
Troublesome-monkey-dono, signing in!

Uh… I should be finishing like my other fanfictions instead of starting another one. I won't lie. I only watched the anime because I was forced to do so by my lovely friends in one sitting, but I must admit that I found the characters endearing. After making some of the dishes and with the persistence of said friends, I now have promised to add to this lovely fandom by making fanfiction that, and I quote, "Make me swoon in fluff and screech in sadness." I'm not sure what they're expecting but okay. Hopefully, you readers, like my random one shot series.

Anyway, before I start, I would like to apologize if my cooking terminology, or rather any culinary content that would be included here make no sense. I cannot cook for the life of me. My father was gifted with that talent. But, I somehow fuck up some of his most simple recipes. It's saddening. So, yeah sorry for that in advance.


Following Soma Yukihira and Megumi Tadokoro on their journey of firsts as they conquer the Culinary World together. If only love could be made as easy as delicious food in a passionate kitchen. Main: SomaXMegumi. Secondary: AliceXRyo.


I will never be the owner of this anime/manga or any of the lovely characters. That's why I call myself a fanfiction author (of the obvious definition).


Chapter One: Maybe

Working with Megumi Tadokoro was like working in honey. Honey, in its pure viscously sweet form, was a silent wonder discovered by mankind. It has been a staple ingredient found in the household pantry worldwide, known for its reliable sweetness as well as its medicinal and refreshing qualities. All in all, it was a simple luxury, cultured and demure to symbolize the harmony and quaint effect of a summer meadow where hardworking humming bees laid their love to every pleasant drop. It is in this sweetness one can find comfort and many have used this innovative marvel to delight their palates. It was a sturdy taste, one that surely was almost special.

And to those who have met Megumi Tadokoro, they have found that especially delightful character in her that was just as magical as honey. Just as reliable and sweet. Just as refreshing and comforting. And every bit as demure and sweet as can be. And just like honey, she was easily forgettable in a sea of cultured palates delighted by the taste of many. But that is what Megumi Tadokoro was, sweet and forgettable.

But to any good cook, forgetting about such as staple ingredient was as stupid as forgetting to sharpen your best knives. It was an amateur move. A ploy designed to cheat those stupid enough to fall into it. However, Yukihara Soma was not an amateur cook. And his meeting with Megumi Tadokoro reminded him of exactly why honey was kept as a staple ingredient for any self-respecting cook.

He meets her Chapelle-sensei's class as a flustered, budding young thing who tries all of her might to sink lower and lower to the floor as though she is willing for it to devour her whole. Trembling and terribly squeaking in silent panic, her watery doeful eyes watch the movements about her as though she was setting a combusting bomb. It was all entirely cute and dramatically amusing for him to watch.

Nevertheless, he was here for one goal and that was to cook. So he brushes her aside, calms her enough and guides her through a truly simple process. And she is as receiving and attentive, as she was ruffled and disheartened. It is in that one moment, they first made contact.

It was a brush, a small fleeting touch, when her small warm hands press against his. He had force fed her his latest disgusting creation, watching with critically amused eyes as her teary admiration had morphed into one of horror and betrayal. And for a second, a mere push, her small warm fingers pushed his hand away, knocking his hand away from her mouth before cringing away in utter despair.

It is then that he feels it, that passing brush of her soft skin against his. He is almost surprised at how soft her skin feels, knowing fully well how beaten a chef's hands could be. However, her skin was soft and milky just like the complexion of her skin. And yet, there is something about it that makes him believe that they are indeed the mark of a chef. That she had the hands of a relentless talent, a hardworking resilient talent, who took to silent demure stance but rarely falters. She still had the hands of someone who cooked often.

And it was refreshing to say the least, as he had never truly met a girl so demurely soft spoken and adorable as her. Her hands, by definition are just like the rest of her body. And it amused him greatly.

As he walked with her side by side, he could not help but take a sideward glance towards her, eyes traveling down to the hands clasped against her chest as though she exhibited pure relief on a challenge that he found nothing remotely difficult. He sees the small trembles she tried to conceal. Smiling gently he cannot help but send her another smile.

His mind is made up. He wouldn't mind feeling those hands again, if only to study how such delicately smooth little hands could deftly craft magic that was all her own.

