Reviews for Fran's Headache |
![]() ![]() ![]() So far so good. Now, how to prove that Fran's blood-related to Principal Richard Belding in an "IRONSIDE"/ "SAVED BY THE BELL" crossover as 1ST cousins? |
![]() ![]() ![]() So unfair to Fran when the Chief wanted to call Eve, but I'm guessing that was tongue-in-cheek. |
![]() ![]() My dearest BurrFan, you are repeating yourself. Are you getting a dictionary for Christmas? Look up some words, such as trash, proof, private, stalk and class, as you use them very freely, too freely to be correct. I had to see the author's note for myself. It must have cost her a lot to put my name next to 'thank you'. Since she does not want to have antyhing to do with me, be sure to tell your "friend" not to use my name. Now my back hurts so I'll stop stooping down to your level. I won't reply to any more of your messages. Btw I can prove the emails but I show her some courtesy by not publishing them. |
![]() ![]() You are the one doing the trashing, not her, Lemonpig. There is nothing in black and white on this site that shows her trashing you. But there is plenty showing you trashing her. You claim she is trashing you in private but there is no proof of that. It is just another way for you to trash her. She could care less about you. She says nothing about you and you know it. She is not the one posting crap stories making fun of your work. More proof it is you with the problem. Despite the fact that you are still stalking her, she is pure class. At the end of The Case of the Set Up Cop, she gave you credit for proofing to the point you did and thanked you! Eveything she does proves you to be the one that lies and trashes not the other way around. She displaces class and you claim private emails that you can't prove. You are pathetic. Go ahead keep it up, Lemonpig, it shows you up for what you are! A liar and a classless individual. |
![]() ![]() Believe whatever does not exist and make up whatever pleases you. You will never believe a word I say even if I told you that the sky is blue and the grass is green. The truth is I do not lie (sorry for you), I did not write the story, I got trashed at leisure by your friend (your words compared to hers are extremely mild), and of course she is not saying anything IN PUBLIC. All her communications are done without others knowing, that way she can pass for a victim. So stay in the dark as you apparently like it. The sad reality is that you will never know how gullible you are. Your attacks are unfounded and your language is inappropriate, so stop posting your garbage here. Lemonpig |
![]() ![]() Do you really think you are fooling anybody? I don't have an account because I don't write. Your phantom friend wrote a hit piece and hid behind you to post it. That's cowardness. If indeed, anybody wrote that but you, which I doubt. Two-faced? She is not the one on here trashing you, it's the other way around. You're trashing her. That in itself proves who's being nasty and vindictive. I know the facts. The facts are you are a liar. She doesn't email people behind your back. Because she could care less about you. But it is obvious, that you are up obsessed with her because after all these months, you still have not stopped. Yes, all those praising posts do present a problem for you, don't they? Let's see, what would you call that? Two-faced... Yes those words fit. You are the one being rude. Again, she is not saying anything. You're not fooling anyone, what is that you call yourself, lemon pig? |
![]() ![]() My dearest Burr Fan, You are so entertaining. As always you have to resort to rudeness. No wonder you back your friend 100%. Believe whatever you want, it is your right. The day you get in your head the fact that your venom and K's means nothing to any of the people you choose to target will be a huge step forward for you. Alas. I did not write the story. The Mystery Writer is not a coward, thank you for once again insulting someone. They don't have an account on here (reminds me of someone) and I offered to post for them. About anonymous reviews, your friend edits and/or deletes them depending on the amount of praise. I will repeat myself again as the concept seems difficult to grasp: I do not bother with K and her stories anymore. I have given her too much time and I sincerely regret doing it now that I know she is two-faced. She is such a nice person that plenty of my American friends have apologised for her after reading what she dared write IN PRIVATE (another difficult concept), saying they didn't want anyone to think that all Americans were that rude and disrespectful. Please note that doing things in private does not mean that it did not happen. But it is a good way of appearing innocent. So who is the coward? Get a few facts right before posting anything. You might look believable then. Lemonpig |
![]() ![]() You think I don't know what went on between you? You are navive. Kaleen and I have known each other for over 40 years and live in nearby cities. We are close and see each other often. I think I know her a hell of a lot better than you do. There is nothing you can tell me from France about someone who lives within 30 miles of me. I read every single email that was exchanged. You stalked her through the email until she lost her temper and told you off but good. You have led people to believe she is a terrible person, well, nothing could be further from the truth. What kind of person is she? One that has written children's stories for years for my children's organization and at no cost. She refuses to take money even though it has been offered many times. She is a good and loyal friend to a lot of people. The parents in my organization have extremely high opinions of her as well. She takes care of her 90 somethng year-old mother and even though she is extremely busy took the time this past year to run a reunion her high school band director because the elderly former director turned to her. She was there for me when I lost my wife. I don't know how I could have got through it if it were not for her kindnes. This the person she really is. I know because I know her, you don't!I! You refused to stop trying to stir up trouble so yes, she cut you off. What in the hell did you expect? She is a no nonsense type of person that will not put up with people who behave that way. Then you wrote that attack as a story that was loaded with lies because she refused to fight with you. She did not respond but I did. You did not bother to publish it. You blocked it. I know it went through, the usual message came through telling me so. So you lied when you said you don't block reviews that come through. She blocks only you because she refuses to put up with you or fight with you. By the way, anyone can post a review as a guest just as I am doing now so please don't insult everyone's