Reviews for The Art of Loving
Bruh chapter 3 . 7/13
DUH BOMB chapter 7 . 12/21/2019
Man it's so hard for things to just stay going well for them.
Spazzaway chapter 7 . 9/25/2019
ack! how dare you make me fall in love with this story? now i am sad it’s incomplete but the feelings i had reading t shall always remain in my heart. loljk it was a great read. what a cliffhanger though!
Spazzaway chapter 5 . 9/25/2019
I only found this now after I learned that the manga ended and the more superior ship in terms of dynamics and build up (heh) didnt win. I love the whole idea but this chapter, oh man, it felt like reading something that exorcised my own demons. I didnt think it would get this real but it did and I thought it was fairly plausible given the characters’ psyches. I somehow thought that they werent really OC at all, but you managed to capture and explore a piece and side of their character that is there but not entirely shown. I have yet to read the later chapters but barring some minor grammar mistakes, I thought this was particularly well-written. But then again, this is probably just me projecting, as someone who really deeply relates to Megumi’s personal insecurites and relationship struggles in this story. Anyway, I have said a lot but it’s really good stuff especially for a ship that deserved to be more popular but isnt.
Kaehari chapter 1 . 1/6/2019
I love the idea of Alice and Ryou to be some sort of relationship experts for Souma and Megumi Thanks for writing this!
KravManga chapter 1 . 11/26/2018
will there be any update
FandomSupporter15 chapter 7 . 5/30/2018
Any chance on another update? I just fell in love with your Soumegu story, and I’m so excited to see what more you have in store for this couple.
Secrets4theunderground chapter 7 . 4/27/2018
This was an amazing story and I want more! I love this pairing and it was great seeing their relationship.
Angge chapter 6 . 11/13/2017
Please update! I'm really looking forward for the next chapter!
Lily Black 14 chapter 7 . 9/1/2017
Its been a loong time since i post a review here, but your fics is so good, i really want to know what happens next in their relationship and i know that its been more than a year since you udapted this fic but i hope you will post a new chapter soon. You write soo well 3
Pd: sorry for my english, is not my first language :c
Guest chapter 7 . 6/27/2017
Very sweet! I enjoy your writing style!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/5/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 12/4/2016
Did you know that in SnS a la carte novel 3 it is stated by people who have read it that ryou and alice are engaged by leonora? and The only person who doesn't know about it is ryou.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/3/2016
Update please ;-;
Pri-ThePuppeteer chapter 1 . 8/19/2016
Hey, is it weird that I found your author's note way more exciting than the actual story? Don't take me wrong, I did enjoy the first chapter and I am looking forward for the next; specially when Ryo x Alice appear because they are Awesome and I am highly surprised that there isn't much fics of them... THERE SHOULD BE LIKE A TSUNAMI OF RYOXALICE FICS!

ehem anyway...

1- Who says it's going to be Soma x Erina!? WHOOO!? ok ok, I get it, she is like the female main character, but that doesn't mean she will end up with the guy! Per example, Sakura from Naruto. Or Orihime from Bleach... ah, wait, that's still on going so better not use it as an example, scratch that example!

Probably the reason why I don't want her with Soma is because... I don't like her... At all... It is sooo irritating to see so many SomaxErina stuffs when I am totally against it XD (I am actually crying over it)

I find her annoying and full of herself, her pride is so much that she can choke with it (I hope it happens n.n) that she can't even recognize her own mistakes!

This is all said from the anime point of view, I just now started to read the manga so maybe I will see something different... maybe... not having high hopes...

2- This "cooking who you want to like your cooking", I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE! You are absolutely right! Kill me please ;u;

3- YES! Soma x Megumi is KAWAII! XD I love their dynamic specially Megumi's character development. She started as a shy and a bomb of nervous with zero trust in her own abilities, but while the show progressed she started to change and learn n.n
That idea of her and Soma competing against each other is AWESOME! I hope it happens!

4- "He won't end up with anyone", what are you talking about? he has his octopus marinated with peanut butter lol

5- RYO X ALICE ARE CANON! No matter if it isn't 100% confirmed, it is CANON! Just like Dean x Castiel (from Supernatural), actually they are even beyond that! XD

I even like Soma x Alice, when I saw their interaction while competing against each other (season 2) I just slashed them right there. I find their chemistry to very interesting and would make way better couple than Soma x Erina because at least Alice can recognize talent even better than hers! And because she is beautiful and funny and has a dangerous aura too XD and has tamed Ryu lol

oh! I also totally ship Ryu x Megumi, their personalities are totally opposite so I think it would be fun to see them interact XD

In a totally note related to your Author's Note.

My Yaoi!Soma's ships are Akira x Soma or Soma x Takumi. For some reason I just can't see Soma and Ryu together... But I can totally picture Ryu with Takumi XD (believe, it was really hard to find a different pair for Ryu that wasn't Alice -or Megumi-).

oh! and my bizarre yaoi ship is Isami Aldini x Kojiro (the french dude) lol XD

What are yours?
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