Not too surprisingly, he found that Tadokoro's food was exactly how her personality was. It was every bit as calming and refreshing as she was overtly timid and polite. Her dish was a simple thing, of three different kinds of Rice Balls. But in it, he finds the tenderness and love that she poured in with the intent of gratifying her customers' palates in every way she knew how. And he, as a simple lover of anything that tastes delicious, was impressed. And in this simple dish, he finds the silent resilience and adaptive determination that he almost forgets about in their daily interactions. And truly, it was refreshing.

It is in this close proximity he also catches her scent. It is a mixture of vanilla and honey, fleeting and forgetful as one passes, but almost intoxicating when one gets far too close. She smells delicious, as though she enjoys bathing herself in desserts. At first, Soma finds it calming as he finds that he no longer needs to turn to know that she was there. He just knew that she was always indeed next to him, cheering him along or crying in despair, she was next to him. It was comforting to know.

But for once, he feels a sudden panic once the 92nd Tosuki Generation arrived at the Totsuki Resort where the official Training Camp was going to be held. For that fleeting moment, as he stood next to a frightfully shy and shivering Tadokoro, he feared for the worst. When the shrewd, and admittedly fashionable, Kojiro Shinomiya had pointed out that scents could hinder the aroma of dishes, his own body had turned reflexively to Tadokoro who all but shrunk at the sudden expulsion in pure terror. And while he, who didn't really put much thought in any sort of beauty product aside from the obvious intent of being clean, didn't use such products his thought could not help but jump to Megumi Tadokoro who very much smelled like vanilla and honey.

He was almost tempted to shield her away in that instant, if not to somehow remove that antagonistic nose that Kojiro Shinomiya had away from her being. He felt almost protective, as though the older brother bear had awoken in him. He was sure, so sure, that Shinomiya would zone into her next like a ballistic missile. And he knew for sure that he would send the poor girl into a panic frenzy, effectively cutting off her life in a fit of brain aneurysms due to the stress of it all before he could even utter the world expulsion.

But it seems she had attracted a different entity in the form of another famous chef, Donato Gotoda who flirtatiously asked her to spend the night with him. And like Tadokoro he was every bit confused with that was happening, choosing instead to try and process that man's accent to understand his meaning. That moment was short lived when he was pushed away by another chef, Hinako Inui, who then proceeded to caress her face with every care of a pedophilic stalker. And this time, Soma could almost sympathize with Tadokoro who looked every bit conflicted and frightened as he felt.

But the moment lasted quickly as Chapelle-sensei all but cut through it with his fearsome gaze, a strict warning to the alumni that he will not tolerate blatant advances to the already petrified younger generation. And while he is thankful that the incident had all been forgotten, he takes quick note that the discerningly calculative gaze Shinomiya sweeps upon them once more where he stood in stage, a look noting all too well about how aromatically delicious Tadokoro scent wafted to him. So, Soma stood, proud and defensive next to Tadokoro and stared back in challenge.

Even this moment is cut off quickly, as Shinomiya's gaze swerves about the buzzing crowd. Soma could almost see it, how quickly his sharp gaze weeded out students whose faults seemed to irk the chef more and more. But, perhaps one expulsion too early was enough for today for he found no reason to point out another student. For this, Soma relaxes himself.

Still, the thought was there. They were swimming in a sea of geniuses. They were in the presence of the top chefs of the culinary world, who know their art as easily as they knew their own fingers. And he knew, without a doubt, that this new challenge, this new atmosphere would propel him to a level he only previously thought would come with his first win against his own father. And suddenly the electric buzz swam through his body, the euphoria of new challenge lost within him in a whirlwind of excitement. He couldn't help but grin at the feeling. It was a delicious moment.

"Ah….I….," he heard Megumi utter in her flabbergasted moment, clearly embarrassed and confused for today's earlier events. He casts her a cursory glance, silently noting yet another fact. Megumi Tadokoro was no Erina Nakiri, but she attracted people. It wasn't appropriate to even compare the two, for they attracted people on a completely opposite spectrum. Erina Nakiri attracted people with her beauty, her class, and her prophetic God Tongue. And Megumi Tadokoro attracted people to her because….

Well he supposed she smelled like warmth and comfort. That she oozed a certain innocent clumsiness that amused people. That she, perhaps in that soft gooey exterior, was every bit as stern and defiant as Erina Nakiri is. But perhaps, in his own self-delusion, he was giving her far too much credit. Perhaps he was. He wasn't sure.

