.

"Ooh nothing really. I was bored and needed to challenge myself."

I am positive my face pinches into a mixture of confusion, disgust, and disbelief all in one. Who on this planet earth does math problems because they are bored?

"Donnie my man, you have very strange remedies to boredom."

He grins slowly and his head tilts.

"Well you enjoy comics. Math in a way is a lot like reading except it's in a different language." He suggests.

"Well the plot must be terrible."

He laughs and shakes his head.

"To each his own." He repeats. I glance up at my big brother and try to match his warm smile but it comes out all funny. I can feel the muscles in my face failing from exhaustion. I'm sure it's not something that will get pass his notice.

"Are you sure you are alright Mikey?" He inquires.

Told you it wouldn't. I bet he can see the exhaustion oozing out of me.

"Well if I were Raph, I'd say I was peachy." I assure him.

He gives a slight smile and the concern fades away for now. It's funny how quickly and assuredly he believes me. Why shouldn't he? He and I hardly ever keep secrets from each other. I remember one time when we were very little, about five or six, Raph and I found a secret tunnel in the sewers and he made me swear to not tell anyone else because he wanted it to be his tunnel only. So of course I had to tell Donnie. Raph refused to speak to me for a whole day. At that age, I was distraught by the thought of being shunned and ignored for an entire day. I cried and Splinter was beside himself with frustration at our silliness.

Long back story short, Donnie and I don't keep secrets.

Don pushes away from his desk and straightens his spine. He's always trying to look taller despite the fact that all of us are around the same height. Well, except Raph whose pushing 5'3 and I'm barely shorter than Leo and Donnie.

"So are you going to come eat or would you rather stay and drool on my desk some more?"

"It's tempting, but have I ever said no to food?"

I get up way too fast and fall into step next to him. As we make our way to the most beautiful place in the Lair, the kitchen, I grow increasingly lightheaded and nauseous.

I'm actually not as hungry as I thought.

I glance at Donnie from the corner of my eyes. He's in a good mood this morning which means he must have gotten a lot of sleep. Maybe he sucked out all of mine for himself. Sleep stealer. My shoulders slump as I walk and my eyes droop heavily. I just want to sleep, I want to be my cheerful, well rested self again. It is seriously a mixed up day when I'm the one dragging my feet and Donnie is all beaming and radiant. It's not right! What's gone wrong with this world?

As we both enter the kitchen we go our separate ways. Donnie to the coffee and me to the cabinet of dry breakfast food. Raph and Leo are already here and being rather loud and rowdy for this early in the morning. They both are holding up boxes of cereal.

"That's a load of crap!"

In one corner of the ring, a young firey Raphael supports Coco puffs, chocolaty goodness rolled up into a crunchy ball that leaves the taste-buds wanting.

"It's more nutritious."

In the other corner, a skilled and courageous Leonardo represents Honey nut Cheerios, an original and classic to be sure.

"It tastes like cardboard." Raph retorts.

Donnie and I exchange a look.

"Apparently they don't understand 'to each his own.'" I observe dryly to Donnie. Leo and Raph are too busy shoving the boxes in each others faces to notice us.

"They just aren't as sophisticated as we are." He grins and turns back to his coffee. I too smile and run through my meal options. I glance at all the boxes of poptarts, cereals, oatmeals and more but find none of them to be appealing. The longer I look at the food the more I realize I am not hungry. In fact, I'm starting to feel rather nauseous. Well, I have to eat something! So I opt for a boring granola bar and plop down at the table. I slowly munch and listen to the chorus of the 'my-cereal-can-beat-up-your-cereal' debate.

Is it really possible to be so tired you lose your appetite? I sigh, loud enough to cause unwanted attention. Soon all three of my siblings zoom in on me. Great.

"What's the matter with you?" Raph asks rougher then I'm sure he intended. I force a sleepy smile on my face.

"Nothing just tired." Well technically that isn't a lie. Still, Donnie's concern reappears and I hold back the desire to chuck my granola bar at Raph. Leo eyes me curiously but doesn't seem to be worried. Raph apparently thinks nothing of it. In fact, he actually smirks in a, oh so Raph-like way.

"Well well, would you like at that. Turns out the energizer bunny does run out of batteries." He teases. Normally I'd say something in response to a comment like that, something witty if I do say so myself, but I'm just not feeling it today. My brain is working at half speed and it's too much energy to come up with words. I have done all my smart remarks for the day and it isn't even nine o'clock yet. So I don't say anything, I just nibble on my pathetic excuse for a breakfast. Well-rested Mikey would be ashamed for such a small meal, especially an important one!

"Are you sure you're okay?" Donnie asks seriously. Leo and Raph look back and forth between Donnie and myself, his concern spreads to them like wild fire. I can almost hear the instant crack of worry in the air. They all glance at me with suspicious eyes. What do I say? I mean I'm sure I'm okay but I don't feel okay. I feel like death had a slumber party and didn't let anyone sleep. Really not my kind of party.

At that moment, Splinter waddles in and we all sit up straighter.

