Reviews for A Horse For the Force
Innortal chapter 24 . 7/21
A great addition with a great development of this new universe. Well done.
shugokage chapter 24 . 7/11
Nice job on incredible chapter and amazing story!
Greatazuredragon chapter 24 . 7/4
Nice chapter, good work.
delphinous chapter 24 . 7/4
i want to point out that a few chapters ago you told us that the dark woman was killed mysteriously and now you are assigning ventress to hunt her down. i don't now if this is a mistake of the dark woman having fooled the jedi with a dead dopleganger, but i just wanted to point it out
Biblio388 chapter 24 . 7/3
Interesting approach to the war effort. I am unsure if I have seen anyone go the full space route, so it will be interesting to see what difference Ranma's past actions can make in that theater.
Difdi chapter 24 . 7/3
You have a typo in the Mandalorian's victory celebration scene - Kit is handed a drink, he drinks half, it's described as "200 proof percent" - and he hands it back. It cannot be both proof and percent, since they're two different measurement scales for the same thing: alcohol content.

One proof is half a percent. So 200 proof alcohol is 100% alcohol. But 200 percent alcohol is impossible unless the alcohol is made of hypermatter, which is going to have a much more noticeable effect on the drinker - symptoms would include exploding, dying in convulsions, becoming instantly unconscious, or all three.
CisAwkward chapter 24 . 7/2
Any possibility of getting a paragraph or two of "Last time on AHFtF Z" or such for your chapters? With the length and time between them, I usually find I don't remember what was happening and have to go back and re-read to get context.
sisyphus1967 chapter 19 . 7/2
I’m not normally a word choice nazi but you are persistently misusing a word and it makes my brain skip every time I see it. So that I don’t sound like some irritating pedant I will quote the Merriam-webster Dictionary: Tenets vs tenants - A tenet is "a principle or belief generally held to be true.” Organizations from religions to fields of study can have guiding "tenets" that hold them together as a group. It is sometimes confused with tenant which refers to the occupier or a land or building. Remember that "tenant" and "occupant" both end in "ant."
Blaze1992 chapter 24 . 7/2



How many people just died cause of one man's revenge.
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 24 . 7/2
- Effectiveness
To coin a Meme: "Vimesenthusiast uses Grammarly and a Beta, it's very effective."

Sure there are still a few minor missteps (like Kuat and Kuwait), but readability is at such a high level that they can be glossed over as inconsequential, especially considering your usual word count that most (even published) authors would struggle with producing at such a consistent pace.

And your published counterparts have trained professionals looking over their texts, rather than a good amateur and that too makes a certain difference.


You've pretty much reached the limit of what can be done in your situation, but it makes a huge difference with regards to readability. Some of the chapters in your older works, especially those with huge chapters (like ATP)/where your own mind clearly ended up fatigued, could be quite the puzzlers as to what you were trying to convey.

And that would extend the amount of time required to read your works. And I don't know about you, but spending 3 hours with relatively smooth sailing is preferable over 6, where I'd have to crunch the proverbial numbers to get it all.

Do have other stories to read after all.

So yeah my metaphorical vote is to keep on trucking on your current course. It's very appreciated, least on my end anyway.

- Reviews
Yeah, it tends to take between 5 to 7 days before it"s usually resolved. And it's been a consistent glitch for a while now, think between 7 to 9 months or so, no idea what causes it.

- Contrast
It is indeed interesting to note how opposite your two SW stories are. While Harry and Aayla are certainly effective on the microscale, it's the macro level where they shine with their own faction and hidden base.

Ranma and Shaak on the other hand are the reverse and all of this does shift around the focus of each story.

- Changes
Disgruntled Jedi opting to become Mando's is also going to be a big thing and quite the culture shock for both ends as well.

Still, suspect that Bo will see the use for it, if only to help decrease drop deaths by either Force Precognition or by way of levitation to counter a damaged jetpack and preventing someone from going splat.

Plus, there are ways to make armour Force sensitive, so one can wear it and not be cut off from using one's abilities.

Might not be fully optimal for an Ataru user, but some of the other styles like Makashi will definitely not be bothered by it.

- Padawan
Hmm.. Now why do I have this feeling that Ranma's future disciple/student is on that Agri world being run by that retired Master?

- Damage and holding
Yeah, losing Kuat is indeed a big deal as it was a cornerstone for the Empire's military might as well.

Yet another reason for Palpy to be "annoyed".

As for holding the planet, why do I have this feeling that Zonama Sekot is going to get his chance at pulling a Death Star and obliterating that second attack fleet that was supposed to bombard the planet?
Alexis chapter 24 . 6/30
Je suis extrêmement contente de voir ce chapitre et je suis extrêmement impatiente pour la suite. J adore la réaction de ranma envers le clone je suis extrêmement de voir comment il va traiter le conseil et aider les clone.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/30
Very nice chapter, however the open slaughter against planet's is going to have a very large effect on everyone opion of this war. With it happing earlier sides were not as polarized. So I look forward to seeing next chapter!
Oliver W.K. Twist chapter 24 . 7/1
Battle meditation is as OP as ever I see. Not necessarily enough to win a battle on its own, but what should by all rights be a complete rout becomes an ordered retreat that still inflicted significant damage to the enemy. You've certainly done a good job conveying the scale of the conflict in this, without too much use of expository narration (at least by my standards). Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next chapter of Making Waves in a few days, and your next round of chapters at the end of the month.
starravenwolf chapter 24 . 7/1
Great story Vim. I have been enjoying it since you started it. Just one minor issue I have. It seems that you haven't done a fallout of Nerima anywhere yet. I for one enjoy reading about how the wrecking crew get what coming to them because of their actions. Especially Akane. Plus I really want to see Lion of Light get updated eventually. With that story I want to see Kiria try her luck with Ranma. Wackiness abound I'm sure.
Dragon Man 180 chapter 24 . 7/1
I can't wait to see how the Battle for Wayland goes. I love that the Confederacy droids had a directive to go after Ranma when they know he's on the same planet. I can't wait to see if he can use that to his advantage in a future battle.
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