Disclaimer is as follows: I don't own Naruto or Percy Jackson and the Olympians. If I did, I would be retired.


Hospital in Manhattan

August 18, 1993

12:00 A.M.

Sally Jackson lie in a hospital bed, exhausted after giving birth to twins. She had carried her children by herself for nine months after meeting him at the Montauk Beach. The most breath-taking man any woman would ever lay eyes on. Then again, being a god, gives one certain aesthetic properties. Tall, tanned, muscled, and unnatural sea-green eyes, Poseidon were quite the specimen for young Sally Jackson. And the trident he was holding also helped. After meeting at the beach, the two started seeing each other more and more frequently, falling deeper in love than what was allowed for a divine entity and a mortal. After spending the summer with the Sea God, their children were conceived. Persephone, the eldest by six minutes, and her younger brother, Perseus, were absolutely beautiful in their mother and father's world. Lightly tanned skin, tufts of raven black hair, and their father's sea green eyes, the newborns were perfect.

Sally held her daughter as her son was taken away by the doctors to make sure everything checked out alright, but despite the new mother's overwhelming happiness, one being even more powerful than Poseidon…was not as ecstatic.


The nurse checking on young Perseus suddenly froze, her eyes going blank, before she walked out of the room. She walked back to the room where Sally was holding her daughter and said to her, "I'm sorry, Ms. Jackson. There were complications with your sons lungs, blood was leaking into his trachea. There was nothing we could do." Sally, upon hearing that her son had just died, broke down into tears, her heart shattered. Persephone, with her young mind, seeing this person she recognized as mommy start crying, began wailing. The nurse prepped a sedative for the crying woman and injected the needle into Sally's IV. She was out in seconds. After Sally was asleep, the nurse took the crying infant and calmed her down, then took her to a room where she could be watched and looked after until Sally was ready to leave.

Back in Perseus's check-up room

12:12 A.M.

While the nurse was under the influence of the Mist, a magical barrier that prevents the mortal world from seeing the Mythological one and, when used by demigods and gods alike, a hypnotizing force capable of distorting reality itself, a woman walked out of the shadows of the room. The woman wore a black dress reaching down to the back of her calves. Her hair was done in a high ponytail with a golden clip. Her eyes were the color of the night sky, her face was regal, high cheek bones, supple lips with red lipstick, and perfect make up. She walked to Percy's crib and gazed down at the infant. Percy's eyes fluttered open and he reached up to the woman, gurgling incomprehensible baby babble. The woman smiled and picked the baby and held him close. As Percy settled down in her arms and fell asleep, her smile turned into a frown. "Your father was a fool," she said, her voice was soft, yet held an undertone of absolute power, "He swore on my name to never have demigod children again and now he's sired twins. As he is a god, I cannot harm him directly, but I can still punish him.

"I'm sorry young one. You didn't ask for this life, or the Hell you are about to endure, but you are fated for great things. In this world…and another."

Without further ado, the woman walked back into the shadows taking Perseus with her.


Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Tower, Special Observatory

1:12 P.M.

The Tokyo Tower, second tallest man-made structure in Japan, built in 1958 to mirror the Eiffel Tower, serve as a Japanese symbol of industrialization, and to bring in money as a tourist attraction and an antenna leasing structure, was about to bear witness to an unprecedented transaction between pantheons.

The woman walked out of the shadows cast by the afternoon sun in Tokyo. The typically crowded tower was empty except for one man dressed in a black kimono and a haori depicting an ocean during a violent storm, complete with crashing waves, thunderclouds, and lightning. The scary part was that the designs were moving. Using the Mist to prevent people from entering was child's play for these beings.

Sensing the arrival of the black-clad deity, the man turned around and revealed his face of Asian descent, but it was eyes that drew your attention. The iris and sclera were both purple, with concentric rings surrounding the pupil.

The Rinnegan.

"I was beginning to think you were going to back out," his voice was deep and rich, and had a slight echo to it, displaying his immense power.

"Do not patronize me, Susanoo. You felt my power even in New York. Besides, I'm well aware of the deal we made. And I do not break my word," her tone was one of offence, taking the stab at her honor very personally, the shadows writhing in response to her ire.

The Shinto storm god grimaced as pain rolled over his body. But as quick as it came, it was gone. "My apologies, Lady Styx, but your pantheon has proved on more than one occasion to struggle with keeping their word. But enough of this banter, let me see the child."

