Reviews for Confessions From the Heart: GMW Edition
lovemarkle chapter 13 . 7/23/2016
like this letter the most I like riley and maya just as best friends forever
lovemarkle chapter 12 . 7/23/2016
like the letters Favorite couple is Farkle and Maya or Lucas and Maya i can never choose which one
danielanicoleg chapter 26 . 5/4/2016
Love all of the letters. You are an amazing writer
ABEDFAN chapter 26 . 1/6/2016
Really great! And kudos, I think it's great that you acknowledge when you lose enthusiasm for a project. I completely support your decision.
AdoringGMW chapter 25 . 12/21/2015
Great chapter:)
ABEDFAN chapter 25 . 12/18/2015
So good! Eric's letter to Topanga, or Cory's letter to Harper
LittleBitNerdy chapter 24 . 12/13/2015
Guest chapter 24 . 12/12/2015
Hey can you do the evolution of corpanga from the beginning of bmw to now I would really love it
guest chapter 24 . 12/12/2015
I dont know if your a rucas fan but if you are , I have some good news for you okay remember when they had the semi-formal and they were discussing about eric-jack-rachel situation, the reason riley said she like lucas as a brother is because she wants them to be friends forever and never lose contact , shes afraid if she dates him she will lose him , so that got into her proves she really loves him and doesnt want to lose him in any top of that , I think at the end lucas will kiss riley because there's a video of rowan sayibg "the one I just had" when the interviewer said something about the secret to filming a kiss. Check it out I think its clevver tv interviewing them for season 2 I'm speading the word for all rucas fan so we can rejoice.
sand1128 chapter 21 . 12/12/2015
You did a great job writing this as Charlie.
I'm not a fan of his either... think he is super creepy.

Well done
AdoringGMW chapter 24 . 12/12/2015
This was nice.
AdoringGMW chapter 23 . 12/3/2015
What about a Zay to Lucas letter.
AdoringGMW chapter 22 . 12/3/2015
tHis was good.
LittleBitNerdy chapter 23 . 12/3/2015
A Zay to Lucas would be cool, and a Zsy to Farkle may even be a cool possibility
LittleBitNerdy chapter 22 . 11/27/2015
Aww.. Farkle it's ok... Feel what you wanna feel... I almost wanna see more Rilaya and Corpanga. Also more Rucas (although I know you've done them already) because the show is steering away from them. Which I think is stupid
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