Reviews for Backup Plan
ASHARI463274348 chapter 26 . 8/30
white sheep jaune arc dies by percy's hand after findng out about his 'harem'?
Overwhelminganxiety chapter 48 . 8/25
you know a piece of heaven goes really with them realizing shin'en rigged the map
Overwhelminganxiety chapter 13 . 8/24
Percys fucking triggered
Overwhelminganxiety chapter 8 . 8/24
the sarcasm must ooze from him
Guest chapter 12 . 8/13
I'm trying to like percy but he's such an ass not even a little bit of character growth he's just plain asshole. I enjoyed the beggining but seriously he's so annoying to read about I'm currently only reading out of BOREDOM and to see how he'll eventually be overpowered and all that jazz seriously at this point it's so predictable and BORING the fact that I'm typing this message is out BOREDOM AND ANGER. Anyway whatever you already finished this story feel free to ignore or take offence it doesn't even matter again I'm just typing down my thoughts because im bored.
BiancaIsTheBest chapter 13 . 7/16
you are gonna put a kid that's stronger than the village elite jonin in the academy? this makes absolutely no sense
Guest chapter 33 . 7/15
The leviathan Zuzu behemoth idea is awesome go for it
Myrek chapter 69 . 7/4
Guest chapter 84 . 7/1
Went back for a re-read after a long time, not gonna lie forgot the ending and cried a little. Still one of the best stories I have ever read.
distorted light chapter 10 . 4/2
You try to hard to make your characters emo a six year old wouldn’t react like that
GamerX568 chapter 26 . 3/26
After both eyes have evolved to Mangekyou, Susano'o is there for good.
notvisiulebliss chapter 50 . 3/16
Whatever shin'en is feeling about persephone I won't accept it be is clearly being manipulated into feeling this way
notvisiulebliss chapter 29 . 3/14
Dude this is about to become cliche... I swear if shin'ne is stopped becomes his sister says she loves and cares for him then that just means he is an overpowered child throwing and tantrum ...if this story turns into redemption fanfic thaaaaan I'm not reading this story anymore... Hagoromo about to give Naruko and Sasuke his power when they should have gotten six paths power for their fight against kaguya is another issue ...please make Shin'ne aware that forces are influencing him... I REALLY love your story man but I can't handle a full 180 in character personality change when he clearly doesn't want anything to do with his sister considering whatever he feels for her is the fates influence trying to ground him in his home dimension
notvisiulebliss chapter 27 . 3/14
Dude I love this story but fuuuuuuuuuck can we not have Shin'en be subtly influenced? I mean it pretty much makes everything up to now pointless if he were to just up and change simply because susano'o is influencing him to care
TheEmbodimentOfSins chapter 42 . 1/2
Ngl, bitching him like you did pissed me off and I stopped reading.
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