Reviews for Stress Relief
guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
loved the way kid was grumbling about lacking bedpartners because he looks so threatening!
ShitCook chapter 1 . 1/26/2016
That was hot. Part of me didn't want it to end. That was really good.
ItzDaKitKatLife chapter 1 . 9/4/2015
*whew* -plugs up nosebleed- it's getting a little hot in here hahaha, that was a good one!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
Very nice little piece, thanks so much for it. I loved how little words you need to convey a lot of passion and make it interesting, great read, man I love these two so much together!
loogoo chapter 1 . 8/7/2015
Oooh, alley sex
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Hey there! That was so Hot! Aw and I really love your style, its just so fun to read!
Ventusio chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
Law was definitely looking to get some too! I wonder how long he'd been scouting Kid in that bar. A bed would definitely be way more awesome for the both of them, and including us ;)
Thanks for the fic!
snoopypompom chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Aaahhhhh lawxkid! Why didn't I think this was possible! I always thought no way kid can't be bottom but you have changed my mind... Thank you
cantorahagedoorn chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Lovely little story!
AnyMoreBrightIdeasGenius chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
Hummm, this is great. Thanks for sharing your writing!
Aerle chapter 1 . 7/21/2015
Nice XD
It's good that Law came prepared, though, or it would have hurt a lot for Kid. Or did he bring his own lube too?
Thank you for sharing :)
Gureshingure chapter 1 . 7/20/2015
Ohh love it so much! It would be super awesome if you write a sequel, from Law's pov XD
Thanks so much for writing! I love college AU XD
piopio meme chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
hi, hope you're doing fine. nice fic :) if you hadn't mentioned that you didn't write this pairing for so long I wouldn't even have reconized this. (and this is my otp) it's like i like your stories that much that i like every pairing you choose to come along with. of course it was a bonus now and i would appreciate more one shots i that universe :D *hugs*
Yuki Artsa chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
-cheers like a pervert in the corner, currently sitting in religion- Yeeeesssss!~ w
The Red Harlequin On The Luna chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
First, thank you so much for your wonderful gift QwQ It makes me so happy! I've reread it about five times now!

Oooh you gots a review already! : D -sends kisses to reviewer-

While I was rereading~

If you decide to write the scene from Law's point of view, I would love to see his thoughts as he scouts Kid XD I imagine he was probably watching to see what or who Kid gravitated towards and could tell by his progress (or his lack thereof) what Kid was interested in. He probably would have found Kid's situation somewhat adorable too XD maybe.

I wonder why Law was so stressed . work? Personal life? Will there be any criminal overtones in this story?

Will Doffy be making any appearances? owo ("Doffy, I brought 'dessert'") XD

This, if it stays a oneshot, was a lot of fun and I really love reading it. vwv thank you again for your awesome gift -smooches-

(Making Apoo his roommate was pure evulz XD Congrats!)
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