Reviews for The Return of the Sun
Mosorire chapter 12 . 4/21/2019
I'm so loving your story
pls pls pls update
silkyjacob chapter 12 . 10/3/2018
Jake Is gonna Kill Him nad he freaking deserves it along with crazy alice .
Xx.theWordGenius.xX chapter 12 . 6/14/2016
Quick update! My life is in this story ll.
sarahmicaela88 chapter 12 . 5/25/2016
Again this is so bad on so many levels. Teddy boy just unleashed a hell on earth for himself. The only thing a wolf will protect more than his pack is his mate and pups.
And right now his mate is the one who is trouble. So damn this is gonna get ugly.
corkykellems chapter 12 . 5/24/2016
What a way to keep Us Hanging... LOL...More More
cullenfan5 chapter 12 . 5/24/2016
loving this story more and more! :)
corkykellems chapter 11 . 5/14/2016
OMG Jake Is gonna Kill Him
PastOneonta chapter 11 . 5/13/2016
Edward just wrote his death sentence. He did leave Lizzie and we are grateful for that. The Pack will get to Bella in time, they have to.
PastOneonta chapter 9 . 5/13/2016
Jake is so sweet. I love his plans for a date.
sarahmicaela88 chapter 11 . 5/13/2016
Having to wait a week is so beyond cruel especially with a cliffhanger like that one.
What in the fuck is Leach boy thinking?
What good could possibly come from taking Bea?
Eapecially now that she has a child. That is a mothers greatest fear not being there and protecting ur child when they're in danger.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/12/2016
I hope at least Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie are on Bella's side. Update soon!
Pri-Chan 1410 chapter 11 . 5/12/2016
I cant believe Edward did that! I hope they find Lizzie soon and that they rescue Bella soon as well!

Please update soon!
PastOneonta chapter 8 . 5/12/2016
The wedding was lovely, Jake's house is gorgeous. And Edward is on his way to save her from the unsafe wolves. Catching up, thanks for the updates.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/12/2016
Edward and Alice are such asshats in this story. Taking a mom away from her child. Hopefully, Rosalie can help Bella, Jacob, and Lizzie somehow
sarahmicaela88 chapter 10 . 5/6/2016
God that was fracking intense. I am so spolied with these updates that u've made so quick please. If there is any way you can update sooner and add more lemons. Cause damn if they arent amazing.
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