So this is Maya's letter to Josh. Warning: I started off a bit lovey-dovey and then I started being all negative and anti-romantic because I thought it was more Maya-like. At least it got Maya's feelings across. Remember to leave a suggestion for another letter, I promise to get better at this. How about a Josh-to-Maya letter? I'm willing to do all kind of couples. Hope you like it!

Dear Josh Matthews,

I heard of falling in love with your best friend's brother but not your best friend's uncle. Hah, hah but this letter isn't for the jokes. You know that I like you but the problem is that you don't know how deeply I feel about you. Hopefully this letter will make you see how much I like you and maybe we can start something. I never liked the cheesy side to romance but here it goes: all the reasons why I insist on chasing you.

First things first, I do not like you solely for your looks, even though in my opinion, you are the most gorgeous boy on Earth. You are sweet, sensitive, and very charming. Honestly, I don't know how you are related to Cory Matthews, my history teacher. I also don't understand how you get along with him with the whole 'my brother, my brother' thing but I think it's cute. You care so much for your family: Auggie really looks up to you and Riley thinks you're a great uncle. I wish I had a big family like you, but if we ever got married, I would be my best friend's aunt.

Maybe it was a bad idea to mention marriage in this letter. I am not obsessed with you. I might be, but not in the serial killer way (although I want to crush every pretty girl you flirt with). I am just lovesick, haven't you ever had a crush on an older girl? And doesn't it hurt when that girl says she's too old for you? It's only three years, Josh, and when I'm in college, I would be a mature, sophisticated girl, the kind of girl that you would want to date. And I am not in some sort of phase. I am fourteen years old, and I am not a hopeless child chasing something imaginary. I am actually old enough to date! I am way more mature than Riley! Is that the only reason you won't like me, because I am too young?

Now here's a list of things I REALLY like about you:

*Your beautiful blue eyes

*How you never fail to light up Auggie's day

*That time when you said I grew up gorgeous at that Christmas party (what happened to that? I felt like you really did like me. Was that just a meaningless compliment?)

*Your bond with your family

*The way that you smile

Well to make this not too cheesy…

Here's a list of what I DON'T LIKE about you:

*The "I'm too old for you" line you keep using

*The way you stopped acting flirty around me and started to act all creeped out

*How you're so insensitive about my feelings!

You see, I still like you even after you stomped on my heart. You think that you let me down gently, but like I said, I'm in it for the long game.

By the time you get this, you might have already met a beautiful girl who is old enough for you and has everything I don't, meaning I have wasted hours on this letter where I poured out my heart and soul for you. But I won't cry about it because I have been through this before. I know how this kind of heartache lasts. My dad abandoned me and my mom for another woman, are you gonna do that too? No matter how much it hurts, I will always have a special place in my heart for you, even when you leave.

Sincerely, Maya Penelope Hart

P.S, Yes my middle name is Penelope, don't know why I wrote it down.

Wasn't that sweet? And also kinda negative but that's how Maya rolls. Disclaimer: I do not own Girl Meets World. See you next time!