Reviews for The Fire behind the Ice
TheWritingM3w chapter 35 . 5/10
Super exciting story, I hope you can finish it someday, but meanwhile I'll keep an eye on it
Rivy chapter 7 . 1/30/2018
I have some notes about this story. It is creative, since I've never seen one with Hans also having powers, and knowing Elsa since very young. That been said, I believe you should revisit your writing. It is very difficult to discern where they are, and the change between scenes. The time is also confusing, in this chapter for example, it seems like the northern borders are just half an hour from the castle, and it was very difficult to understand the whole scene, from them leaving the castle to arriving the northern borders.
Another thing I want to point out is the inconsistency. Of their fathers are so afraid for their safety, how they can send a lot of soldiers just for Elsa to visit the market, but both the kids can go traveling with only the Duke as protection?
Look, you have potential here, but right now everything is just too confusing to make sense.
jeisridhar chapter 7 . 12/9/2017
I can see that you have been inspired by the Lion King
Miaka chapter 26 . 5/12/2017
I like how Mimir pointed out how knowing too much can change fate. I still haven't gotten around to reading too much about Norse myths but it seems like Odin's craving of omniscience was a big problem! Could not learning about the future have prevented Ragnarok?

So that's how Odin lost his eye.

I wonder who the mysterious figure who caused the ship wreck and corruption of the Heptagon Order is! Looking forward to the plot twists :)
Miaka chapter 25 . 5/9/2017
Ooooh, so the regaining of Hans's and Elsa's powers would help Yggdrasil? Lol, it was cute when Elsa threw a snowball at him to distract him. Interesting how they both use Anna as an excuse to argue.

...and then the truth comes out: they're both haunted by the past still!

Interesting outburst from Haakon about the own losses he's faced in life. I guess at over 800 years old, you'd have seen a lot! That definitely give more depth and sympathy to his character.
Miaka chapter 24 . 4/23/2017
That was a sweet moment in the cabin between Elsa and Hans. At least they're honest with each other about their feelings, even if Hans can't yet tell her the whole truth.

Ahhh, so THAT'S why Skadi betrayed Loki. I get it now; she had to put her children first. Thank you for including this flashback! It clarified some things. What a jerk Odin is though... he already had a wife and lovers, no? :( Gahhh, I know, a lot of old gods were jerks.

Lol, Lars waking them up while they're all cuddly was funny. Whoohoo, Hans's fire! :D
Miaka chapter 23 . 4/10/2017
Interesting to see Hans's internal struggle to try and differentiate between the present and past identities.

Haakon's justifications for the actions of his order were intriguing. So they started out doing it to preserve the balance between Yggdrasil and magic users... and of course, they were corrupted by power and longevity. Totally makes sense.

Ahh, so he actually feels remorse about the queen's death. It seems like his heart's in the right place now, but I guess time will tell!
Miaka chapter 22 . 4/3/2017
Welp, so much for the sisters making up... this was a very dramatic difference in how that meeting between the sisters at Elsa's ice palace went. :o Yet it makes total sense with the changes you've made to the original plot. I could feel sorry for both sisters.
yubima-chan chapter 34 . 4/2/2017
I really need to see these miths in deep.

But... Im the same as you, univeesity is horrible with time.

Love the chapter, and please continue

Mmm who is Idun? I forgot.
Guest chapter 34 . 4/2/2017
Poor Elsa shouldn't have to be the one who run away at all, should she?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
Ohhhh I love that movie! I knew the lyrics from the start too!

Elsa and Hans: How I’d like to run
Elsa: This is not my idea
Hans: This isn’t my idea
Elsa and Hans: Of fun!
Miaka chapter 21 . 3/15/2017
Anna's opening moments with her confiding in and singing the song to Sven were very touching! Awww, Kristoff's a softie. ;)

Hmmm, Haakon is up to something, isn't he? All that talk about Yggdrasil and repeating cycles...
Miaka chapter 20 . 3/14/2017
Hmm... okay, I know you mentioned earlier that Anna would mature a bit once she met Kristoff. I'm wondering if the two of them are going to just be friends in this or if Nickolaj is going to turn out to be not-so-great? Or maybe something happens to Nickolaj? You don't have to comment on any of this if it'll spoil things. :P I'm just speculating!

Nice use of the coronation ball scene with Nickolaj as the new unexpected fiancee figure. Elsa attempt to keep control but but ultimate loss of it was well-written too.

LOL I love the first meeting between Kristoff and Anna, the haggling and all. Kristoff's so snarky and Anna's all indignant... I'm looking forward to whatever develops between them. :D

So you're bringing Norse myth into this story too! Cool!
Miaka chapter 19 . 3/13/2017
Glad to see you worked up the motivation to update this. Though I guess I failed my challenge to catch up before that. :P That's okay!

Oof, seems like Elsa blames Hans and Lars for not preventing the attempt on her life three years before. She's totally right about letter-writing though. You can alter too much in a letter. It's much different than interacting in person, even though I happen to love letters myself. There's just something about them... I guess the fact that you can make little changes and revisions (much like writing) allows the wording to be more eloquent... but maybe less sincere. :o Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent. I just like how Elsa thought of that.

Nice, so Nickolaj ends up being the one that runs into Anna on the docks. :o Lol, Hans's misunderstanding there was fairly amusing.

Aww, Anna. So naive. I don't blame Hans for being impatient with her about the secret passageway. Silly girl. D:

Whoa. That was an intense dream! And a distant memory seemed to possess him for a second there.

LOL Elsa's reaction when Hans asks her to dance was hilarious! Hmmm... they're not off to a great start. But I guess it's only natural for them to be unsure of one another. Judging from the flashes of the past and future, it seems like things are going to go very wrong before they get better.
yubima-chan chapter 33 . 3/12/2017
He had to blow the horn to racknarok start?

More please, and wth is blar?!
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