Reviews for Harry Potter's Bloody Path
AutumnXIIIRain chapter 4 . 7/19
James potter is James Charles confirmed
R chapter 12 . 7/10
So... you dont see ANY issue with him screwing his own soul-slayer? None at all? Besides the impossibility of children, or the fact that he is in effect fucking a part of his own soul?

Or do you mean to say that out of the entirety of hogwarts there is not a single girl aside from luna that could interesr him enough for at least sex?
Guest chapter 24 . 7/7
Great chapter. Looking forward to the next one.
The Deck Master chapter 18 . 7/3
I mean, no country does out rage like America, we kinda pride ourselves on being the best at everything even when we clearly not.
Rairi Valelira chapter 23 . 6/30
Disgusting... almost want to let my sadistic and violent side out... but then remeber this is just fiction. Nobody to punish for that... ~ or is there...? Nah.
Rairi Valelira chapter 14 . 6/30
Oh shi... love nectar cookies strike again
Bb34 chapter 4 . 6/8
Wtf Ginny
Pravus666 chapter 24 . 5/30
This was one hell of a chapter and nice to see that your doing great and everything. I do have one question concerning Harry's Benihime.

That being when he does eventually learn Bankai, how will it be different from what Urahara's is. Considering that from what we did see Urahara's was of reconstruction and unraveling and stitching things back together to make them drastically stronger and improved and allowing someone to regenerate a lost limb or possibly new stronger internal organs. So as such will Harry's be the reverse of such and deconstructing and pure annihilating power or something to do with using blood magic/energy to just caustically destroy and tear apart stuff? Just something I was wondering.

Furthermore since the main cast of Bleach is in here with the Ichigo and Rukia and everyone. I do wonder if any of Aizen's Espada that is if Aizen is still around as I don't know if this takes place after Fake Karakura Town or before it. But if it does take place before then I do wonder if that means Aizen is watching Harry and company considering that Aizen ain't stupid and would probably be looking at Harry in wanting to have him join on with them.

By the way at the rate that Ginny is eating souls and coming closer and closer to hollowfying. I do wonder that once she does, how far will it go before someone stops her. Because at the rate she's going if left unchecked she could very well turn into a Gillian or an Adjuchas class of Hollows. Because for some reason I do imagine her hollowfied state taking on some warped version of a succubus, since she's lusting after Harry so much and is getting this increasing lust for devouring souls that it drives her to devour more and more until she becomes a succubi like hollow...except I'd imagine you'd make it look far more monstrous.

Anyways, nice to see you write again.
Corkscrew chapter 24 . 5/9
Great chapter i'm hoping dumbledork gets his soon, also out of curiosity is there any upcoming anime you're looking forward to? One anime i'm looking forward to seeing in july is God of highschool which is based on a Korean manga.
Ashkan Dehno chapter 24 . 5/7
Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far
zorokun21 chapter 2 . 5/6
В какой это момент на четвёртом курсе Гарри познакомился с Луной хм?
aSleepyPenguin chapter 22 . 5/5
Holy sh*t, Colin!
setokayba2n chapter 24 . 4/28
Good chapter... Waiting for the next
ChaosChap64 chapter 24 . 4/27
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH, you scared me I forgot this story exsisted it was so good that i had it pinned in my browser on my previous pc then it died and i forgot after my new one came is now re-pinned and will be until it is finished great magnificent beautiful, etc. chapter by the way.
SapphireAsashi chapter 24 . 4/26
Cannot wait for it all to come crashing down on them and nevermind the wait, you gotta do what you gotta do in real life.
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