Despite still being miffed at Susanoo's previous words, the goddess of the River Styx complied with god's request. Susanoo looked at the child with a calculating yet sorrowed look. Percy, awakening to the sudden movement, looked at the strange man with curious eyes. Susanoo gained a small smile on his face. Percy reacted by sticking his arms up at the god. Susanoo pointed his finger in Percy's face and the demigod grabbed the digit with surprising strength for a baby.

"A firm grip, he will grow to be very powerful in his life," Susanoo commented.

"He will have to be, for his sake…and ours," Styx's solemn tone made a glint appear in Susanoo's purple eyes. "Agreed, so enough of this small talk, it's time for business."

Holding Percy in his right arm, he held his left his left hand toward the sky and narrowed his eyes at the sun. Immediately, a small black cloud with lightning dancing around it formed. The thundercloud grew inconceivably fast, blotting out the sun and covering the sky for leagues. Lightning exploded across the sky, hundreds of bolts flashing in and out of existence in microseconds, the amount of thunder that boomed was almost deafening. Winds roared across the city, rain flooding from the sky. Mortals across the world would remember this event as the freak-storm of the century.

It took all of her experience not to stare in awe at the power of the Shinto God of Storms. Percy, however, began to cry at the exposure to the massive amount of divine and atmospheric power. The river goddess' maternal instincts kicked in and she took the wailing infant into her arms and slowly calmed him down. Susanoo gazed at Styx with an unreadable expression, "You care for him?" His tone was questioning.

Styx looked at him, "No, not entirely. He is the result of a broken oath-

"So is the girl," Susanoo's words were like ice.

Styx froze at his interjection and gazed at the now sleeping newborn. "He has a strength that his sister does not. If we chose her, this," Styx struggled to find the right word, "transaction, would have failed for both of us." Her face was set in stone, and her eyes gazed at Susanoo, challenging him.

The Storm God chuckled, the thunder outside seemed to reverberate in sync with the sound. "I did not come here to fight you, Lady Styx. Now, to complete the transaction, as you put it." Styx looked reluctant for just a second before she held Percy outstretched to the Shinto deity, his bear stomach exposed.

Susanoo raised his left hand and it was engulfed in red fire. He raised his right hand and it was engulfed in blue fire. The Rinnegan glowed with absolute power as he clapped his hands together, the flames combining into dark purple. With a voice that could command Zeus himself, he intoned: "Banbutsu Sozo."

The fire surged around Percy, enveloping him in its empowering embrace. Percy squirmed in Styx's outstretched arms, the goddess holding on tightly to make sure he didn't fall, as a warm feeling moved across and inside his body. He gurgled happily at the strange feeling.

Susanoo's eyes narrowed slightly as the purple flames around his hands gained a sea-green tint. 'He's subconsciously drawing out my own chakra.' The tint moved down the stream of fire and into the fire engulfing Percy. A few seconds later, the fire surrounding Susanoo left his hands and was absorbed into the demigod. Said baby had a faint sea-green glow around him before it too receded into his tiny body. His eyes shot open and revealed something unbelievably frightening: surrounding his pupil was the symbol for the Greek Omega, for the end. He quickly fell asleep afterwards.

"It is done," Susanoo's words had an air of satisfaction to them. "I have created his chakra network, and added a bit of my own personal touch to it as well. You could say I've given him my blessing, making him my champion in a way."

"You sound proud of that," The goddess's words were condescending.

"Of course," the god's voice was boisterous, "he will be my representative in the mortal world; I would do well to arm him appropriately." His words turned slightly threatening at the end.

Styx conceded to his words, "Very well then. We have spent enough time here, the Lords of the Underworld may get suspicious of my absence, and I think this storm has gone on long enough."

Susanoo smirked, "I agree. Now, give him to me." Styx complied with the order handed the sleeping Percy to the powerful being in front of her. "I bid the well, Lady Styx. The next time we meet, it will be at the end of one war, and the beginning of another." Susanoo turned around with Percy in his arms and declared:


To the Lady Styx, Susanoo and Percy vanished. No flash, boom, or fancy anything. They were simply…gone, and the storm cleared out near instantly.

Squaring her shoulders, and putting on a strong face, the goddess walked into the shadows and disappeared.

The stone has been thrown…the ripples have been made…and the waves are beginning to form.