intelligence that you could not slip review on her site. Her stories, ridiculous? You ranted and raved how good they were until she booted you as her beta. There is plenty of proof of that in black and white. Now they are ridiculous? You don't even realize how RIDICULOUS you look with your 180 turnabout, which of course is nothing more then sour grapes. You claim you don't care but you post that crap?. If you didn't write it (which I don't believe) then you posted it for some coward that you let hide behind you. It was just another way for you to attack her and as I suspected she had too much class to respond to you. It is ALWAYS you that is trying to stir up trouble. You may be able to pull the wool over your minion's eyes but I have seen dozens of emails sent to her in support. And she recieves thousands of hits every month on her stories, including two former cops who praise her stories. As far as a sense of humor, I don't find it funny when somone who can't write makes fun of someone who can. You accuse her of doing things behind the scenes, yet it is you that tried to keep a fight going and it is you that wrote those lies disgused as a story and it is you that posted that garbage making fun her stores. It is you that is doing "dirty work". She has not given you a second thought since she booted you and has not responded any of your attacks since getting rid of you, which was the smartest decision she has made since she made the mistake of having you proof them in the first place. You could not tell the truth to save your life. I will not waste another second on you as there are a huge number of people out there that can see for themselves that it is you that has been vindictive and nasty. could not have picked a more fitting name. |
![]() ![]() My dear Burr Fan, Where is your sense of humour? 1- Reviews: Every review, good or bad, is published. I do not delete or edit reviews as your friend does. I can stand negative comments, which is a good thing with you around. For your information, I do not care about Kaleen, she does what pleases her whatever the consequences. You don't have not a clue what happened between us; you were only served her version. She never attacked me back? Not in public, she always does her dirty work in private and in a harsh way. And since she has done the same thing again, I would take her version with a pinch of salt if I were you. But you won't. So you have reported me? Good to know since I have never received any warning from the FF site. I removed my previous "story" myself. It was the only way I could respond to you. Lastly, you don't seem to be aware that your friend has blocked me from day one of our disagreement. So any reviews you read cannot be mine. 2 - This story: Can you just for a second imagine that other people think Kaleen's story is becoming ridiculous? I did not write this story but wish I had come up with the idea. Have you read the reviews? People love it. Ask yourself why. Or are you going to accuse me of leaving fake reviews? Thank you for your "review" and for being as civil as your friend. And as always, if you don't like it, just don't read it. Lemonpig |
![]() ![]() I know this review will never see print on your site but I know you will read it. I knew you were one to critisize Kaleen's work regarding Fran. Kaleen didn't block your garbage review even thought I am sure she was able to identify it as yours. Then you write this piece of garbage as disguise of a story and claim someone else wrote it, bull crap! You used the character right from her story and belittled her work. You are pathetic. There is plently of written proof in form of reviews that show you raving about her work before and during your tenure as her beta. Once she removed you, you stalked her, wrote lies and had that piece of garbage attack posted, which after I complained to Fanfiction, they assured me they did not allow that kind of slander and removed it from the site. She banned you from posting on her site, I would guess because you did nothing but attack her. She defended herself when you were attacking her (never attacked back) but has said nothing since she put a stop to your childish behavior by banning you from her site. Could you let it go? No! You attack her work through this so-called story making fun her story and using her character's name. Yet, you, youself cannot write a good story to save your life. You have zero talent compared to her. This garbage is just another avenue for you to attack her. There is a real-life cop that reviews both her Perry Mason and Ironside stories and has praised her knowledge of the law and courtroom proceedure but you are so obsessed with continuing your stalking and attacks that you would not even notice it. I will take Jo Curl's reviews ahead of a vindictive, obsessive nutcase like you any day. Lady, and I use that term sarcastically, you are pathetic and sick. Let it go. Leave her alone. Her stories are well written and entertaining. The only thing you have written on here is not even close to being in her league. You unacceptable behavior may piss me off but she has too much class to respond to that piece of garbage. The fact that you are still at it after all these months shows your lack of class, human decency or common sense. So your feelings got hurt because she canned you, get over it! I am betting that if, and that is a big if, Kaleen reads your piece of trash, she will not bother to respond to you. You might be able to get under my skin but you wont even have any effect on her. I am sure she has already figured out that you are crazy. It won't get her to stop writting as I know the tremendous hits she gets daily. Grow up, lowlife. Burr Fan |
![]() ![]() ![]() Yeah, rather funny little story. "I just didn't expect it to take this long for Ironside to find you." Hahahaha. How about Mortimer saying "I just didn't expect the autor to take so long to put an end to this story." Chief Ironside most certainly would already have found her chapters ago. LOL |
![]() ![]() ![]() Did someone read an earlier comment of mine perchance? Disclaimer, I am not the friend who wrote that. I'm the one that would have written "she gouged Mortimer's eyes out". Funny stuff Flo. |
![]() ![]() ![]() This short story has everything: the characters are in character, the humour is brilliant, and it is very entertaining, which is the basis for a good story. I particularly like the format: just a snippet in the lives of our heroes. Different bits made me laugh but my favourite line has to be the last one. Two thumbs up, mystery writer! :) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Read it twice. Still laughing. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you for this parody, anonymous writer - a really funny "comical relief"! "If it was Eve I wonder if he would take so long." :D |