Reviews for The Keeper of the Void
Phantomfray chapter 26 . 10/14/2018
This story is amazing! When you were writing Frisk on the surface I was supprised by how fresh, alive, and new this story felt. That feeling only increased drastically with how you wrote the Underground. It's so easy for Undertale fanfiction to fall into stagnant angst with the misery of resets but not here. Its great how you have Frisk more personality in the beginning, you made her a bookworm and established how she fit in and making Mount Ebbot a park rather than a Mount Olympic like mystery mountain that no professionals care enough about to check out was genius. I love how you described Toriel, her looking like a powerful white lion more than a goat is probably my new headcanon. And the changes from the canon storyline are fascinating. Flowey not showing up, Toriel offering to teach Frisk self defense, Toriel not fighting Frisk but fighting to protect Frisk. Gyftrot looking super cool and offering Frisk a ride, which makes sense because he is a loner who is happy to be undeccorated and avoids potential probamatic people which makes the trip safe. Just skipping Papyrus as a whole. The innkeeper just being absolutely wonderful. You have a lot of OC's but they make sense and are really cool and the mental image of Frisk running around with a bunch of monster children as a child themselves warms my heart. And the little cross culture interactions like the whole other kids being baffled at Frisk's hair and the joking "you sure your not a monster" when the shoes fit and the innkeeper and kids knowing they are human but not mentioning it or asking questions is extremely well written. Basically this is a beautiful fanfiction because of how it builds off of and expands from canon in new and creative directions while still being true to where it came from and how it's changing.
imnotraven16 chapter 26 . 7/7/2017
awesome chapter
MemorySteel chapter 26 . 6/30/2017
Why such the heavy emphasis on hand gestures hmm
I almost started giggling out loud on "what was I doing all this time when I could've had caramel in my life", THIS IS TRULY THE WORK OF A MASTER lol
I aspire to one day become as good at fluff as you. I hope you have a good day, and may the stars watch over you!
SaintHeartwing chapter 25 . 6/29/2017
What about the whole "man who spoke in hands" thing? He kinda hasn't shown up in ages. It's been mostly just...well...everyday life stuff. This isn't really "suspenseful". Or "supernatural". Kinda comes off like false advertising.
MemorySteel chapter 20 . 6/2/2017
Ahhhhh~ this is good. Very few grammar/spelling errors, vivid settings, likeable and relatable characters, a nice plot bubbling away on the stove and purple radishes.
... Nope, wait, my bad. Onions. ; )
P.S. holy moly your art is awesome mon
LegoGirl794 chapter 8 . 6/2/2017
Gaster! Stop throwing Frisk around!
moongoddess217 chapter 17 . 2/8/2017
Omg Frisk as a bookworm is so cute! I really like this story it's very interesting!
Catsrawesome chapter 7 . 2/7/2017
I really like this idea! Definitely one of the more creative stories in this fandom.
Drakon Silverwing chapter 13 . 1/4/2017
Yet another Splendid chapter. Keep up the hard work. We all respect you for you, you know.
Guest chapter 13 . 12/19/2016
Oh man, sans is a crafty one is this fic! Haha great chapter can't wait for the next one!
Guest chapter 11 . 12/6/2016
Oh my, I am hanging on the edge of my seat screaming. I can't wait to see what happens next! Please continue to update. I will be looking forward to the next chapter!
Drakon Silverwing chapter 10 . 11/28/2016
awww... Don't leave me hangin'.
Nobody chapter 9 . 9/4/2016
What in...? Woah. That got intense.
This is some incredible writing. I can see how much effort has gone into this. (Applauds) Excellent work.
Disney Syndulla chapter 7 . 9/1/2016
Ugh this is adorable gophers my feels
Midnight Freesia chapter 6 . 8/29/2016
Hm, this story has definitely not enough comments to its quality. So, where to start... Personally, I really like when people try to give Frisk some actual background and more clear personality - and yours version is very nicely done. It maybe took whole 6 chapters of the story before Frisk have even fallen but I think it was mostly worth the delay - it introduced the basics of Frisk's personality, some of her motivations, how she perceives and interacts with people around her. Those nice details build a solid picture of who she is and give a perspective for her future decisions.
I also really like your version of Monster-Human War myth and the status of Mt. Ebott - I don't know, mixing it with native tribes' legends just sounds so cool. And Mt. Ebott only gains its cursed status for short time, with no one wiser? Nice, definitely better than leaving it as desolate, shady place.
Gaster's involvement is also very interesting, especially with interfering in the dreams and showing Frisk those memories of the past. Still, it's still questionable if he's a trustworthy character - he was so pushy and at moments very rude in influencing Frisk. Maybe this Gaster can see timelines and his actions are for the best interest of everyone, including Frisk, but as far as we know, he can also intentionally lead the girl to her death at monsters' hands, no matter what he really feels about it (because it'd be a soul for breaking the barrier, war with humans, all that jazz). Who knows, maybe he was the one who brought the other six children to Mt. Ebott, in similar way as Frisk, with the same intentions?
I'm very curious how it's going to turn out to be.
Well, now I'm only waiting to see how this story's version of Underground is like. Good luck and thank you for writing this! :)
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