Reviews for The Mix Up
lalilinford chapter 6 . 7/25
I loved. Good that you came back love your story and I miss cory and finchel a lot and reading fanfic helps me remember it and keep it alive in my heart but sadly some have stopped writing but I am glad that you have encouraged yourself and I will keep an eye on your update
Guest chapter 6 . 7/22
One of my favourite stories is back!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/22
Loved this chapter! Went back and reread the others.
Can’t wait for more!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/26/2018
Post soon! I like reading new Finchel stories... and yours is really great!
Bev beltz chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
Hi. I am real happy you decided to up date this finchel fic .i hope it is not too long before you give us another chapter .cant wait .
playtime2507 chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
Oh wow...I had forgotten about this story, I'm glad you haven't given up on it because its so good! I love the humor!
guest chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
Enjoyed this chapter-hoping for more soon!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
Just found this today and I really like it. Update when you can :)
Guest chapter 5 . 2/8/2018
OMG you’re back. Just keep updating when you can cuz it is really getting good. Stanosky is out. Sounds like not all couples are really couples just like Finchel. But it sounds like they might end up as one in the end, whether they win or not. Loves it.
vickstick chapter 5 . 2/7/2018
Love it can't wait for more
vickstick chapter 4 . 8/20/2017
Glad your back... Love it can't wait for more
Bev beltz chapter 3 . 7/24/2017
Omg , you don't have a problem with humour .this is freaking hilarious . If you decide to continue writing finchel fics please email me .
Lizfinchel chapter 4 . 6/29/2017
It seems like Karofsky will do anything to win the competition even it than means hurting the rivals. I kinda nervous about that. Oh I love how Finn starts to notice Rachel more and more as an attractive woman rather than his childhood nemesis . Loved this chapter but kinda miss the hysterical bickers just like in previous chapters, I hope we'll get to see those more in future chapters ;)
algold29 chapter 4 . 6/28/2017
I loved reading this chapter. I really enjoy the subtle responses they are having towards each other. I love the slow build of the story. I wish they would kiss when alone out of reflex after acting all day. Seeing their emotions after that would be fun!
nona0310 chapter 4 . 6/28/2017
Hi... I loved this chapter, it was so funny and sweet! Thank you so much for the update
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