The first meeting.

"Come on Hans!" scolded his mother as she held a ferm grip on her youngest son towards the entrance of the castle"We don't want to be late!"

You mean, YOU don't want to be late. Why did he have to babysit a child, a girl no less?! The youngest prince huffed, thinking himself already as an adult compared to the princess of Arendelle. 2 years, after all, was for him a great difference in age.

"Johannes, stop hopping!" snapped his mother when she saw her child becoming restless. "And smile for goodness sake!"

Hans winced when his mother used his full name. He knew things were serious when she did that. As the king of Arendelle and his daughter walked down the plank of the boat, he mustered up a smile towards the two.

"Your majesty!" smiled his mother warmly as she courtised before him. "Welcome to the Southern Isles. I hope your travel was safe?"

"Thank you." answered the King politely. "The voyage went very smoothly." Hans swallowed when he saw the King's eyes on him. He was so tall… The child immediately felt intimidated. "And you must be Hans no doubt." Smiled the King to the young prince. "Quite a strapping boy already!"

"Thank you sir" answered Hans as he bowed his head. The prince bit his lip as he did the gesture. Hopefully he had done it right? Although he didn't like to babysit the princess, he didn't want to shame his family name either.

"Hans, I'd like to introduce you to Elsa, my eldest daughter"

Hans nearly made a face; so he had another, younger red-faced cry-baby as well? God, lets hope he never meets her! The prince's eyes travelled from the King's to the princess, who was ushered forward by her father. At the same time, the prince felt his mother's hand push at his back as well. He nearly snapped at her; he was a man, not a baby! But again, they were with guests. It wouldn't be proper to act towards his mother in front of them…

"Now, Hans, introduce yourself" spoke the Queen to her son.

This time, the prince couldn't conceal his displeasure when Elsa extended her hand. He had to kiss her hand. He didn't want to speak with her; let alone touch her...

Meanwhile the young crown princess felt her annoyance rise with the minute as she held her hand extended to the prince. Just get it over with already!

Quick as lightening, the prince took her hand and pressed a kiss on it. Yuck. Immediately after, Hans swiped his mouth clean and stepped backwards again. "Pleasure to meet you my lady." Grumbled the young prince. He could already feel his mother's displeasure – no doubt he would get a preach about his manners later on.

"Likewise" nodded Elsa as she courtised a bit wobbly before the prince. His hand was warm – not like her father's hands, but scorching hot. She immediately retreated them once Hans had placed a kiss on it. Her father said that he would help to control her powers. Elsa nearly rolled her eyes; she had her gloves! She didn't need to be with this brat!

"I can't believe I'm stuck with her all summer." Grumbled Hans under his breath.

He looks conceited. narrowed Elsa her eyes when she took his arrogant stance in.

What a total bummer. Hans felt his fingers grow hot from both his anger and annoyance.

If I get lucky I get chicken pox.

"The children seem to get along quite nicely." Smiled the queen as she let Agdarr inside.

"We'll join our lands if this arrangement clicks" agreed the King as they sat down.

"Stop following me!" growled Hans once they were out of their parent's watch. He pushed Elsa away from him. "I'm not your maid!" His reputation with his brothers was ruined thanks to her. If only she wasn't here…

An idea clicked inside the prince's head. If their parents saw how they didn't got along with each other, perhaps the deal would be put on hold. Then, he didn't need to babysit her every summer. his brothers would stop teasing him. Hans smirked proudly for thinking of such a great plan. When neither adults looked, the prince let a small flame descend on the queen's tiara.

Elsa yelped when the tiara began to get too hot on her hair, and she threw it away, blistering her fingers by the hot metal.

"You need to teach me to control my magic!" retorted Elsa as she ran behind the prince. Her short legs couldn't keep up yet, and the princess huffed heavily. "Not bully me!"

"I can do whatever I want. Just because you are the crown princess doesn't mean everything in the world evolves around you!" answered Hans, not caring if the princess couldn't keep up with him. Elsa narrowed her eyes, and let frost appear under the prince's feet, causing him to fall on the ground "AH!" Hans rubbed the sore place on his head and turned his glowing eyes towards the princess. "You little wrench!" spat the prince, not yet fully understanding the true meaning of the word. He knew it was something insulting – he had heard his brothers say it once, and the young child just copied the word from his siblings whom he admired so.

Fire burst out of the prince' hand towards the princess, who skilfully ducked from his attack. However, the fire didn't miss its target – the books Elsa had brought with her, caught fire instead. Not soon after, the table close to the books, and the curtain next to it, burst into flames as well.

No!" Elsa waved her hands, and the fire immediately stopped when frost began to cover the burning area, making the whole room steam from the smoke. While Hans opened the window to let the toxic gas out, The princess ran towards the table to pick up her books – the pages were crisped, some of them even black. Elsa's eyes filled with tears and she stood up to face the prince who had caused this.

"You burned my books!" screeched Elsa angrily. To a child, their possessions were truly precious and the young princess tackled the prince down, causing his vest to be coated completely with frost. After beating each other up for a few seconds, Hans managed to get the upper hand.

"Well, you shouldn't have annoyed me!" spat Hans as he threw the toddler down a bit too harsh.

"ah!" Tears sprung in Elsa's eyes when she felt uncomfortably on her arm and her lip began to tremble.

Oh god… Hans let a deep breath out. He knew what was coming next. Three… two…one…

The princess began to cry and the prince covered his ears to shut her whailing out.

"Hans, what's going on here?!" the door burst open and both the king of Arendelle and his mother came in, taking in the situation.

"Nothing mother." Spoke the prince with an innocent face. "I… we… lost a bit control of our magic" spoke Hans with a small voice when he saw the slightly burned table and curtain.

The queen looked to the crisped books and the frost on Hans' vest. "Oh my… Let's get you both patched up."

Hans nearly smiled when they both were let out of the room to the nurse. Perhaps now their parents would see that they weren't meant for one another. "so… I guess the deal is off then?" spoke the prince with a hopeful voice. Elsa's eyes too, lit up at the foresight of not being with the prince anymore.

"Nonsense boy" smiled Agdarr. "It seems you both need more practise to master your emotions – by being with each other, you can counter the other's magic in case something goes wrong"

Both children groaned in annoyance and their eyes locked, speaking the same message.

I hate you.


This is BEFORE Anna's accident. Hans is 23 in the movie, Elsa 21, and Anna 18. Meaning that Anna only 2 years old when Hans and Elsa meet.

The story was inspired by "the swan princess".