And there he realizes exactly why Megumi Tadokoro was attractive to people, of any sex it seemed. She exposed a sense of sweet serenity to her that often would bite back. And he for once would love to uncover that snarl and bite he knew she had. If only for one vulnerable moment…


"Yeah! Let's go Tadokoro!"


As they walked beside each other, he threw her another glance. Curiously, he wondered if Tadokoro even knew she had that effect on people. Knowing her personality, it would seem almost appalling to her. He couldn't help but grin. She was turning into a very dangerous opponent right before his eyes.

The third time they really touch, she's practically pressed against him. He only realizes this belatedly, after the course of anger has passed and he is left with a sniveling little girl to comfort. In a way, he finds it impressive really, how her mind works. He watched undeterred as she crumbles before him, begging him to answer why he had all but thrown his chances to be at the top for her own regard. And as she falls to her knees in tears, he can't help but wonder if she is crying more because of him or herself.

"You passed!" she squeals at him through her doldrums and he can't help but give her a gentle smile. Evidently, she seems to cry more for people than herself. And he detects that hint of country accent that amuses him to no end. He only just realizes how emotional she could be to lose control of her own speech. As she hiccups, he cannot help but chuckle. What a silly girl.

As he pulls her up to her feet, he suddenly remembers how her quaint, delicate body feels as she presses herself against his arm. She was small, him being of average height, but there was a quite strength and resolve she uses in her frenzy in an attempt to pull him away from compromising himself. It's admirable really. And he wonders why she does not use this strength just as easily as she has then. Perhaps, she was not aware she had any in the first place.

Then he remembers her face, a down crest beautiful expression, matching how her heartbreak felt. "It's okay. Don't worry about me." She says it with such poor conviction; her own face betrays her feelings. She's in tears and Soma could almost feel his own heart constrict at the thought. It was though his own home, his own sanctuary of warmth, love and comfort have been violated. Violated by a labile man whose own strict convictions held no chance of creativity and growth; all the needs that Tadokoro thrived in. And for once, he feels the anger and irritation flare within him for a man who has made his dear friend cry.

So he pushes this anger away and tends to her as best he can. He will fight for her, he knew, with all the determination and creativity that he watches Tadokoro exude every day. He assures her that this is not the end of the road for her, that she will be standing next to him as one of the Elite Ten one day. It should be obvious, he grins at her with a small wink, that Megumi Tadokoro knew how to cook and that her cooking was every bit on par with the rest. She just needed to confidence to believe it herself.

Of course, his fighting spirit had all been crushed once Shin Dojima announced the conditions for the unofficial Shogeki. He had been prepared for this fight. Hell, he had wound himself up for this fight, only to find it slipping through his fingers. For a moment, he didn't understand why a fight he picked had been defaulted into Tadokoro's delicate hands. It was his fight to win. It was his fight for them both.

But, he swallowed that bitter pride that burned in the back of his throat and allowed himself to aid her as her silent shadow. He sees it then, the old Tadokoro spouting forward as she begins to hyperventilate. In her anxiety riddled panic, he could see her unsteady balance, trembling hands, and dazed expression. Her vision was tunneling for too quickly for her to concentrate on anything else. Pursing his lips, he shook his head. That simply won't do.

So he teaches her the oldest trick in the book; A well-deserved smack on the back of the hands. For the most part, the little trick had worked and they scraped themselves out of the situation that he had created in the first place.

He's pleased but not all that surprised. He knew, perhaps more than anyone in that room, how talent Tadokoro could be. He feels nothing but pride when she is acknowledged for her own talent. The slightest bit of relief hits him after when he realizes that he doesn't always doesn't need to be beside her when she competes. At least, this time, she managed to grow up more and realize her own self-worth.

But Tadokoro is an emotional sweetheart by default and she eventually crumbles with all the elation brimming within her tiny body. It bursts forth like a tidal wave and she is left on her knees, sobbing hard as though her own life depended on it. He gives her a gentle smile, pushing forward and helping her up.

It is then when she crumbles against him, her slender body molding itself against him, as she buried her face against his chest. She heaves briefly, sucking in air enough to calm her dazed mind. Briefly, he feels her shaky breath tickle his collar bone and he can't help the bemused smile that gathers in his lips. Swiftly, he gathers her in his arms and squeezes her tight, his mind likening her soft warmth to that of a stuffed bear. She's cuddly, he gathers as much, and quite lovable.

