Reviews for Awkward
cherryflowerblossoms chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
Oh boy, I am gonna like this story! What an amazing first chapter. I'm hooked! Awkward Kakashi is my favorite to read. He is a-dork-able.
MintFlintee chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
Wonderful first chapter.

You've really captured the complexity of the characters here. Kakashi's warring emotions when he was reluctantly forced to acknowledge the shift in his perceptions of Sakura-and his hasty dismissal of it as a side effect of the alcohol-only to walk away blushing... All of it tugged on my heart.

The flow of your story-telling seems to be a natural talent. Your word choice is eloquent and fresh. I found myself rereading several delicious lines. I can't wait to see where you go with this..

JustHereToReadLOL chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
i luv how this is going so far!

its soooo refreshing to read. ummm i kinda think that there is sometimes to much thinking when shes thinkin of her decision idk its just me

but plz update ! i hope u find a beta soon. with one it wud be so good...
too lazy to log chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
this got me SCREAMIN
it is SO in character, especially the kakashi parts. I can so see naruto host an 18 day long party for his hokage inauguration.

cant wai for the next chapter
babel89 chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
really liked this chapter. looking forward to seeing this story develop, hope you update soon :)