Reviews for Pieces
Guest chapter 6 . 4/29/2018
Soooooo adorable, thank you
venz07 chapter 6 . 12/18/2016
I really really wanted for the series to show their reconciliation like this! Thank you for one of the best supergirl fanfics I've read! :D
Tear of Light chapter 6 . 9/23/2016
Beautiful. Truly beautiful. :)
Spitfire303 chapter 6 . 4/20/2016
DetectiveBen chapter 6 . 4/10/2016
awesome. loved the sibling bonding moments and the sisterly love and fierce protection between the two characters
theway.youare13 chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
damn that was good! I love alex
darkjewelledassassin chapter 6 . 4/1/2016
I can't believe it took me this long to finally read this! It's brilliant and tear-inducing and all sorts of love with the subtle Max/Alex. I now know where the locket comes from and why it means so much as well. Great writing, can't wait for #6 in the series!
ReadtoRelax chapter 6 . 3/12/2016
Beautiful ending to a sad but loving story. Nicely written.
Yo chapter 6 . 3/10/2016
Love. Love. Love. I love this story! And I am sad to see it end.
I hope you write more for this pairing soon. Great job!
BetterinTexas chapter 6 . 3/11/2016
Great job. Loved it.
Onora chapter 6 . 3/10/2016
That was a great sister story. You did a nice job of showing how much they care for each other.
sdia75 chapter 6 . 3/10/2016
wow what an outstanding finale. One of the best stories I've read for all fandom so.
Alex waking up me panicking why Kara isn't awake.
Alex's reaction When she found out J'onn revealed himself to her mum!
Kara and Alex talking about what Kara encountered when she went inside Alex's head
Maxwell Lord flirting with Alex.
All great moments.
But the most beautiful was Kara giving Alex that locket!
Oh my nearly made me cry!
Indeed they are stronger together.

Two thumbs up on a brilliant piece :)
Guest chapter 5 . 3/6/2016
Oh my god..this is amazing! YOU are amazing! The writing style is capturing & the plot is awesome! Pls continue soon I can't wait to see what happens
ReadtoRelax chapter 5 . 3/7/2016
Wow, I truly hope Kara can bring Alex home. I feel the pain of both girls.
sdia75 chapter 5 . 3/7/2016
What a superb and powerful chapter. Kara's experiences as she wandered through Alex's mind were just so well done I felt as if I was walking through Alex's mind.
1st all the feelings of despair and sadness.
Then Eliza and Jeremiah both telling Kara that Alex is happy now and doesn't need her and J'onn saying Alex is at peace. Jeremiah saying that he's so proud both of them grew up to be strong, intelligent and beautiful women ( love that by the way as its so true) but that Alex can't handle the stress of the world.
Kara telling Alex that she needs her and that she forgives her even tho she doesn't know what she would hav done in her position. The illusion of Astra and Alura saying that Alex saw that in Kara's perfect world Kara didn't need Alex. OMG I was getting like so emotional reading this. Can't remember another time a story had such an effect on me. Maybe in 2012 when I was reading an LA one!
I hop some of these aspects will be addressed in the show. Like Kara and Alex never talked properly on what Kara's dream state/ideal world on Krypton meant either right?
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