Reviews for Someplace to Sleep
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2019
this is so cute omgg
This Is Sarcasm chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Okay, this was cute.
Mystery chapter 1 . 12/8/2017
Omg! I love it Prompto is so cute! I can totally see all this happening. Good job.
damnationSUSHItruck chapter 1 . 12/28/2016
This is so adorable. After actually playing the game and becoming so familiar with the party, I could totally envision every single thing going on there in that motel room, especially Prompto's childish enthusiasm for the most mundane of things! Haha, all in all, lovely one shot. I'll be sure to check out more from you because this was so heart warming.
fiftyshadesofanimetrash chapter 1 . 8/31/2016
Wow, great one-shot! I'm just breaking into the FFXV Fandom, and I have to say I love a lot of people's creations on here! Very fun headcanons and ideas in these one-shots that make me smile. :)

I especially admire that all of the characters I see are beautifully written- I can hear Prompto's voice in my head when I read what he says- if that isn't too odd sounding!

I laughed at Prompto's creation of the 'fort.' Poor Noctis, just out of the shower... ( Though I love both of them...can you tell I'm a Prompto fangirl, though? xD) Keep it up. :)
LadyAriadna chapter 1 . 7/16/2016
Lol xD that's so Prompto. I love it! Mama Ignis almost had an aneurism. Thanks for the fic!