Reviews for Take Me As I Am
beachblonde2244 chapter 41 . 2/9
Awe! Such a sweet ending
beachblonde2244 chapter 29 . 2/5
I literally gasped out loud when he said that to her. Like a knife to the chest. He’s certainly a surgeon alright... knows how to cut deep even with his words.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 41 . 1/3
This story would make a lovely film. Beautifully written, thank you.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 39 . 1/3
WOW! So well written. I am crying, even though I am sure the outcome will be good, your writing is just so heartbreaking.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 35 . 1/3
This story is a wonderful, clever mix of the pain that RL often brings threaded through hilarious scenes that could only exist in fiction. Superb.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 31 . 1/2
Extreme or what! I can see where he is coming from but not the brightest move. Edward being able to father children kept certain options open.

This is honest angst at its best.
ChrisDGoosey chapter 9 . 1/2
Well, that got rid of that problem nicely!
ChrisDGoosey chapter 8 . 1/2
Your Bella characters rock!
ChrisDGoosey chapter 6 . 1/2
Brilliant! Hotting up nicely
ChrisDGoosey chapter 5 . 1/2
This is simply fun. It’s what makes fanfic brilliant- you can write your characters how the hell you want as no one is forced to read if they don’t want to. This is why I don’t understand the criticism that is levelled at some fics where there seems to be an expectation that they should be politically correct or champion whatever social message is en vogue. If that is an author’s choice then so be it, but it is up to the author. This is my way of trying to say ‘go for it’. It doesn’t matter if it’s not considered professional, it’s only fanfic and it’s certainly fun.

By the way, still trying to come to terms with a cool Tanya, but I’ll get there!
ChrisDGoosey chapter 1 . 1/2
OK, I can work with blonde.
diamondnightskies chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
Yeah...just based on the apparent place to live argument it doesn't really sound like they want the same things out of life at all! Plus he's been with the chick for a year, is planning to live with her, and even in his own thoughts he only thinks that he likes her?
TwiTwiAgain chapter 41 . 10/5/2019
Loved reading this straight through. Thank you for sharing your writing talent.
TwiTwiAgain chapter 29 . 10/5/2019
You’re right. People do say mean things to the ones they love :(
TwiTwiAgain chapter 28 . 10/5/2019
Lauren is craycray! And E and B have a great connection.

And by the way, it’s “GIRD your loins” not guard. I love that quote. So funny in Devil wears Prada!
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