"Good morning Master Splinter." We say in unison. He smiles warmly at us, his usual morning twinkle in his eye.

Saved by the rat.

We proceed to eat our breakfasts in silence. I have escaped the gruesome interrogation and the serious gazes.

Seriously, brothers worry too much.


Thump. "Donnie."

Thump. "Donnie."

Thump. "Donnie."

I turn my head after a straight minute of noise and I watch Mikey lethargically beat his head on the Lab doors.

Thump. "Donnie."

Thump. "Donnie."

"MIKEY." A loud and very angry voice radiates through the doors. I can't help the smile spread across my face when I realize what must have happened. I walk towards Mikey and he turns to me when he feels my presence approaching. His dour face snaps into a warm smile.

"Hey Leo! What's happening?" He bashfully rubs the back of his head.

"Hey Mike, what did you do this time?" I grin. Mikey puts on a hurt face and lays his hand to his plastron as if I deeply insulting him.

"Do? I can't imagine why you would think I would ever do anything." He sticks his chin in the air.

"Well, why else would you be loitering outside Donnie's lab?"

"Because he is a mean and grumpy old turtle. He kicked me out for no reason." Mikey protests rather proudly.

"Shockingly, I find that hard to believe." I tease. Mikey's proud face falls instantly. He leans in and points at the door.

"In my defense, it's a mess in there. If he doesn't want me knocking into stuff he shouldn't have things on the floor for me to trip—"

"Your room is a mess and you do just fine in there!" The muffled voice shouts again. Miley turns back to the closed door.

"That's different! I know where things are in there. Come on! I said I was sorry!" Mikey appeals to Donnie. I don't bother to hide my grin.

"You're not coming back in here." Donnie shouts back in a sing song voice.

Mikey sighs in defeat, "fine." He turns to me, smiling again. "I guess I'll bother you then. What are you up to bro?"

"I was thinking about going for a run, I could use some fresh—"

"Can I come with you." Mikey interjects quickly. I stammer,

"Oh, well, it'll be boring I'm just—"

"Leo for the sake of my mental health, take him!" The muffled and rather desperate voice pleas. Mikey doesn't take offense; in fact he gives me a rather charming smile and winks.

I shake my head and sigh. Diabolical this one.

I don't mind him coming along except now I have to keep both eyes on my mischievous little brother. It's not that Mikey can't handle himself, it has nothing to do with Miley at all. Instead it's my inability to relax. Watching out for brothers have become an involuntary action, like breathing.

"Okay fine, come on then." I huff and head towards the entrance of the Lair. Mikey is quick on my heels and grinning.


Something is wrong.

When out on patrols, we keep the same pace as to not lose each other. However, if we were fully racing, Mikey and I would be fighting for first. He's fast, possibly faster than me.

At the moment, he's struggling to even keep up with me. I know something isn't right. I hear his harsh breathing and when I glance over my shoulder I notice a painful look on his face. If he wasn't feeling well he would have said something to me by now. Unless there's something he's trying to hide.

I suddenly skid to a halt before jumping to the next roof. Not prepared to stop, Mikey stumbles and blunders past me. I catch his arm before he falls off the building and pull him backwards. After he regains his balance, he rests his hands on his knees and leans over.

"Heads—up—would have—been—nice." Mikey wheezes. I frown at his obvious state of distress. With closer inspection he seems pale and his skin is cold to the touch. Yet I can see the glistening of sweat on his forehead.

"Mikey, you don't look good." I say and put a hand on his shell.

"Really? I thought I was the pretty one." He tries to tease but it doesn't have the same punch when it comes out of troubled breathing. He inhales sharply and his face twists into shock and discomfort. It looks like he's about to throw up.

"Actually, maybe I'll sit down for a second." He slumps to the ground and puts his head between his legs. I slowly squat next to him and study him with a grim expression.

"What's going on?" I ask him quietly and keep one hand on his shell.

"I feel light headed." Mikey whispers. I frown deeply. If he were feeling sick he definitely would have said something sooner. Plus he seemed perfectly fine this morning. He did mention he was a bit tired at breakfast but he didn't look sick. I place the back of my hand against his forehead, he isn't feverish.

There must be something else wrong. What troubles me most is that he didn't say anything. That isn't like Mikey, he can be a real pain when he's sick. Is he trying to hide something? It would be best to consult Donnie about this. Time to cut this run short. Once his breathing is back under control I ask him lightly,

"You okay?"

He nods his head hesitantly. I grab his arm and slowly help him up.

"Come on, we gotta get you home and talk to Donnie." I command. Mikey pulls away from me and avoids eye contact.

"No, I'm fine. Really! I can keep going." He protests. Concern stabs at my skin. He's acting so weird.

It's probably nothing Leo, calm down, I tell myself.

"Michelangelo." I snap sharply and it makes Mikey flinch. Pulling out the full name always works on him.

"There's no point in arguing about this is there?" Mikey sighs.


So yeah, there it is. Tell me what you think of it c:

Again, I don't know how frequent updates will be because I'm going to try to focus on my other story but, we shall see.