Apparently, he's not the only one that feels this way. He could hear Hinako Inui practically swoon, practically vibrating in her spot as she squealed about how utterly cute Tadokoro was. Even Donato Gotoda could be heard with the myriad of praises squawking around them as he compared her to a sweet meadow. Despite all the praise these masters were sending her way, Tadokoro seemed to shrink against him as she shivered.

Pressing a cheek against her forehead, he whispered out, "Good job Tadokoro." Momentarily, he felt her shift and he looked down to see her staring back at him with a certain awe he couldn't quite place. And suddenly, her eyes watered once more as her face brightened a beet red. "Tadokoro?" he ventured out cautiously as he squeezed her once more. Almost instantly, she quivered under his gaze and went completely rigid. What?

"S-Soma- kun!"


"T…T-too close!" she suddenly cried out, a quick burst of energy rocketing within her as she tore herself away in a frenzy. Soma felt the momentum before he registered the pain of her jutting knee hitting his groin full force. In some ways, he almost expected this response from her. And in other ways, he wasn't expecting it at all. All the same, the pain almost blinded him until he crumpled into the floor in agony.

"…T…ugh," he managed to whimper out before he felt Tadokoro's warm hands on his shoulders. This too, he supposed, was a reflex action that was expected to her. After all, she was the type of girl who believed in a certain kind of modesty that he apparently had breached without knowing. All the same, she was also the type to disregard his stupidity and care for his well-being. Really, she was almost bipolar that way.

"I'm sorry!" she cried out apologetically as she crouched next to him in a sweat, "I-I..It was a reflex!"

A sharp whistle broke their moment of humor and he looked up shaking at the more than amused alumni still standing in front of them. For the most part, they were staring at them with the sense of nostalgia that he almost couldn't identify with. With the exception of Hinako who was silently fuming in her corner about kidnapping yokai or something he didn't remotely understand.

"My my," Hitoshi Sekimori remarked with a light grin, "doesn't this take you back."

"If you say so," Fuyumi Mizuhara quipped from her seat.

And just like that the moment was broken almost stupidly as Megumi picked herself up, stumbling almost, and sputtering forth high-pitched apologies in her frenzied state. And as Soma lay on the ground, groin pounding as he tried his best not to move to avoid the certain sharp pain that would erupt if he twitched, he couldn't help but let out a bitter chuckle. It was a bittersweet victory, he knew, but somehow he couldn't find the will to be as frustrated as he felt before.

Perhaps it was because the situation had ended up so comically and ironically, he was just a relief now. Perhaps it was because he was in the presence of an eternally peace-wielding individual like Tadokoro. Or perhaps, his mind slithered in another after thought, he liked the feel of Tadokoro against him. Maybe.

"Soma-kun! I'm really sorry! I didn't know I was going to hit you in the groin!"

And also, maybe not.


Okay, well that's it for now. Haha. I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I guess this is going to be the fanfiction that I will forever keep adding into when I see sweet couples doing their thing as I drink my coffee alone in some obscure coffee shop. Yep. That's it. Happy Valentines everyone. Haha.

Ah, but first, I suppose I should say why I chose SomaXMegumi instead of the ever so popular (and rather shockingly obvious and inevitable) SomaXErina. Well, uh, my friends begged me to make one of them. Haha.

And of course,I found it a better dynamic I guess? I totally understand how Erina was practically made for Soma in that whole spiel his father gave about, "cooking who you want to like your cooking" and all that. But, I suppose that's what turned me off with this couple. It's rather obvious to me how their dynamic will work. Therefore, I wasn't as interested in exploring it. I'd rather like to see how Megumi and Soma's dynamic is, especially towards each other in a real cooking competition against each other. I can clearly imagine how it would be for Erina and Soma (hell, it would literally be like watching uhm….a NarutoXSasuke fight? Inevitable. Long. Dramatic. And lots of lights, ungodly screams, and passionate proclamations.) Yes, Megumi and Soma appealed to me more. On the other case, this is also clearly a harem anime as well so… he won't end up with anyone. Let's leave the readers to decide and start fanwars on them! Yay!

As for Ryo and Alice, uh…why not? I honestly thought they were engaged when I first watched the anime, but maybe it's just me? Anyway, this author's note is getting far too long. Until next time.

Troublesome-monkey-dono singing out!